i heard chester has been operated for his throat......which can explain why hes not giving out too much voice......
linkin park is somehow on the 'trying' phase......theyre exploring something new......were not sure if theyll stick to this new kind uf music forever......if they become aware that not too many ppl like it maybe theyll go back to their old sound......
yes, as you, I've heard that Chester had a throad operation. I think (I cant be totally sure, 'cos I'm not doctor) this kind of operation is quite complicated and the effects of them are quite prolonged. I mean, Chester cant have an operation like this, and two days after to start to sing as he did when he began... well, actually, if he can do this...
he's not from this planet, so we can call immediately to everyone: FBI, NASA...E.T., Aliens (well, they should know they have another "mate" to share some funny time)... and about, you have said after this; yes, I totally agree with, 100% (I would say even more, but I cant express it in numbers
). They're exploring new ways of create music... so, they need time before to assimilate it and to verify if they've chosen the right or the wrong way.