Chester's unlucky b-day

Omglinkinprkruls... What the hell is your problem? From looking at your name and your post count, you MUST like Linkin Park. That's like the third stupid comment that I've seen you make against them. What the hell is wrong with you...

So now you're saying Chester is "Fat", "Gay" and "Asian". You're wrong on all 3 accounts and I'm not even going to bother explaining. Get outta here. You're the one who's crying.
Friðbjörn said:
I know there's a thread where you can congradulate Chaz on his 29th birthday, but did you hear how it went? I saw a report on this in some local TV station here:
First his toast got burnt in the machine, then he spilt coffee all over himself and when he was gonna call a friend to tell him about his bad luck his cell phone went dead and couldn't be reactivated. In the evening when he was going out to dinner, someone had evidently cancelled his reservation and he couldn't go to dinner until later. He of course gave his usual reaction (that's what I like especially about the guys) and laughed at his bad luck and said if it was like this on his 29th, then how would it be on his 30th? Some birthday, huh?
poor chester
thats really ****....just thought i would point out the obvious

If i was at the place he was going to for dinner i would surely give my place up, just to see him smile. As for that toaster...KILL IT.....KILL IT I SAY.....threaten it with a ****ING DRILL!!!!!!!!!!! :D