Chaz Solo Album Confirmed

LP In The End

New member
I'm ok with Mike and Chester's solo albums as long as it doesn't cause the band to break up. I just wish they would've made a new Linkin Park album first.


New member
example: l'arc~en~ciel >.> (yeah i cant think of another example ok?)

10 years working continuously...they needed a rest (the took 3 years @_@)

each member did their own solo stuff etc etc :thumbsup:

and they are together now! as ******* awesome as always and l'arc is now 14 years old x3 (and they still keep their solo **** while they're on the band :D , xD that's amazing *0* )

.Hyde (vocalist) said that when they got together again he was like "ohh that guy is an amazing guitarist >_<" as if he had forgotten how amaxing he is xD

i mean, let LP what they want. it's not that bad, im sure they'll both come up with good albums. Then , after that they are going to work on LP again and maybe they'll be like 'oh he's an amazing vocalist/emcee/guitarist/bassist/drummer/'turntablist xDDDDD (and i hope they will make even better music :rolleyes: or else im gonna kill them all > :D heee)



New member
I kinda have mixed feelings about the solo stuff. Like I am worrie, as alot of people are, but Im excited to. When I first found out that Chester was making an album to, I was actually kinda shocked. But Im really looking foward to it. Im more excited for Chester's than Mike's just because I prefer rock over hip-hop and rap. And as for the style of music that Chester will have, Im thinking its going to be somewhat like Walking Dead, State of the Art and System. I hope so, because I love those songs. And maybe, they will learn some new stuff, and improve on their skills, and maybe make the next LP album a bit better. Not that it would be bad in the first place, but I think you guys can see what Im getting at.
I kinda have mixed feelings about the solo stuff. Like I am worrie' date=' as alot of people are, but Im excited to. When I first found out that Chester was making an album to, I was actually kinda shocked. But Im really looking foward to it. Im more excited for Chester's than Mike's just because I prefer rock over hip-hop and rap. And as for the style of music that Chester will have, Im thinking its going to be somewhat like [b']Walking Dead[/b], State of the Art and System. I hope so, because I love those songs. And maybe, they will learn some new stuff, and improve on their skills, and maybe make the next LP album a bit better. Not that it would be bad in the first place, but I think you guys can see what Im getting at.
Best LP related song live in my opinion.

I'm looking forward to both Chester's & Mike's albums. I think they're both going to be good.



New member
An update on Chester´s album debum

I don´t know if this has been posted before but I was bored and I was on and I thought I´d share this with you all:

Chester and debut album updateposted by Jas, 08/17/05

Linkin Park Fans LJ has posted trascript of a short blurb from Rolling Stone magazine about Chester and his debut solo album. Thanks to Wesley for the tip.

Linkin Park screamer Chester Bennington will release a solo record, and he breaks the news in Smoking Section. 'We took Nineties rock, mixed it with Eighties pop like Depeche Mode, the Cure, and Bauhaus and smashed them together,' says Bennington. 'It's f***in' driving beats and walls of guitars.' Songs like 'Morning After' and 'Walking in Circles' are in the can, and Bennington is especially psyched about a new song, which a friend says sounds a lot like T.Rex.

I´m so gonna buy his cd and Mike´s when they are both released :) .

Btw,thanx to for the info=).



New member
is mike doin a solo album is he? wen i herd dt chester was doin a solo album i thought kool but then i heard some of it and i dont like it, i dont evan think it sounds much like him.


New member
he hasnt released anything from his solo album yet.
i cant ramember wot website i was on but it played about 30 seconds of 1 of his songs o his album.but i didnt like it it doesnt sound like him. :(



New member
that wasnt one of his solo songs. that was one of his grey daze demo songs called Kill the Flies. that was chaz back in like 1994 :O


New member
that wasnt one of his solo songs. that was one of his grey daze demo songs called Kill the Flies. that was chaz back in like 1994 :O
how can u be sure u no wot 1 i listened to though.



New member
it isnt' date=' noone has any clip of it. if you got it from lpa, it even says it was one of his old demos[/quote']yeh which i think is from his new album cummin out soon but Hahninator says it in't. :confused:
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