click here and tell me youre openion

Wow, very nice! I love it, and the colors blend really well!

By the wya, this is in the right spot, and sicne I haven't met you before, WELCOME TO THE LPF
Wow..that's absolutely beautiful...

your stuff is great

I'd like to see more
hi guys

i`m new here and i don`t know where i put this

soo i guess it`s here mmmm ok tell me what u think about mu new designe :

bbye :lol:

I really like it. The only minor quips I have with it is where it has the text 'By Vampoo' in the top corner, maybe drop the 'by' cause it looks a bit noobish.
And also the 'Just Feel It' text it a touch bright and creates too much of a focal point out of it.

Like I said, minor quips, but other than that, it's really awesome. Looking forward to seeing more.
I love it!! :D:D I love your retro style!

Tutorial means like online guides that teach you how to - for example - make sigs in this style. But I'm guessing you just do this by yourself and not by following any tutorials?