I can´t c them
hahaha,that pic is really funny,Mike is like OMG!What the f**k is wrong with u dude?And Chester is like:***!Plz some1 tell him to shup up!http://www.offtopic.forum/data/MetaMirrorCache/c50d61585b82f66690d08ccb2cb0a157.jpglol
lol who is that other guy?http://www.offtopic.forum/data/MetaMirrorCache/e9e9e6e25182d64c38c49aa62715ea9a.jpghttp://www.offtopic.forum/data/MetaMirrorCache/96c167c301a160a79e3ccf667dca7c15.jpg
lol he's FUNNY
rock star' date=' you rock! thanks![/quote']
hehe Thanx
thnxoOOOH guys these pix r AWESOME thanxxx Hybrid-Heart U ROCK
Fading Beauty UR pix HOT