chaz + mono= madness...

wow - more people are liking the story...this is awesome!!!! ok, here's the next bit - i hope you like it!!!

chester: what time is it???
ryu: 2:25
chester: ugh...i don't wanna wake up.....dammit....
mike: go back to sleep then; i won't bother you...
chester: nah, i'm already too awake...
mike: sorry about that *looks at chester's eyes*, you're pretty burnt there, aren't you....
chester: *sarcastically* like you'd know...god, i've not felt like this since i was 17 man...i hate this....
ryu: are you not used to this chaz???
chester: no, i'm used to it...i've just not felt it in feels odd...
mike: is that why you quit???
chester: no, my mom got me to....she said i looked like one of those kids out of Auschwitz and it kind of scared me, i i just quit....
ryu: wow...very inspiring story chazzy, but we gotta get going...
chester: *pouting* thanks for making me feel all special...
mike: it's not you chaz...i have a thing with holly this afternoon, and we slept late...
chester: oh, i see...*lies back in bed*
mike: she was interested in seeing you...
chester: *smiling a little* really???
mike: yeah...when i talked to her on tuesday, when you were still sick, she wanted me to tell you to feel better....
chester: she's a nice kid....and a great singer...
ryu: umm, mike, you better put some decent pants on before she comes
mike: don't you said, i have time
ryu: umm...alrighty guys want breakfast??
chester: you mean lunch
ryu: haha...come on, let's get out of here
*the three of them walk downstairs to the kitchen*
mike: i'm starved...
chester: me too...we didn't get our pizza last night!!!!
ryu: yeah!!! that guy owes us $13!!!!
mike: oh don't worry...i think he's gonna owe us more once the cops are done with him
chester: what are you saying; are we gonna file a civil suit with this guy or something???
mike: i'm considering it...after what he did to the both of us, he deserves to fork up some cash
*suddenly, the doorbell rings*
mike: i got it
*mike walks to the front door and opens it. holly is standing on the front porch, staring at mike*
holly: hey mike...i heard you guys had a late night last night...did you just wake up???
mike: i've been up for a half hour or something....why do you ask???
holly: ummm.....*stares at mike's pajama pants. mike looks down*
mike: oh....*face turns crimson*....ummm.....i'll be right back....ummm....chester's in the kitchen if you wanna see him.....
*mike runs upstairs and goes to his room. he changes into a pair of jeans and runs back downstairs*

i'm gonna go...gotta think some more....bye!!!!
ok guys!!! i'm back and ready to update!!!! lol...

*mike runs into the kitchen and consequently slides along the floor, almost running into the kitchen table where chester and holly are sitting*
mike: whoa...sorry about that guys...
chester: it's cool...
holly: you didn't have to run down here just for me...
mike: it's really unprofessional though...
holly: you're at home though...
mike: i get your, you wanna record that stuff now or what???
holly: whenever you're ready, i'm ready....oh, and by the way, my mom brought some soup for chaz
chester: really???
holly: yeah, it's chicken noodle, i think...or something....i don't remember
chester: whatever it is, it's probably really good...thanks a lot holly...
holly: no problem
*holly records with mike for a few hours while the others hang out and do things*
holly: ok, i think that's everything...thanks for letting me record here; it was really fun..
mike: no problem. come back any time...hey, do you want to stay for dinner??
holly: sure; what are we having???
brad: i'm sure mike'll break out the sushi...
mike: oh god....*shakes head* i'll run out and get some...anyone wanna come with me???
phoenix: sure's getting harder to think of stuff....i can't believe this story's almost over....i'll try to think of some more
hey guys!!! just got a burst of inspiration!!!! oh and yeah, this story's almost over...we don't want chazzy sick forever here we go!!!

