chester's **** cute


New member
I had to do this....


Chaz:Come the **** on,i don't feel like spending another 2 freaking hours

in that **** makeup room!

Joe:Getting a bit frusturated pretty boy?

Chaz:Shut the **** up joe!!!or the froggie will get it...again!!!

Joe: =_=.....SORRY!!!!

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New member
Could someone please tell me whats so "hot" about Chester? -_- I asked my friends who didnt know who he was and they all said he was not good looking. Then i said they he was from a famous rock band called Linkin Park and they were "eehh.. okay". Then a couple months later i asked them again, and then they said he was hot.

Seriously. If he wasnt in a band, 50 million girls wouldnt jump on him.



New member
Well, if your guy then your not gonna think he's hot.

I thought he wuz hot before i knew who he wuz.

Its just that some ppl think other ppl are hot when others dont

why does it matter to you? If ppl think he's hot leave it at that

personally i think he is VERY hot

but if other ppl say he isnt then thats fine its just the way they think

If he wuznt in a band i would still jump all over him :)


rock star

New member
hahahaha .. Cool

what do u think of this ONE ''WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE''


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