"DGVREIMAN" <> wrote in message
> "Nigel Brooks" <> wrote in message
>> "DGVREIMAN" <> wrote in message
>>> "Dai Uy" <> wrote in message
>>>> In article <>,
>>>> "DGVREIMAN" <> wrote:
>>>>> Doug Says: The above post was not composed nor written nor
>>>>> posted by me, and regardless, it is not referencing medals.
>>>> The headers clearly indicate that Message-ID:
>>>> <WaU3a.38894$>
>>>> was written by "DGVREIMAN" <>. Accept
>>>> the facts.
>>>>> The
>>>>> cut and paste by ChIp is incomplete, does not contain the last
>>>>> paragraph that explains what the typist was referencing.
>>>> No doubt you will be posting a revised version with the
>>>> missing last paragraph that will explain what the typist was
>>>> referencing.
>>> Doug's Rebuttal: In fact, if a criminal charges are filed over this
>>> issue (which will happen if anyone states that I claimed a purple heart
>>> medal as a statement of fact and not as some smear merchant's fraudulent
>>> opinion which is clearly designed to defame) or a lawyer gets involved,
>>> the prosecutor or the lawyer (if no statement of fact from an
>>> identifiable person I can file a Federal court action at my expense
>>> asking for a restraining order and damages in respect to this issue as
>>> soon as next week) the lawyer can then Subpoena Google for a copy and
>>> the reason it was removed. If the reason provided google for removal
>>> does not state this post was removed due to the context being Purple
>>> Heart Cards, or if the post itself does not state that fact as my
>>> typist's notes indicate, then I will pay for all legal fees and withdraw
>>> all charges. However, if it does contain the Purple Heart Card
>>> reference, then YOU plead guilty to criminal libel (that is if you are
>>> stating as a fact I ever claimed I had won a purple heart medal) and you
>>> pay for the legal fees. If you are not stating as a statement of fact
>>> that I ever claimed a Purple Heart Medal then I suggest you stop
>>> attempting to associate me with people that have been arrested for
>>> claiming fake medals or for defrauding the US Government in some manner
>>> or another, because such fraudulent associations clearly are designed to
>>> criminally libel me by claiming I too am guilty of the same crimes you
>>> are reporting. And even if you do not mention me by name, your gang
>>> leader follows up on your post and does, which is clearly represents
>>> criminal conspiracy to criminally libel me over this issue.

>> Had the Stolen Valor Act amendment to Title 18 of the United States Code
>> been in effect prior to your February 16, 2003 post (number 17) to the
>> thread entitled Al Qaeda Says Saddam an Infidel, I have every confidence
>> that the claim to have been a Purple Heart recipient would have been
>> prosecutable under that statute - but fortunately for you, the Statute
>> was not signed into law until 2006 - so you get a free pass (ex post
>> facto laws being unconstitutional)

> Doug Says; Since I never claimed I received a Purple Heart Medal, that
> law has zero applicability to me. However, since you claimed that you
> received a Victoria Cross in Vietnam, and since you claimed you receive
> Vietnam Campaign Medals that were awarded long after you left the service,
> no doubt the criminal statutes would apply to you if those claims were
> stated after 2006. Do you wish to reiterate those claims you made in this
> respect, or do you now want to admit you were lying and never earned the
> medals you claimed you had been awarded?
>>> I have not filed a single criminal complaint against anyone that I
>>> believed to be a Veteran (SteveL is the one exception). However, one
>>> more fraudulent association in that regard should be enough for me to
>>> demand criminal libel charges be filed against you in your home town,
>>> and then the Prosecutor can be the one that contacts Google, and I will
>>> get a trip to Hawaii to testify. If you continue to accuse me of a crime
>>> by implication or statement, I will take legal action against you.

>> I have every confidence that when a competent prosecutorial authority
>> reviews any claims you might wish to make concerning these matters, and
>> they take into account the overwhelming evidence of your duplicity - and
>> tell you politely to **** off.

