Christmas Lists


New member
The X-Files Box (all the episodes plus the first movie: Fight the Future)

A portable DVD player

A The White Stripes/The Raconteurs tee shirt

The gold ring I pointed out to my parents in Regency Jewellers window (Diamond and Emereld)

Big Day out ticket from my brother to see The Raconteurs and Pearl Jam play



New member
Is that underwear for you?It looks nice :D
lol..yeah it's for me xD

thanks jos :D uhm I got it in Intimissimi...I don't know if this shop exists in germany too :mad: I know it does in yeah :)

uhm guys...that photo is going to be just for my boyfriend xD sorry xD



New member
1. new shoes

2. possibly a keyboard- nothing fancy. anything will do, really

3. my parent's owe me $200 for a few books i bought for school. so im just asking for some of that back



New member
I want a brand new house on an episode of Cribs

And a bathroom I can play baseball in

And a king size tub big enough for ten plus me

I'll need a

Credit card that's got no limit

And a big black jet with a bedroom in it

Gonna join the mile high club at thirty-seven thousand feet

I want a new tour bus full of old guitars

My star on Hollywood Boulevard

Somewhere between Cher and James Dean is fine for me

nickelbacks guide to your Christmas

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