ChesterSings is back =)


New member
kaza i love ur sig omg.... did u make it???
lol i wish..and friend made it (on here) shes left now though which is a pity seeing as she was immense but ='(



New member
zomg so much has been done and still alittle has to be done. mostly im waiting on mmmmmmmm Mark =) he has to upload a few things and we'll be set to launch the site! ahh i cant wait!


New member
Yay, an LP site that never nessisarily ****** me off for one reason or another, haha. I love CS.


New member
mark is back and he will began to upload the songs that r needed for the site. the site will go up within a week :thumbsup:

LP In The End

New member
Awesome site, can't wait for the audio concerts to be up. Only one thing, I believe the live video Let Down is really Chester on Cribs ;)


New member
since we r having server problems we r trying our hardest to get the rest uploaded. but most of the stuff is uploaded! :thumbsup:


New member
Awesome site I like the new looks with the glowy LP logo from the actual site. And lots of songs! Good work :thumbsup:
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