> Doug Says: Considering I have never posted any duplicity outside of your
> forgeries and fraud claiming otherwise, I will be more than happy to allow
> a prosecutor to review this issue....apparently you are speaking for Mr.
> Rau and the rest of your gang.
>>>> Chip quoted your entire message - refutting it point by
>>>> point, paragraph by paragraph -- including the last paragraph.
>>>> He deleted only your signature.
>>> Doug Says: Bullshit. See above to prove this issue once and for all.
>>> He cut and pasted only the part he wanted to respond to and the bottom
>>> of the post was not repeated by Chip, and your own admission that he did
>>> not cut and paste any signature proves that fact. Had he provided the
>>> entire post then a signature would have appeared at the immediate
>>> bottom of the fragment he excerpted. But it is interesting that you now
>>> admit that no signature appears on the post, yet in ALL other cases it
>>> does....You have just proved my point Mr. Rau that the cut and paste by
>>> Chip was NOT complete and did not include the entire contents of Post
>>> 17.
>>>> See original messages -- yours and Chip C's -- below:
>>>> Here is your original post (Number 17 in the thread)
>>> Mr. Rau, you and I both know you are simply repeating what Chip cut and
>>> pasted over a different post header. If post 17 was complete it would
>>> have included a signature and the statement at the bottom of the post
>>> that referenced the fact we were discussing cards and not medals. The
>>> signature is missing. The statement in parentheses is missing. You and
>>> the Cyberstalking nutcase SteveL are simply forging headers over a cut
>>> and past by Chip. Your forgery is obvious.
>>> We all can see what you two are doing in your desperation. There is no
>>> signature on the post and no statement in parentheses....the post is
>>> clearly incomplete. If you disagree find another complete post from the
>>> account I was using that did not contain a signature.n No? Of course
>>> not because none exist. However, you claim that I wrote this post
>>> although you also acknowledge that this is the only post from the
>>> account I was using that DID NOT contain a signature. So who signed the
>>> post? If it was unsigned then the post cannot be attributed to anyone.
>>> Yet if it was signed, then what you, Brooks and SteveL are purporting to
>>> be the complete post Number 17 is an outright forgery.
>>> Moreover, my server allows me and encourages me to post information to
>>> up to five or six different Newsgroups if those newsgroups contain
>>> individuals that are interested in the post.
>>> I have received emails from people that have been watching your fraud
>>> and smear gang unravel, and they are rejoicing in the fact that finally
>>> someone is standing up to your forgeries, fraud, and outright obloquy
>>> you and your gang members use to target your smear victims.

>> Sure you have (this is not an acknowledgement of the veracity of your
>> claim to have received "supporting emails" it is sarcasm)
>>> Each newsgroup I list has responded at one time or another to this
>>> issue, in many different ways. So please stop trying to hide the truth
>>> about your forgeries, fraud and unethical behavior....I noticed you did
>>> not try to omit newsgroups when you and Brooks and other gang members
>>> were posting your fraud and forgeries about me.
>>> I have received a recent confirmation from Chip over this issue and he
>>> confirmed precisely what he told me before, that (1) he does not have a
>>> Purple Heart Medal, and (2) that was not the context of his post, he was
>>> talking about Purple Heart Cards and NOT Medals, which was a previous
>>> topic prior to this post.

>> Perhaps you would be so kind as to provide a copy of the communication
>> between yourself and Mr. Ciammaichella - either here in these forums - or
>> posted to your google
>> group.

> Doug Says: Mr. Ciammaichella has not authorized me to repeat any email
> correspondence between him and I...but I will state again that he has
> confirmed that he was talking about Purple Heart Cards and not Medals as
> he originally confirmed a few weeks after the original exchange in 2003.
> Yet I notice that you, Mr. Brooks has claimed he told you otherwise, and I
> say your claim he contradicted the facts in this issue is an outright lie.
> Mr. Ciammaichella did not tell you otherwise, and in fact did not
> communicate with you at all....your claim is an outright lie and
> fraudulent misrepresentation. Mr. Ciammaichella would never claim a medal
> that he did not possess.
>> Also kindly provide the appropriate reference for the "previous topic
>> prior to this post" which referred to "Purple Heart Cards" there doesn't
>> seem to be any such reference in Mr. Ciammaichella's google profile. A
>> query of the google group archive only returns 16 instances where he has
>> mentioned "Purple Heart"
>> 1. To all members of this group - On Sept 11, 2002 (post 13 and 100 of
>> the thread)
>> 2. Dems Want Draft Reinstate...Kool!!! - On Jan 11 -13, 2003 (posts 74,
>> 80, 85, 87)
>> 3. Iraq: Direct action may become a necessity - on Jan 20, 2003
>> 4. I was spit on when I returned from Vietnam - on Jan 28, 2003
>> 5. Overpass Peace Protests anre booming - now spread to seven states -
>> On Feb 3, 2003
>> 6. The smoking gun has arrived - on Feb 5, 2003
>> 7. 10 million join world protest rallies - on Feb 16, 2003
>> 8. Al Qaeda Says Saddam an Infidel - on Feb 16, 2003 (posts 16 and 18)
>> 9. Vietnam was horrible thee was no room for Christ there - on Feb 17,
>> 2003
>> 10. Stand to the side lib pussies - and watch some real americans - on
>> Mar 18, 2003
>> 11. Hateful Democrats call American Troops baby killers - on Mar 29,
>> 2003
>> Also of note is the fact that you appear in only one of those exchanges
>> in the thread entitled "Al Qaeda Says Saddam an Infidel"

> Doug Says: You need to search further. I have several posts in which I
> referenced purple heart cards, and whether Mr. Chip referenced them in
> exchanges that did not involve me has no bearing whatsoever as to my
> understanding and my typists' understanding of the context of the Purple
> Heart Cards post he directed to me...which Purple Heart Cards context he
> has confirmed, not once, but now twice! Also please provide the URL's
> of what you claim Chip wrote that did not involve me, so far, all I see is
> perhaps more forgeries from Nigel Brooks, seral liar.
>>> I should also point out that in Feburary 2004, LONG BEFORE you and
>>> Brooks started your smear campaign against me, I clearly stated that I
>>> did not have a Purple Heart Medal. And then after that date I
>>> reiterated that fact at least six more times. It is obviously
>>> ridiculous to claim that I was claiming I had a Purple Heart Medal in
>>> 2003, and so was Chip, yet neither of us have that Medal, then in 2004 I
>>> and Chip both stated the exact opposite!

