
Slowest class.....well actually all more core classes this year have been going pretty quickly, which I guess can be both a good and bad thing. But I have band first period and that is soooo slow. It's probably because we have a new guy and I don't really like him and the fact that I'm still half asleep in first period so everything goes slooooow.
I hate my Business Studies teacher. Most old teacher can be quite intelligent and have a wide field of knowledge. Not mine... He's so senile :( He's trying to teach us formulas to use, yet he has done every single sum WRONG... he can't teach, he forgets to tell us to do whatever question, he doesn't remember what we did last lesson etc. URGH!!!!
Hon Chem... and double periods..... are DEADLY O_O

Our teacher is crazy.... >.< :p
His name: Mr. Sloat... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAaaa

And Spanish III too... that teacher is also crazy. :rolleyes:
chemistry with the scarey german teacher who i CANT FOR THE LIFE OF ME UNDERSTAND YET!!!!
shes so damn confusing..! like she'll say something...say apple and it comes out laffel...
My math teacher today gave me after school detention because I didn't have anything in class today because i left my math binder at home.. she was yelling at me and everything... jackass