Christmas shopping

I just finished a two hour wrapping session. I did some mad shopping on black Friday (worth the money I saved). I LOVE shopping but most of all I enjoy spending time making gifts for family (sappy yes, but I enjoy putting personal touches on them for each person). I spoil the crap out of my daughter and it usually takes about three days before she unwraps everything. I even broke down and bought her something called "Iz" by something called "zizzle". Have no idea what it is, but it makes sounds and moves and that's what she wants most. No matter how hard I tried to convince her that Santa could not get it, she would say that if she was EXTRA good, the elves could make a special one for her. She is even making Santa a few extra gifts to say thank you LOL.

Ya I have issues with STOPPING the shopping as opposed to DOING the shopping.

I am psyched that I am getting a 19" flat panel monitor from my mom (black Friday special. I was up at 3:15 AM to make sure I got that deal) And I am really happy that I was able to get my mom the complete "Fawlty Towers" collection this year.

I LOVE Christmas. From standing in the parking lot of Walmart at 4 in the morning on black Friday, to freezing my ass off while decorating the lawn, to baking more than a gross of cookies, and making more Christmas crafts with my daughter than any human should, to the non-stop playing of cheezy movies and badly sung carols. I just love how it all makes me feel.

Happy Christmas to y'all ;) (except Komrade Von Grinch :p)
I feel ill already, figures ****ing tizz would like that Holiday, she is a phucking drone after all.
I like to spend money but nothing would have gotten me out of bed and into over crowded stores on Black Friday. I hate crowds and even worse I hate crowds in the mall filled with Christmas shopping fever.
I don't need or want anything that bad.
Nah, I am just a big kid at heart. Plus, I feel best when I give so at Christmas my happy hormones are in overdrive :p

Oh and leathal, I have not stepped foot in a mall between oct 31 and feb 28 in about ten years. I cannot breathe in a mall!!!!