>> Actually, Mr. Ciammaichella is quite clear when he speaks about the
>> Purple Heart he received in Lebanon.

> Doug Says: Please provide the Google URL for the following post. And I do
> note that you admit I was not involved nor knew of the thread you are
> (fraudulently?) quoting. Consequently, it had nothing to do with his
> context of Purple Heart Cards which was the topic of the post that
> involved my typist and I..... So attempting to take a post fragment (could
> be a forgery) from a post you admit I had no knowledge of, to change a
> context in which Chip made clear to me and my typist, is beyond fraud, it
> is irrational desperation and obvious nonsense.
> That is akin to me posting your claim of winning Victoria Crosses in
> Vietnam, and winning Vietnam Campaign medals after you were discharged to
> claims of you being a fake Federal Agent so as to intimidate people not to
> rebut your lies and fraud. The two claims are not related.
>> a. In the "The Smoking Gun has arrived" thread (which you were not a
>> participant to) - he said the following:
>> " Among my decorations are a Combat Action Ribbon and a Purple Heart I
>> have the dubious honor of winning after being wounded in action in
>> Beirut in 1983."
>> b. In the "I was spit on when I returned from Vietnam" thread he said
>> this"
>> "I also have a little bitty scar on my belly and a much bigger scar on my
>> lower back that earned me this
>> cute little piece of ribbon with a purple heart hanging from it, that I
>> ****ed up and got in Lebanon in 1983. "
>> He quite obviously was not speaking about a "card" in that post- it is
>> clear that he was speaking about the Purple Heart Medal which is awarded
>> to authorized personnel for wounds and injuries received as a result of
>> enemy action.

> Doug Says: I could care less what Chip said in other posts that were not
> directed to me nor involved me, nor I even knew about, which have zero
> bearing on this issue smear Merchant Brooks.
> When he was addressing me, he was talking about Purple Heart Cards, as he
> clearly stated and confirmed, and then recently re-confirmed via email.
> Since you admit I was not involved in the exchange above, I can only
> believe what the man said to me, which was his reference to Purple Heart
> Cards....which prompted my typist's reply in the same context.
> So Chip, I, and my typist say our exchange was about Purple Heart Cards,
> and you now claim that you know more than all three people involved in the
> exchange? And now you are also calling Chip a liar? Please Brooks, your
> fraud is glaring as usual. NO DOUBT BECAUSE YOU ADDED THE TERM "MEDALS"
> FORGERY----But in truth Brooks, you have been caught, once again, in Tar
> Baby, forging, lying and using outright fraud to defame, smear and cast
> your target victims in a false light so as to incite and encourage threats
> of death and violence....I strongly suggest you consider the repercussions
> of your actions in the future.
>>> Further, if you claim we were talking about Medals and not Cards, then
>>> you are calling ALL THREE individuals involved in this exchange a liar,
>>> Chip, me and my typist. Yet we were the ONLY people that could have
>>> possibly known our context and what we were talking about, not unless of
>>> course, you are going to dreg up your acclaimed "mind reading skills"
>>> again - and if you do that I will provide some more mind reading tests
>>> for you, and as we both know, you and Brooks have failed all of those
>>> mind reading tests miserably in the past.

>> I think it is obvious who is the liar here Mr. Reiman - and I certainly
>> do not acknowledge that you utilized a typist or anyone other than
>> yourself made the Purple Heart (post number 17) claim.

> Doug Says: Yes it is obvious that none of the posts contained the term
> Medals, and you forged that term into those post, that you, Nigel Brooks,
> are the obvious liar here. Moreover, considering there is no way in the
> world you could know what I used or the name of the typist that is willing
> to swear in court that she was talking about Cards and that she typed the
> post, and that Chip also confirmed that he was talking about Cards and not
> medals, then clearly, any representation contrary to all those people
> involved in both sides of this issue can only be considered complete and
> outright fraud, false representations and outright lies....which is
> clearly what you are doing Mr. Brooks. ALL THOSE INVOLVED SAY WE WERE
> TALKING ABOUT CARDS AND NOT MEDALS! How in the world can you claim to
> know more than all three individuals involved in the exchange???? Mind
> reading? More of your "Swami" bullshit? That what you are all about
> Brooks. Nonsense and bullshit.
> You are fraudulently attempting to contradict what all three of those
> individuals involved in this exchange say was the context of their
> discussion, and using criminal libel in the process. So why am I not
> surprised at your lack of ethics Brooks?
>> As indicated above - Mr. Ciammaichella is clearly speaking of the Purple
>> Heart Medal when he call it a "cute little piece of ribbon with a purple
>> heart hanging from it" in his post to the thread "I was spit on when I
>> returned from Vietnam"

