Child Porn 1, God 0

I really can't get my head around people like this. WTF is there damn problem?
They know its wrong and yet they still do it. Don't they know it ****s the child up for life and often leads them to becoming abusers themselves?
It makes me wonder about the whole soul argument and if there are people who are born without on?
Just another reason why humanity has run it course and should be removed, we as a race have failed.
These are the kind of criminals that scare me. They have a mental illness. It is not something that can be changed through incarceration or any other kinds of legal punishment. They will never be rehabilitated, and they should never be released. No amount of social integration training will help them function in society and it is not safe to allow them to walk freely among us. What a waste of human life.
ToriAllen said:
These are the kind of criminals that scare me. They have a mental illness. It is not something that can be changed through incarceration or any other kinds of legal punishment. They will never be rehabilitated, and they should never be released. No amount of social integration training will help them function in society and it is not safe to allow them to walk freely among us. What a waste of human life.

I whole heartedly agree...and unfortunately they don't all look as scary as Hugo so we would be forewarned about what too expect.

sorry I just couldn't resist beating that dead horse again re: Hugo.
ToriAllen said:
These are the kind of criminals that scare me. They have a mental illness. It is not something that can be changed through incarceration or any other kinds of legal punishment. They will never be rehabilitated, and they should never be released. No amount of social integration training will help them function in society and it is not safe to allow them to walk freely among us. What a waste of human life.

There is one cure for a pedophile and that is physical Castration, in the case of a male, you chops his balls of and put them in some alcohol for him to take home. In the case of a female pedophile you remove her clit and labia, and put them in some alcohol for her to take home.
This is the only cure, my dad has working in the mental health field for 39+ years and you cannot reform them, they don't think they're sick, they think they're normal and we are the ones who are sick.
Quarky1.0 said:
There is one cure for a pedophile and that is physical Castration, in the case of a male, you chops his balls of and put them in some alcohol for him to take home. In the case of a female pedophile you remove her clit and labia, and put them in some alcohol for her to take home.
This is the only cure, my dad has working in the mental health field for 39+ years and you cannot reform them, they don't think they're sick, they think they're normal and we are the ones who are sick.

Wrong. Removing testes (castration) does not remove desire, nor does it stop the castratee from gaining and maintaining an erection. Removing a woman's clitoris likewise does not remove the desire for sex. Why remove the labia? They're just folds of protective skin.

Sex offenders, not just paedaophiles, prey on people for psychological reasons. Mostly power trips, sometimes revenge attacks for what they have had happen to them. The mental illness is rarely about orgasm.
builder said:
Wrong. Removing testes (castration) does not remove desire, nor does it stop the castratee from gaining and maintaining an erection. Removing a woman's clitoris likewise does not remove the desire for sex. Why remove the labia? They're just folds of protective skin.

Sex offenders, not just paedaophiles, prey on people for psychological reasons. Mostly power trips, sometimes revenge attacks for what they have had happen to them. The mental illness is rarely about orgasm.

I agree, even eunuchs were used as sex slaves because they could maintain a longer erection BECAUSE of being castrated. Some people just need to be put out of their misery, simple as that.
builder said:
Wrong. Removing testes (castration) does not remove desire, nor does it stop the castratee from gaining and maintaining an erection. Removing a woman's clitoris likewise does not remove the desire for sex. Why remove the labia? They're just folds of protective skin.

Sex offenders, not just paedaophiles, prey on people for psychological reasons. Mostly power trips, sometimes revenge attacks for what they have had happen to them. The mental illness is rarely about orgasm.

I hate to say it but I have heard this argument again and again, I agree with parts and strongly disagree with others.

As to a man being able to get an erection with no nuts, I think you need to read up on the physical mechanics of human anatomy, once the balls have been removed a male cannot get an erection, because a male requires testosterone to do so and no nuts equals no testosterone, chemical castration does just this by lowering the testosterone in the testes, so no hard on.
The human genitalia are directly linked to sexual desire, yes the brain is also involved, but in case of physical castration tests have shown the part of the brain responsible for sexual desire shuts down in time, thus removing the sexual desire.
Yes I do agree sex offenders are more involved in the act of domination and the sexual act is almost secondary, and yes most sex offenders have also been abused, thus completing the cycle. But did you know most serial killers cum while killing, Ten Bunby said the act of killing was better that sex and his desire to kill was sexual in nature.

I do agree sex offenders are mentally ill, be it a child abuser, rapist, animal ****er or any other sick arse sexual act out there. However most refuse to be treated and most of those who are treated re-offend. Why? Because it
Chi said:
I agree, even eunuchs were used as sex slaves because they could maintain a longer erection BECAUSE of being castrated. Some people just need to be put out of their misery, simple as that.

Sorry but this a fable, nothing more, pure bullshit. The eunuchs were used as body guards and go betweens between the harem and court.
Quarky1.0 said:
Sorry but this a fable, nothing more, pure bullshit. The eunuchs were used as body guards and go betweens between the harem and court.

Sorry sweety, YOU are mistaken, do some research. Here's a simple, sloppy search:"What culture's ladies enjoyed having sex slaves?

