Christmas shopping


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2005
Yes it officially starts the day after Halloween and NOT the day after Thanksgiving like some people think. I started a bit of my shopping already, but **** do I hate picking out gifts.

My son is getting a new Game Boy Advance SP to replace his now worn out GB Advance and a bunch of new games.

I think my daughter will get a piano keyboard, she's been bugging me for one, amongst her list of 500 other things she wants. So I might get her one that is USB or MIDI port compliant.

And as for my wife, who ****ing knows, she is so impossible to shop for, she doesn't even drop a simple ****ing hint as to what she would like.

Everybody else... **** em.. their getting gift certificates for Wal-Mart
I haven't even started Christmas shopping yet, been too damn busy baby shopping. I usually do all my shopping on the 23rd of Dec, works out well. I hit damn good sales and am done in less than 2 hours.
My Dad is getting Season 1 of CSI. He's obsessed with that damn show. Other than that, I haven't a clue what everyone else is getting this year.
Luckly for me the only family I have around me is my mother so I only need to get one decent gift. The friends get whatever brand of condom wrapper I find at the bus stop.
I'm a student and people don't expect much from me. I will buy some small things but my family will just have to take my shining face as their gift at Christmas...

My daughter on the other hand is normally spoiled at Christmas. I am getting her a Disney Princess 13inch TV and the matching DVD player. In my defense she can have this in her room and let me have back my den. I am also planning on getting her a prepaid cell phone, only for use when she is staying over at a friends house or playing out in the neighborhood. Maybe I can teach her that once she has used up her minutes, she can't go out and play or over to friends houses...I'm understandably affraid to give her a phone on my account for fear she would use all my minutes. Cingular has a plan now where you can get a prepaid cell phone and they cover mobile to mobile minutes for free for the first time on the prepaid phones, which means everytime I call her it won't use her minutes.
She has a huge long list as well, she wants a surfboard of all things. I think that will have to wait.
I am planning on getting her a cheap digital camera, they make them for kids with the outside covered in their favorite characters. She needs to learn how to use computers well and thats part of it. We also go places alot where she will enjoy taking pictures.
Well, if she is a little kid, you could go with THIS one, which is a micro, or THIS one which is also a starter camera, and both are under $20, or if you want her to have at least decent quality pics, then for $70, you can get THIS one.

phreakwars said:
Well, if she is a little kid, you could go with THIS one, which is a micro, or THIS one which is also a starter camera, and both are under $20, or if you want her to have at least decent quality pics, then for $70, you can get THIS one.


Thanks Phreak, I want to make sure its something that if she drops it won;t get damaged so easily and while small is good for you and I, she will be more likely to loose it...I can't spend a huge amount because I'm dropping more money on the other things so I will end up getting something for around $20 bucks. If she likes it and learns to use it then I can upgrade her later on.
I fully admit it, I spoil my daughter. Its just her and I. We play with toys together. I do sometimes buy her things that I will enjoy playing with as well.
I want to get her the GameBoy DS but Jesus its like $179 at the moment. AND of course I would get to play with it as well...
Women are a pain to shop for! My wife can buy what ever she wants when ever she wants. I let her do all the bills. So it
Most of my daughters want list is comprised of 'bratz' dolls. These dolls are like sexualized barbies. I don't want to be a stick in the mud, but these dolls look like little sluts and their whole image is materialistic and borderline offensive. MY daughter really likes these dolls, as do many many little girls, but they just have this overtly sexual tone to them. I have bought them for her before and I think "what the hell, they're just dolls", but then I watch her play with them and imitate the general attitude that these little plastic vixens generate.

I hate X-mas. HUMBUG!
Aww, well, I guess the good think about being a broke soon-to-be university student is that people don't expect much from you. I find the best part of Christmas the lead up to the actual day: the music playing in the malls, the smell of christmasy foods and trees, the colours, the cheerful moods, everything! and the shopping and buying for others (except now I can't afford that).