> Doug Says: Mr. Brooks, you have taken a statement from Chip in a
> completely different post that had nothing to do with Post 17 or 18, which
> you admit had nothing to do with me or the exchange my typist had with
> him, and tried to use that non-applicable and non-confirmed post fragment
> to apply to a post in which he was talking about a Purple Heart Card which
> designates a service connected disability at the time of his post. What
> he said in other posts that I did not read nor applied to me could not
> possibly have anything to do with the context he presented to me, which he
> said was Purple Heart Cards. My typist replied in that context, and the
> Google archive proves that fact irrefutably. Moreover, I note that you do
> not provide any URL to confirm what you claim Chip said in other posts
> that I had no knowledge of, so I will assume they are just more Nigel
> Brooks forgeries as usual....caught again Brooks I see....
> You have fraudulently taken an alleged statement from Chip in a post I
> clearly never saw nor replied to, and you have tried to include it in an
> exchange I had with him in which he clearly said did NOT involve the
> Purple Heart Medal, but instead, referenced the Purple Heart Card. Your
> attempt to forge a post I never saw nor responded to into my typist's
> response about Purple Heart Cards is beyond unethical, it is outright
> fraud. The two posts (if the one you are referencing exists which I
> doubt) are not related, you know that, I know that, and the court will
> know that fact as well. What Chip said or did not say in the past has no
> relevance on what he did say to me, which was referencing a Purple Heart
> and that prompted my typist's reply in the same context....which BTW
> Google will confirm.
>>> Your fraud and forgeries have been exposed yet again Mr. Rau, and if you
>>> would like to see a copy of that post, and/or the reason it was removed,
>>> and if it does not state to Google an issue about Purple Heart Cards,
>>> then I will pay all fees....but if Google confirms what I am saying is
>>> true, you pay the fees. It won't cost much for a lawyer to process a
>>> Subpoena to Google, so how about it Rau, Brooks, SteveL, MAC, and other
>>> gang members, are you going to "Walk the Walk" or is it just "Big Hat No
>>> Cattle" once again from the Brooks smear gang and his Brownies?

>> The only fraud here is you Mr. Reiman - what you might have told the good
>> folks at google in your request to remove the post wherein you claimed to
>> have had a Purple Heart is immaterial - you are simply not to be
>> believed.

> Doug Says: Mr. Brooks, I never claimed to have a Purple Heart Medal in
> any post, and Google will confirm the reason the post was removed, and
> confirm it was dealing with a Purple Heart Card and not a Medal. You
> forged the term "Medal" in the post and now you are attempting to
> attribute your forgery to me. I find it amazing Mr. Brooks that when your
> fraud, false accusations, obloquy and outright criminal libel has been
> exposed for what it is, you blame me for your unethical practices.
> Google will confirm the reason the post was removed, and the context of
> the post, and this post was removed long before you or your smear gang
> said a word about Google, like all those Web Mangers that forced
> your eleven web sites down for your abuse and fraud, (I believe Brooks
> holds the record for web sites forced down due to fraud and abuse) will be
> considered independent of this issue.
> Like I said, if Google does not provide a copy of the post in which my
> typist clearly said we were talking about Purple Heart Cards, or the
> reason for the removal did not address that issue, then I will pay for all
> costs to Subpoena Google, but if it does confirm what I said, then you
> confess to criminal libel and you pay the costs....time to Walk theWalk
> Mr. Brooks..
> And if you think this is the end of the surprises that are in store for
> you and your gang, you must realize that I have just began to defend
> myself from your glaring fraud, false accusations, forgeries and smear
> tactics.
> Doug Grant (Tm)

Twist and spin to your heart's content Mr. Reiman - I am confident that my
interpretation of your exchange with Mr. Ciammaichella is the correct one.
And of course your claim that I have never communicated with him will be
directly refuted by the production of my telephone toll records should it
become necessary.

I am confident from this latest frenzied exchange, that you are incapable of
telling the truth.
Nigel Brooks
Doug Says: SteveL: You have been informed several times that
anonymous cyberstalking is a Federal Crime. Please reference
H.R. 3402 Section 113, which provides Federal Criminal penalities
for anonymous cyberstalking, which you clearly are doing with
your repeated posting of fraud and outright forgeries in respect
to me.

Please call the FBI and turn yourself in for Cyberstalking and
criminal copyright violations. Once you contact the FBI please
have them contact me for the appropriate criminal complaints.
This will be your last chance to voluntarily turn yourself in for
Federal Cyberstalking and criminal copyright violations prior to
my lawyer contacting the proper authorities about you....

Doug Grant (Tm)


"SteveL" <> wrote in message
> On Sun, 11 Nov 2007 22:45:26 -0800, "DGVREIMAN"
> <> wrote:
> <snip>
>>You have fraudulently taken an alleged statement from Chip in
>>post I clearly never saw nor replied to, and you have tried to
>>include it in an exchange I had with him in which he clearly
>>did NOT involve the Purple Heart Medal, but instead, referenced
>>the Purple Heart Card. Your attempt to forge a post I never
>>nor responded to into my typist's response about Purple Heart
>>Cards is beyond unethical, it is outright fraud. The two posts
>>(if the one you are referencing exists which I doubt) are not
>>related, you know that, I know that, and the court will know
>>fact as well. What Chip said or did not say in the past has no
>>relevance on what he did say to me, which was referencing a
>>Purple Heart Card, and NOT A MEDAL, (remember you FORGED THE
>>MEDAL IN BOTH POSTS) and that prompted my typist's reply in the
>>same context....which BTW Google will confirm.