Castration was not just reserved for those defeated in battle. Living castrati (eunuchs) were also in great demand. The Romans enjoyed the services of spadones: men who had their testicles removed but retained the penis. A Roman woman's prestige was enhanced by the number of these soft, beardless sex slaves who attended to her every whim. A spado enabled the ladies to copulate all they wanted without the fear of pregnancy.""But dirty old men were not alone in their appetites for eunuchs. Many rich women preferred the hard shafts of those ox-like men castrated after puberty. If still able to achieve an erection, such a eunuch could pleasure the mistress without impregnating her. And being the slave, it was his job to satisfy her (while in the marriage bed it was the woman who was the utility).""According to Tom Burnam's Dictionary of Misinformation, a common misconception about eunuchs is that, since they were castrated, they were either unable or unwanting to defile or perform sexual intercourse with the women in the harem they were employed to watch over. This was not always true, however. Though they would be expected to have a lower sex drive, eunuchs could often achieve an erection and engage in coitus, though no pregnancy could result. According to Burnham, some women preferred eunuchs as lovers since they never ejaculated and could, therefore, maintain erections longer." of Alexandria warned Christians against the evils of eunuch servants being placed in charge of women, because they will act as pimps for the women, and moreover, "the true eunuch is not unable, but [merely?] unwilling to have sex." In other words, the women might get the eunuchs to sleep with them, as seen in Juvenal and Martial and at the beginning of the Arabian Nights.
Quarky1.0 said:
There is one cure for a pedophile and that is physical Castration, in the case of a male, you chops his balls of and put them in some alcohol for him to take home. In the case of a female pedophile you remove her clit and labia, and put them in some alcohol for her to take home.
This is the only cure, my dad has working in the mental health field for 39+ years and you cannot reform them, they don't think they're sick, they think they're normal and we are the ones who are sick.
Chi 1, Quarky 0

Before Chi's head swells up she needs to know that Quarky once lost a debate against a retarded eggplant.
Quarky1.0 said:
As to a man being able to get an erection with no nuts, I think you need to read up on the physical mechanics of human anatomy, once the balls have been removed a male cannot get an erection, because a male requires testosterone to do so and no nuts equals no testosterone, chemical castration does just this by lowering the testosterone in the testes, so no hard on.
All of the evidence that is used to support the legal argument in favor of chemical or physical castration comes from studies done on animals. Animals are much more hormone dependant than humans. Castration is unpredictable. Many men continue to have sex for years after castration. Desire may be reduced but it is not eraticated and there is not loss in ability to preform sex acts, which by the way, include much more than just intercourse. You really should get out more.

Quarky1.0 said:
The human genitalia are directly linked to sexual desire, yes the brain is also involved, but in case of physical castration tests have shown the part of the brain responsible for sexual desire shuts down in time, thus removing the sexual desire.
The part of the brain responsible for sexual desire does not shut down upon castration. Sexual desire and aggressive behaviors are reduces in some people. Again the effect is unpredictable.

Quarky1.0 said:
Yes I do agree sex offenders are more involved in the act of domination and the sexual act is almost secondary, and yes most sex offenders have also been abused, thus completing the cycle. But did you know most serial killers cum while killing, Ten Bunby said the act of killing was better that sex and his desire to kill was sexual in nature.
It is the power and control that gets them off, not the sex act itself, which I believe was Builders point.

Quarky1.0 said:
I do agree sex offenders are mentally ill, be it a child abuser, rapist, animal ****er or any other sick arse sexual act out there. However most refuse to be treated and most of those who are treated re-offend. Why?
Because some idiot released them…

Quarky1.0 said:
Because it’s what they are! Most serial killers start out as rapists and it’s a natural if not perverse progression from abuser to killer.
Yes, they are ill and need to be locked away.

Quarky1.0 said:
In the case of the pedophile, they see children as a sexual being, not as a child, but as one adult does another. Most of them truly believe the child wants what happens to them and most of them go to great pains to become close to the children and families they’re stalking, they truly feel they are doing the right thing by the child and yes there main goal is to have sex with the child, so your last point about it not being about orgasm is miss informed. Most people refuse to believe the abusers wants to **** there little baby, but I hate to say it they do.
So, what? Castration will change this line of thinking? No. It won’t. That is why it will not work. The way they view children is not the same way a healthy adult views another adult. Healthy adults to not rape those they find attractive and claim the other party wanted it. That is what a sex offender does.

Quarky1.0 said:
Pedophiles are predators by nature; they’re ruled by a miss directed sexual desire and are untreatable.
It is more than just misdirected sexual desire. There are many men I have sexually desired in my lifetime and I do not remember trying to force any of them to have sex with me. I never tried to get them alone so I could touch their privates, and I have never strangled any of them. You can not honestly think this is all about sexual desire. There are other behavioral and mental problems involved besides hormones.

Quarky1.0 said:
There are only a limited number of things you can do with them, kill them, lock them up for life, or physical castration. In the few cases where physical castration has occurred the offender has never re-offended.
There are only three cases that I know about involving sex offenders being physically castrated and released. The truth is the procedure has not been preformed on enough people to not what the recidivism rate is. It would be extremely careless to perform this procedure under the assumption that it will work and then release them back out into society. There are many more cases involving chemical castration and psychotherapy. Out of these cases fifteen percent re-offend (that they know of). That is a decrease, but it is still fifteen percent too many. Castration has no effect at all if the offender gets a hold of testosterone pills, which seem to be all the rage now among middle aged men. These pills are a dime a dozen.

Quarky1.0 said:
Also in the case of female castration, removal of the clit and labia removes most physical pleasure from sex and intercourse, again this is a proven medical fact.
This one made me laugh. Female castration involves the removal of the ovaries, not the clit and labia. You are offering to separate solutions. To remove physical pleasure the clit and labia on a female and the penis on a male should be removed. To remove sex hormones the ovaries on a female and the testis on a male should be removed.

Personally, I this all sex offenders should be castrated, but only to help with reduction of aggressive tendencies and make them easier to deal with in the facility they are locked away in.

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