Christianity Vs. Islam

Well I think that everyone is looking for something or someone to believe in, why can't everyone have their own beliefs... I also think that it is bullshit that all kinds of our tax money goes to building these churches.. I don't believe in god, however I believe those egyptians are hiding some very important information dealing with our becoming... I don't believe in god, nor gods.. chistianity, Islam.. doesn't matter.. we will all die one day.. where do u think you will go after death? I don't think there is anything to go to.. death is death.. a religion is just a way to deal with death
You're absolutely right Zendev! Everybody should believe what he wants, but that includes that they (parents, school, enviroment) don't fill you up with religious **** right from the day when you are born. If you come to the conclusion that christian fate is perfect for you... fine, but I don't believe all these hypocrites because they've been told to think this way all their lives.

Surely there will be nothing after death. So why this pointless struggle in the present for a future that doesn't exist? Live for the moment, you ain't got nothing more!

And the most stupid bullshit really is that we pay several church crap by our taxes. Why? Again: Where is this separation of church and state? And that's not only the USA, we in germany have also to! ****ing Bullshit!
I'm going to say it yet again: You guys are ALL full of ****, GET OVER YOURSELVES! Religious slander and controversy against one another is completely underminding the very systems that you worship. You are turning the universal messages of peace love and harmony into war and politics. You're all so ****ing stupid!

GF Admin said:
We do not even know how they built the Pyramids or the Roman Coliseum and yet when the topic of religion comes up everyone claims to have an answer. It is best to assume we know absolutely nothing about anything when it comes to religion of any kind. Much safer to conduct yourself respectfully, with humility, honor and thoughtfulness in life, to strive for peace and the betterment of your neighbors, the benefits are obvious and the concepts universal regardless of race or religion.

Agreed. ;)