> The term "MEDAL" does not exist in any of the posts in
> question -
> certainly not in any of the quotes.. The posts simply refer to
> a
> "Purple Heart" PERIOD.
> Chip's two posts are still there on Google. So you cannot get
> away
> with lying about them (though you're crazy enough to keep
> trying.

Doug Says: Chip has verified he was not talking about medals,
but cards. In Chips original post #16 he states CAR(D) NOT
MEDALS! All three people involved in this exchange agree that
the context was VA Cards and not medals, Chip, my typist and me.

The Google archive verifies that the context of this post was
about VA Cards and not medals.

Of course I did not write post 17 nor did I post it, that would
have been physically impossible for me to do at the time. The
typist read me Chips statement that he had a Purple Heart Card
on the telephone, which is how it read to her and to me, and I
gave her a general reply to compose. She also noted in the post
that she was talking about cards and not medals, which again the
Google archive will confirm.

I have verified as recently as last week that Chip was not
talking about Medals in the post my typist replied to. If you
disagee, email Chip directly and see if he will deal with you
fraud merchants and cyberstalkers. IF you wish to see the
corroboration that Chip does not have a Purple Heart Medal and
therefore could not have possibly been referencing one, then
please contact me or my lawyer at with the
name of your lawyer, or your name and address where you can be
reached, and we will send it to you.

Please no more emails, you defrauded on your promises to respond
with your lawyers name the last time my lawyer sent you an email.

Period. End of your fraud. You should really consider turning
yourself in for your crimes and seek help.

Doug Grant (Tm)
"DGVREIMAN" <> wrote in message
> Doug Says: SteveL: You have been informed several times that
> anonymous cyberstalking is a Federal Crime. Please reference
> H.R. 3402 Section 113, which provides Federal Criminal penalities
> for anonymous cyberstalking, which you clearly are doing with
> your repeated posting of fraud and outright forgeries in respect
> to me.
> Please call the FBI and turn yourself in for Cyberstalking and
> criminal copyright violations. Once you contact the FBI please
> have them contact me for the appropriate criminal complaints.
> This will be your last chance to voluntarily turn yourself in for
> Federal Cyberstalking and criminal copyright violations prior to
> my lawyer contacting the proper authorities about you....
> Doug Grant (Tm)
> "SteveL" <> wrote in message
>> On Sun, 11 Nov 2007 22:45:26 -0800, "DGVREIMAN"
>> <> wrote:
>> <snip>
>>>You have fraudulently taken an alleged statement from Chip in a
>>>post I clearly never saw nor replied to, and you have tried to
>>>include it in an exchange I had with him in which he clearly said
>>>did NOT involve the Purple Heart Medal, but instead, referenced
>>>the Purple Heart Card. Your attempt to forge a post I never saw
>>>nor responded to into my typist's response about Purple Heart
>>>Cards is beyond unethical, it is outright fraud. The two posts
>>>(if the one you are referencing exists which I doubt) are not
>>>related, you know that, I know that, and the court will know that
>>>fact as well. What Chip said or did not say in the past has no
>>>relevance on what he did say to me, which was referencing a
>>>Purple Heart Card, and NOT A MEDAL, (remember you FORGED THE TERM
>>>MEDAL IN BOTH POSTS) and that prompted my typist's reply in the
>>>same context....which BTW Google will confirm.

>> The term "MEDAL" does not exist in any of the posts in question -
>> certainly not in any of the quotes.. The posts simply refer to a
>> "Purple Heart" PERIOD.
>> Chip's two posts are still there on Google. So you cannot get away
>> with lying about them (though you're crazy enough to keep trying.

> Doug Says: Chip has verified he was not talking about medals, but cards.
> In Chips original post #16 he states CAR(D) NOT MEDALS! All three people
> involved in this exchange agree that the context was VA Cards and not
> medals, Chip, my typist and me.

You duplicitous piece of ****!!!! The "CAR" that Mr. Ciammaichella is
referring to is the Combat Action Ribbon awarded to individual Marines.