*mike and phoenix get in the linkinmobile and head over to the supermarket*
mike: i'll look for the sushi, you can look for whatever you want to eat...
phoenix: are you kidding with me???
mike: yeah. do you want chicken wings???
phoenix: sure. i think the others won't mind, and chaz has his soup so he'll be taken care of..
*the two of them split up. mike goes off to the seafood section to get some sushi for him and holly, while phoenix heads over to deli to get some chicken wings. on the way, he meets lupe in the frozen food aisle*
lupe: hey phi!!! what's crackalatin'???
phoenix: lupe?!?!?!? what are you doing here?!?!?!?!!!
lupe: nothin much; i'm just down for a visit...figured i'd see you guys sometime this week...mike told me chester's been sick??
phoenix: yeah, he's got mono and he's stuck in the house for another week....
lupe: so i've heard....poor guy....
phoenix: well actually he kind of got us out of a scrape yesterday...
lupe: what happened??
phoenix: some a*****e sent us a hash pizza last night
lupe: are you kidding!!!!!!
phoenix: nope!!!! so we ended up calling the cops and chester gave the guy a description of the delivery guy....we didn't get charged!!!!
lupe: go chaz!!!!! so, how's the rest of the linkin crew???
phoenix: mike's here with me...and the others are at home....probably kicking joe's ass at halo
lupe: that's great!!!! where's mike???
phoenix: looking at sushi
lupe: him and his sushi...i've got to get him off of that japanese food
phoenix: dude, that's something you can't do....the japanese food's a part of him...
lupe: i know that, but seriously, some people've gotten sick off of that's ass food i tell ya, ASS FOOD!!!!!!
phoenix: ass food???
lupe: inside joke from the fort minor boards
phoenix: ok
*mike walks over to the frozen food aisle*
mike: lupe!!! i didn't know you were here!!!!
lupe: neither did i, until i found phi phi over here
mike: what's brought you to l.a???
lupe: visiting ryu, you guys, handling some other business...
mike: why don't you come over for dinner then!!! ryu stayed over last night, and holly's over right'll be a big fort minor family type of thing
phoenix: but what about us?!?!?!?!?!
mike: dude - you guys will always be my family....the fort minor guys are like cousins
lupe: *sarcastically* thanks for telling me where i stand mike
mike: dude....i didn't mean it like're extended're family and the guys are family and i'm getting confused...
phoenix: basically everyone's family at our house
mike: yeah. what he said. thanks phi
phoenix: no prob bro
lupe: cool!!! so i'll follow you guys home??
phoenix: know where we live...
lupe: 'course i do!!!
mike: we'll see you up front then!!!
lupe: coolness....
*mike and phoenix get the rest of their food and meet lupe up at checkout. they pay for their produce and leave the supermarket. the three of them return to the linkins and enter the house*
mike: guys!!!! lupe's here!!!!
holly: hey lupe!!!!
lupe: hey holly!!! what's up???
holly: not much; just talking with chazzy
chester: *drowsily* and a little more
mike: oh god, holly!!!! quit messing around with chaz!!! he's sick, remember???
holly: *stammering* we didn't kiss or anything...he just said his back was sore and i was....
mike: i get's ok...just, don't do anything where i'd have to call your mom afterward
holly: *deviously* you wouldn't!!!!!!! i mean, i wouldn't do anything like that anyways...
mike: good girl *pats holly on the head*
holly: haha....*looks at chester, fast asleep on her lap*
*holly rubs chester's shoulder, hoping it will wake him up*
joe: that won't work gotta do THIS!!!!
*joe pours water on chester's face, which consequently pours onto holly's white tshirt*
holly: JOE!!!!!!!!
joe: it works!!!!!
*chester wakes up, sputtering*
chester: i thought i was just dreaming that happened.....*feels his face*......wait....oh gross....*feels his face again and realizes it's just water*....oh....*looks at joe, and then holly* WHY'D YOU GUYS POUR WATER ON MY FACE!!!!!
holly: *giggling* what were you dreaming about!!!!!!
chester: ummmm......*face turns crimson*
everyone: EEEEEEWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!
mike: stop joe...
mike: you really need to stop....
mike: *getting back at joe* JOE'S BEEN CHEATING ON HIS DIET!!!!!!!!!!
everyone except holly and chester: YOU HAVE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
joe: *trying to keep his dignity* NO!!!! I HAVEN'T BEEN CHEATING!!!!!!
*everyone stares at him*
joe: *giving in* OK MAYBE A LITTLE, BUT NOT A LOT!!!!!!
brad: we know all about it joe...
rob: we've smelled the evidence from your room
joe: *feeling quite undignified* DAMN YOU!!!!!!!!!
mike: now say sorry to chaz
joe: *strainedly* sorry chester.
chester: that hurt dude.....really hurt....
joe: are you accepting my apology or not?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
chester: i dunno yet....
joe: *shaking his head* ok then....
chester: i'm gonna wash up for dinner....
joe: *calling after him* YOU KNOW I WAS JOKING, RIGHT!!!!!
chester: yeah, sure....
*chester goes into the bathroom and shuts the door. joe goes back with a shocked look on his face*
joe: why's he so upset???
mike: you know he can't believe you....
joe: why!!!!!
mike: you've pranked him one too many times while he's been's wearing on him....
joe: i was just trying to make him feel better!!!!!
mike: but it didn't....
joe: ok...i won't prank him anymore....
mike: good joe...*pats him on the head*
joe: do i get a cookie???
mike: oh hell no!!!!

i'm gonna go....see ya!!!!
hey guys!!! yes, there is more....i dunno if this'll be the last entry for the story or not, but hang in there...
*the guys sit down and start to have dinner. a few minutes later, chester returns to the kitchen and sits down in his chair. lupe looks at chester, who's being abnormally quiet and somewhat depressed*
lupe: hey chazzy, why the long face???
chester: it's nothing...*stirs his soup*...i can handle it; don't worry...
mike: is this about you being sick???
*chester shakes his head*
rob: is this about joe being a dumbass???
*chester shakes his head again*
brad: what is it then???
chester: i said i could handle it, ok?!?!?!?!?!
phoenix: ok then...
*everyone continues eating. mike, lupe, ryu and holly talk a little about fort minor business, but everyone else is unusually quiet. suddenly mike looks up*
mike: what's gotten into you guys???? you're all so....quiet....
brad: i dunno....
joe: i'm a little tired, to tell you the truth....
chester: yeah, me know how it is...
mike: yeah....
chester: i'm gonna go, ok???
mike: sure....
*chester leaves the table and goes up to bed. after a while, the others disperse and go to their rooms as well. The rest of the week goes slowly, with chester recovering. finally, it's sunday. chester's in his room asleep when mike walks in*
mike: hey, chaz...
chester: *waking up* go away, i'm trying to sleep...
mike: hey, know what day it is???
chester: no
mike: it's sunday....know what that means???
chester: *waking up* i get to leave the house???
mike: YUP!!!!
chester: *ecstatic* YES!!!!!!!!!!! LET'S GET A FRAPPUCINO!!!!
awwww i dont want the story to be over!!!:(:(:(:(:(...yay chaz can leave the house!...i loved it and i hope theres more!
That was a good story, its over, so I dont think you need to do more, but you should do another story, because this one was awesome.