Christmas day sucks though. I have to spend it with my family. Boo.
I HATE ****ing Chri$tmas.

Every year it's the same **** with the same boring (and compulsively over-bearing) family that does the same crap year after year -- Sit around and talk about boring, Prudish mature-assed topics all day. Sorry but sitting around talking about work, holidays, and "oh what did you get" are NOT my favorite topics. Try some more interesting conversation topics such as anything that starts with "we were so high and..." or anything that includes a joke about gerbil feltching.

And those god damn CHRI$TMAS ****ING CAROLS! This **** is so ****ing annoying played over and over again for a whole ****ing month. I don't want to hear asinine **** like "Grandma got ran over by a reindeer." Is drivel like that supposed to be funny? WELL GUESS WHAT!! IT'S NOT FUNNY, UNLESS YOU'RE A TWO YEAR OLD WITH DOWNS SYNDROME. Throw that **** away and put on some Project Pitchfork, Assemblage 23 or Funker Vogt for **** sakes.

I FURTHER HATE IT WHEN TV ONLY GIVES US CRAPPY CHRISTMAS SPECIALS UP THE ASS! For **** sakes, I'm not interested in seeing some dipshit stick a turkey on his head for the billionth time or some shitty cartoon about cute little animals (Except for Happy Tree Friends) And I especially don't want to watch crappy shows like Miracle on 34th street when I could be watching something good like Hamburger Hill.

And now, onto the shopping.

I don't have a huge problem with giving to others. In fact I have none at all! But Most of my family are at the age where they eithe have everything or don't really like anything and are a pain in the ass to find something for. And I have better taste than buying everyone socks or paper weights. And unless you're buying your gifts at the dollar store, YOU'RE GOING TO BREAK THE ****ING BANK HARD.
They have commercialized Christmas way to much. I hate cards all together. Just a waste of money. The same with wrapping paper. Just give me the bag it came in. I
what pisses me off is that i could get some kick ass heads and a cam for my car. BUT NOOOOOO i gotta go get my 2 daughters a bunch of **** they probably won't like. :rolleyes: "momma" will probably get a trip to harrahs at cherokee for some gambling, drinking and screwing. she can play her nickel slots while i get drunk and play dollar poker, just like when we go to vegas.
For the last ten years, I have boycotted Christmas. I would honestly rather be at work. Sure I go to Xmas dinner with my folks, but it's not the same for me as it was twenty-thirty years ago.

I guess its not all about me and my feelings, I do have nephews and nieces. I have a mother that just adores the holiday and the rest of the family seem to hip to it as well. I try to be jolly at our family Xmas party, mainly for the kids, however it's just the liquor.
I know this sounds sappy, but for me Christmas is being able to play with my daughter and the toys I get her.

Of course I would love to have someone special buy me something I would always treasure. But presents from everyone in my life is not really what I'm interested in.
Wow, GF is full of christmas cheer ain't it?
Like Lethal said, the only thing I really enjoy is watching my kid go nuts and open presents. She still believes in Santa so its still fun. I suppose she will be a snotty teenager before long and christmas will completely suck again.
I just hate how everyone talks about christmas cheer. Just try to drive down the road during the height of the christmas shopping season without getting cut off, flipped off, and pissed off in general.
Chrismas cheer is as much of a myth as 'ol Saint Nick.
yeah shopping can be a real pain in the ass but the worst part is for the people that work on the major shopping day's putting stuff out on the floor. as soon as you appear with a cartfull of stuff to put on the shelves you are mobbed by people wanting to get at what you have and they will fight people to get to it. i've seen it happen.
If anyone likes to shop at the Disney Catalog, right now you can get an additional 25% off all purchases,even if they're already on sale and if you spend more then $100 you can get free shipping. Good Deal.
My MOm is the kind of person who has everything she needs anyway. I have two pictures of my Daughter I am going to put in a frame for her. I am also thinking of making her a placemat with pictures of Diane and I. Office depot laminates them for you so they are something that can be left out on the dining table.