> The Google archive verifies that the context of this post was about VA
> Cards and not medals.
> Of course I did not write post 17 nor did I post it, that would have been
> physically impossible for me to do at the time. The typist read me Chips
> statement that he had a Purple Heart Card on the telephone, which is how
> it read to her and to me, and I gave her a general reply to compose. She
> also noted in the post that she was talking about cards and not medals,
> which again the Google archive will confirm.
> I have verified as recently as last week that Chip was not talking about
> Medals in the post my typist replied to. If you disagee, email Chip
> directly and see if he will deal with you fraud merchants and
> cyberstalkers. IF you wish to see the corroboration that Chip does not
> have a Purple Heart Medal and therefore could not have possibly been
> referencing one, then please contact me or my lawyer at
> with the name of your lawyer, or your name and
> address where you can be reached, and we will send it to you.
> Please no more emails, you defrauded on your promises to respond with your
> lawyers name the last time my lawyer sent you an email.
> Period. End of your fraud. You should really consider turning yourself
> in for your crimes and seek help.
> Doug Grant (Tm)

You should consider turning yourself in to the nearest mental health

Nigel Brooks
In article
The Shadow <> wrote:

> On Nov 11, 9:45 pm, SteveL <> wrote:
> > On Sun, 11 Nov 2007 21:45:51 -0800, "DGVREIMAN"
> >
> > <> wrote:
> >
> > >Bottom Line:

> >

The author is only person able to remove his messages from
the Google archives Other servers like RoadRunner's news
server -- -- are unaffected by the
author's action and retain a copy.

Since Google says posts can can only be removed by the
author or his/her agent, we know who removed it. The question
is, of course, why.

- - - - - [the mysteriously missing post] - - - - -

NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2007 23:47:14 -0600
From: "DGVREIMAN" <>
References: <>
Subject: Re: Rebuttal Rau No Signature Admission ( Was Re:
Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2007 21:45:51 -0800
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2900.3138
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.3198
X-RFC2646: Format=Flowed; Original
Message-ID: <>
Lines: 317
X-Abuse-and-DMCA-Info: Please be sure to forward a copy of ALL
X-Abuse-and-DMCA-Info: Otherwise we will be unable to process
your complaint properly
X-Postfilter: 1.3.35
Xref: alt.war.vietnam:393659 alt.military:317644

Bottom Line:

Chip says he was not referencing a Purple Heart Medal, my
says she was not referencing a purple heart medal, I say when I
was consulted on this post I did not respond referencing a
Heart Medal, and so what Dai Uy say?

I, duh, read, duh, minds, and I say, duh, all do youse guys are
lying, but duh, I does, not know, duh, nor can I, duh, well,

Fact: Chip said he was talking about Purple Heart Cards not
medals, I say that was the topic of conversation, my typist's
notes say the same, the Google archive in respect to the reason
for removal of the post confirms this fact....conclusion:

Dai Uy, and Nigel Brooks and gang have been caught in mid con
mid smear once again.

Fact: Nigel Brooks and Tom Rau FORGED the term "Medal" into
and my typists' post and reply......another Brooks/Rau forgery,
and this time, criminal libel. Like I said, dishonor, fraud,
unethical practices are the clear and obvious tactics of Tom
and Nigel Brooks in respect to this issue and many more.

So is Rau going to confess to criminal libel, or is he going to
take my challenge of an independent legal review of this issue
and others?

Watch him duck, run, squirm and cower to this challenge.

Doug Grant (Tm)

"Dai Uy" <> wrote in message
> In article <>,
> "DGVREIMAN" <> wrote:
>> "Dai Uy" <> wrote in message
>> > In article <>,
>> > "DGVREIMAN" <> wrote:
>> >
>> >>
>> >> Doug Says: The above post was not composed nor written

>> >> posted by me, and regardless, it is not referencing

> Your statement; "Doug Says: I have a Purple Heart also,
> and I received mine in a real war" is referencing the Purple
> Heart medal.
> This will be quite long, lest you accuse me of hiding your
> eloquent and revealing words.
> I'll try to write this response so that a third grader can
> understand.
>> >
>> > The headers clearly indicate that Message-ID:
>> >

>> > was written by "DGVREIMAN" <>.
>> > Accept
>> > the facts.
>> >
>> >> The
>> >> cut and paste by ChIp is incomplete, does not contain the
>> >> last
>> >> paragraph that explains what the typist was referencing.
>> >
>> > No doubt you will be posting a revised version with the
>> > missing last paragraph that will explain what the typist

>> > referencing.

>> Doug's Rebuttal: In fact, if a criminal charges are filed
>> over
>> this issue (which will happen if anyone states that I

>> a
>> purple heart medal as a statement of fact and not as some
>> smear
>> merchant's fraudulent opinion which is clearly designed to
>> defame) or a lawyer gets involved, the prosecutor or the
>> lawyer
>> (if no statement of fact from an identifiable person I can
>> file
>> a Federal court action at my expense asking for a

>> order and damages in respect to this issue as soon as next
>> week)
>> the lawyer can then Subpoena Google for a copy and the

>> it
>> was removed. If the reason provided google for removal does
>> not
>> state this post was removed due to the context being Purple
>> Heart
>> Cards, or if the post itself does not state that fact as my
>> typist's notes indicate, then I will pay for all legal fees
>> and
>> withdraw all charges. However, if it does contain the
>> Purple
>> Heart Card reference, then YOU plead guilty to criminal libel
>> (that is if you are stating as a fact I ever claimed I had

>> a
>> purple heart medal) and you pay for the legal fees. If you
>> are
>> not stating as a statement of fact that I ever claimed a
>> Purple
>> Heart Medal then I suggest you stop attempting to associate

