Maybe you need to read...
Maybe you need to get your head out of your ****......see I can play that way too, is that wat you want? Toss nasty insults and stuff back and forth because I dare not to agree with "YOUR" view? Can we not agree to dissagree without the emotional outbursts?
I don't treat you that way so why do you feel compelled to treat me that way?
The color code was to keep from repeating myself with words. When i put something in a certain color, I was addressing it. I didn't dodge a single relevant point. ****, I didn't dodge a single IRRELEVANT point.
you fail at muddying the waters even more.
No, you dodged the points and refused to give a real answer climing they were irrelivent. Your the guy dodging and hiding behind false claims that my points don't deserve an answer just because you can't answer.
Go back and read my post, for every item you offered a real reply to, I responded 100%. Just because I did not waste an hour going line by line that does not mean I dodged anything, if you think I did not cover some relivent point then please feel free to ask again and leave your insulting snide comments at the door because I never intentionally dodge anything.
I never attacked you. I stated my personal opinion based on your argument here so far. Nice try though.
What you're saying the reason this law was created is what is irrelevant in this discussion. It doesn't matter what the crime was. The reason that this is a problem is that the government is grabbing power and freedom and taking it from the citizens. One little bit at the time. The reason this was created was to extend the sentence of someone who has met the terms of their release. If the fed wants to make those terms higher, they should do it the right way. Not on a whim.
The only reason the Government is "grabbing power" is because it had to due to massive problems at the State level. Cause and effect, forever connected no matter how much you say it is unfair to look at the reasons the reasons are still the most important part.
For every example of the Government (either State or Federal) gaining more power over the people, there is a direct and stupid set of example of people dropping the ball and giving Government the excuse to do so. I am very sad that these examples exist, but we can only blame ourselves and not Government for doing it. Take *** education in the public schools for example, this would never had happened if parents had done their jobs at home, but they did not do their jobs and in that vaccume, a new government school program was developed.
Our own fault.
If the laws do not work, fix them the right way. Don't go in and change them at will on a whim. Follow the process that is set up to protect us from an oppressive government. To do otherwise is counter productive, and places us further into the bonds of slavery.
Fix them right away? When have you ever heard of that ever happeneng? Right now less than 1% of the population control all the laws in the Nation, that is why we get things like the new healthcare law when most Americans did not want it. You said you want these monsters to be punnished more right? Then instead of screaming at me about how easy it is to get the laws changed the "right way", how about you go out there and show me how it is done?
You get the laws changed "right away" and I will say your right and I am wrong, but if you can't, then I ask you one very important question, how many children die and ger molested while your waiting forever to get a local law changed?
You are concerned for result at any cost? When would the cost be too great? When a man is locked up for eating red meat? or meat at all? When does it end, and who decides?
Extreme and over the top sensational claim, this would never happen, the premise of the new case law is based on the fact these are already convicted predators, not every day citizens, case law does not work that way.
I'm not attacking you. I was taking what you were saying, and telling you what it sounded like. I never condoned the rape and or killing of children or any other innocent American Citizen. I believe in my country having integrity. And once you lie or change the rules as you go along, you are losing integrity. If you don't care about America's integrity (or integrity in general), that's your prerogative I suppose, but don't expect anyone to agree with your points, and do expect to lose any claim to the moral high-ground that you might have had.
Did not this same system create the supreme court?
Your saying to respect the system to one degree, but not another?
You are attacking me, your trying to call into question my moral fiber just because I don't support "your" specific views.
You can't escape the basic fact that if these creatures are released, more children are harmed, this is fact, dodge it all you want and hide behind a claim of "purity" all you want, but there is no possible way to escape the fact that you want the molesters released. Sure you have pretty idealogy reasons for that release, but no matter how much pretty wrapping paper you apply, the results are more hurt and killed children.
I'm not trying to complicate anything. I understand exactly where you are coming from and I think your analogy is absolutely off base. I never said in your analogy that you should not take the water, but there is no consequence. In real life, if we accept this ruling without speaking out and trying to change the real problem, then we are accepting the very heavy and possibly deadly consequence of giving the government more control over our daily lives.
I am certainly not condemning every child in America to die or be molested, stop being a drama queen. I am simply preserving the freedoms that every productive American citizen deserves.
Your falsely claiming that allowing this one thing will lead to people being arrested for eating red meat but you try to call me a drama queen?
Yes "every child" is placed in danger of rape and death if we release these monsters one second sooner than we have to. You want them released, so yes, your possition places all children at greater risk, that is not drama, that is the truth.
Everything your claiming about being "possibly deadly" is conjecture and assumption, there is no proof that there are any greater harms to "take the water" only your "fears" and I will not condemn children to greater harm based on unfounded fear connected to a strict political agenda or ideaology.
My analogy was EXACTLY the point. Giving the Federal Government unlimited power to change or control the daily lives of the citizens is like taking the water, you are hoping for a temporary fix but condemning yourself to pain.
This is not the rodney king thread. Go there to discuss him.
The states are doing the job that they have been given. Again, if the fed wants the punishments to be stricter, they should enact stricter rules. period.
Rodney King was an example of how the States drop the ball and the Federal Government is forced by the mistakes of the State to step in and fix a problem. The civil rights laws is another great example.
Your "assuming" ther help from the Government is similar to being cast into ****, and that again is more drama queen theatrics you tried to claim I was doing. You went way over ther top to impossible and fake results connected to this one event. If just the simple act of the Feds stepping in would cause the destruction of all things America then why didn't everything collapse when they stepped in to deal with the Rodney King issue?