chester's DAMN cute

Looks like he got a new tattoo :D


  • Chester 91.jpg
    Chester 91.jpg
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SparkleDeveel said:
All the time?They are a band,so what difference it makes if they are cute,ugly,hot,cold,have five arms or three eyes?Their music is what matters.Acting like this,you people give the impression that you are horny teenagers.Which i know none of you are.But that's the impression you give
five arms three eyes its funny
I cant believe he took it off! When I found out....I was so pissed. You have no idea. Every1 thinkx i'm wierd cos I lyk it....but I think it's sexy.....makes his lip look humungo!!!! yay! =)
chesterfreak143 said:
I cant believe he took it off! When I found out....I was so pissed. You have no idea. Every1 thinkx i'm wierd cos I lyk it....but I think it's sexy.....makes his lip look humungo!!!! yay! =)
I wonder why guys get lip you think they think girls will kiss 'em more? I find the lip ring to be a very sexual thing. :mad:

A tongue ring is okay, cuz only gay guys wear those.

Oh oh gettin' a tongue ring when I get older ya ya...