>> with people that have been arrested for claiming fake medals
>> or
>> for defrauding the US Government in some manner or another,
>> because such fraudulent associations clearly are designed to
>> criminally libel me by claiming I too am guilty of the same
>> crimes you are reporting. And even if you do not mention me
>> by
>> name, your gang leader follows up on your post and does,

>> is
>> clearly represents criminal conspiracy to criminally libel me
>> over this issue.
>> I have not filed a single criminal complaint against anyone
>> that
>> I believed to be a Veteran (SteveL is the one exception).
>> However, one more fraudulent association in that regard

>> be
>> enough for me to demand criminal libel charges be filed
>> against
>> you in your home town, and then the Prosecutor can be the one
>> that contacts Google, and I will get a trip to Hawaii to
>> testify.
>> If you continue to accuse me of a crime by implication or
>> statement, I will take legal action against you.

> That sounds like yet another of your threats of legal
> action. I heard that posting threats of a financial nature on
> usenet is against federal law. But, it's probably not true.
> The person who posted that factoid is a notorious liar.
>> >
>> > Chip quoted your entire message - refutting it point by
>> > point, paragraph by paragraph -- including the last
>> > paragraph.
>> > He deleted only your signature.

> That's a fact. The posts that I provided in their
> entirety confirm that.
>> Doug Says: Bullshit. See above to prove this issue once

>> for
>> all.

> The posts, number 17 and 18, and their headers, already
> prove who wrote what.
>> He cut and pasted only the part he wanted to respond to and
>> the bottom of the post was not repeated by Chip, and your own
>> admission that he did not cut and paste any signature proves
>> that
>> fact. Had he provided the entire post then a signature
>> would
>> have appeared at the immediate bottom of the fragement he
>> excerpted.

> Isn't that what I said, he deleted ONLY the signature?

No Signature, no complete post, including what was written

>> But it is interesting that you now admit that no
>> signature appears on the post, yet in ALL other cases it
>> does....You have just proved my point Mr. Rau that the cut

>> paste by Chip was NOT complete and did not include the

>> contents of Post 17.

> Okay, here's the entire contents of post number 17 -- the
> one that you swore to be the author of when you had it removed.

Doug Says: More Dai Uy fraud. I do not need to be the author
the post to have it removed. Anyone can check with Google and
prove that Dai Uy (Tom Rau) is lying through his teeth. And
post below clearly is not Post 17, no Signature and what
above the Signature. More obvious and incredible fraud and
forgeries from Thomas Rau:
> >
>> >
>> > See original messages -- yours and Chip C's -- below:
>> >
>> > Here is your original post (Number 17 in the thread)

>> Mr. Rau, you and I both know you are simply repeating what
>> Chip
>> cut and pasted over a different post header.

> You know that it is an archived copy of the post that you
> swore you were the author of.

Doug Says: Your lying and desperation is obvious and
pathological. I swore I was the author? Bwhahahahah you are
nuts....please provide an URL to the archived copy you are
referncing, your dreams, your Walter Mitty fantasy, crazy,
goofy.....need some help Rau.
>> If post 17 was
>> complete it would have included a signature and the

>> at
>> the bottom of the post that referenced the fact we were
>> discussing cards and not medals. The signature is missing.

> Your signature is not missing on post 17 that you swore
> you were the author of. There was no statement in regarding
> cards. Furthermore, there is not, and never has been a card
> called the "Purple Heart Card." That is as stupid as saying a
> SFC was a butter-bar.

Doug Says: There is no post that references Medals, that
was added by your gang leader Nigel Brooks. If Chip says we
talking about Cards, and my typist says we were talking about
Cards, and I say we were talking about Cards, and the recent
confirmation to Chip confirms we were talking about Cards, and
were the only three people involved in the discussion, then
in the hell do you get off telling us what we were talking
Mind reading? Reading the entails of little animals?
Duhhhhhhhhh! The people involved in discussion are the ONLY
people that know the context of what they were talking about,
you and your gang have been caught once again, like Brier
it the Tar Baby.....and there is much more to come, much more.


Fraud merchants always eventually show their true colors
>> The
>> statement in parentheses is missing. You and the
>> Cyberstalking
>> nutcase SteveL are simply forging headers over a cut and

>> by
>> Chip. Your forgery is obvious.

> That is a libelous falsehood, intended to harm our
> reputations. Perhaps you should consult with your lawyer
> before making those kinds of statements.

Doug Says: If you want, my lawyer can send you and your local
prosecutor a letter confirming that fact? Do you agree?

>> We all can see what you two are doing in your desperation.

> What do you mean "we"?

Doug Says:

You and your smear gang.
>> There
>> is no signature on the post and no statement in
>> parentheses....the post is clearly incomplete.

> There is a signature on the post you wrote (number 17) and
> have attempted to hide. There is not a statement in
> parentheses.

Doug Says: Then please provide a copy of the post that
the signature and the statement above the signature. No? Like
said, a forgery.
>> If you disagree
>> find another complete post from the account I was using that
>> did
>> not contain a signature.n No?

