Well, Yesterday was a good day. I went snowboarding, and then partied at the lodge.. it was kool. NICE SNOWBOARDIN day! for sure. I went snowboarding in my tee, and just some snow pants. lol. I even got a sunburn! lol it was like... umm 73 degrees (Farinehight). Umm.. so now i have a burn under both of my eyes.. hahaha.. Umm so today, im just cleanin cuz Nick, Chelsea, and Nicks friend Dennis are comming over tommorow. Nick and Dennis are stayin til Friday, and i think chelsea's stayin til' umm Sunday. So its going to be pimp. Were all going to camp out in my back yard...hahaha.. thats going to be some FUN. Well i got a new pic, and i figured i'd put it on my journal. Ill go post it somewhere else too, but yea.. check it out. and thanks for listenin! TRECE OUT
Brittany (CB7)