> Why?
> I've told you five or six times that YOU signed your post
> (number 17). Chip C did not copy your signature when he
> replied in post number 18. He copied everything else.

Doug Says: Please provide your evidence that I signed post
It does not appear in your forgery? Afraid to repost a forged
signature? Your lies and obvious forgeries are glaring Mr.
Rau....and there is much more to come over this issue.
>> Of course not becuase none exist.

> A freudian slip? Of course there was no statement in
> parenthese
>> However, you claim that I wrote this post although you also
>> acknowledge that this is the only post from the account I was
>> using that DID NOT contain a signature.

> Damn you're dense. In all seriousness Doug, you need to
> get a grip.
>> So who signed the post?

> Follow along here Doug,
> You signed post number 17.

Please provide Post number 17 with my signature. A failure to
so will be a de facto admission you are lying and using fraud
falsely accuse me of a crime.

We are waiting. Are you ready to confess to criminal libel or
should my lawyer contact you directly?

Doug Grant (Tm)

>>> Quite an impressive list! Pass this on. Let the public
>>> become aware
>>> of what happens to "friends" of the Clintons.


> _________________________________________________________________

full of **** as usual
On Mon, 12 Nov 2007 09:18:57 -0800, "DGVREIMAN"
<> wrote:

>Doug Says: SteveL: You have been informed several times that
>anonymous cyberstalking is a Federal Crime. Please reference
>H.R. 3402 Section 113, which provides Federal Criminal penalities
>for anonymous cyberstalking, which you clearly are doing with
>your repeated posting of fraud and outright forgeries in respect
>to me.
>Please call the FBI and turn yourself in for Cyberstalking and
>criminal copyright violations. Once you contact the FBI please
>have them contact me for the appropriate criminal complaints.
>This will be your last chance to voluntarily turn yourself in for
>Federal Cyberstalking and criminal copyright violations prior to
>my lawyer contacting the proper authorities about you....


No answer to the checkmate eh?

Resignation accepted.

>Doug Grant (Tm)
>"SteveL" <> wrote in message
>> On Sun, 11 Nov 2007 22:45:26 -0800, "DGVREIMAN"
>> <> wrote:
>> <snip>
>>>You have fraudulently taken an alleged statement from Chip in
>>>post I clearly never saw nor replied to, and you have tried to
>>>include it in an exchange I had with him in which he clearly
>>>did NOT involve the Purple Heart Medal, but instead, referenced
>>>the Purple Heart Card. Your attempt to forge a post I never
>>>nor responded to into my typist's response about Purple Heart
>>>Cards is beyond unethical, it is outright fraud. The two posts
>>>(if the one you are referencing exists which I doubt) are not
>>>related, you know that, I know that, and the court will know
>>>fact as well. What Chip said or did not say in the past has no
>>>relevance on what he did say to me, which was referencing a
>>>Purple Heart Card, and NOT A MEDAL, (remember you FORGED THE
>>>MEDAL IN BOTH POSTS) and that prompted my typist's reply in the
>>>same context....which BTW Google will confirm.

>> The term "MEDAL" does not exist in any of the posts in
>> question -
>> certainly not in any of the quotes.. The posts simply refer to
>> a
>> "Purple Heart" PERIOD.
>> Chip's two posts are still there on Google. So you cannot get
>> away
>> with lying about them (though you're crazy enough to keep
>> trying.

>Doug Says: Chip has verified he was not talking about medals,
>but cards. In Chips original post #16 he states CAR(D) NOT
>MEDALS! All three people involved in this exchange agree that
>the context was VA Cards and not medals, Chip, my typist and me.
>The Google archive verifies that the context of this post was
>about VA Cards and not medals.
>Of course I did not write post 17 nor did I post it, that would
>have been physically impossible for me to do at the time. The
>typist read me Chips statement that he had a Purple Heart Card
>on the telephone, which is how it read to her and to me, and I
>gave her a general reply to compose. She also noted in the post
>that she was talking about cards and not medals, which again the
>Google archive will confirm.
>I have verified as recently as last week that Chip was not
>talking about Medals in the post my typist replied to. If you
>disagee, email Chip directly and see if he will deal with you
>fraud merchants and cyberstalkers. IF you wish to see the
>corroboration that Chip does not have a Purple Heart Medal and
>therefore could not have possibly been referencing one, then
>please contact me or my lawyer at with the
>name of your lawyer, or your name and address where you can be
>reached, and we will send it to you.
>Please no more emails, you defrauded on your promises to respond
>with your lawyers name the last time my lawyer sent you an email.
>Period. End of your fraud. You should really consider turning
>yourself in for your crimes and seek help.
>Doug Grant (Tm)
On Mon, 12 Nov 2007 09:18:57 -0800, "DGVREIMAN"
<> wrote:

>Doug Says: SteveL: You have been informed several times that
>anonymous cyberstalking is a Federal Crime. Please reference
>H.R. 3402 Section 113, which provides Federal Criminal penalities
>for anonymous cyberstalking, which you clearly are doing with
>your repeated posting of fraud and outright forgeries in respect
>to me.
>Please call the FBI and turn yourself in for Cyberstalking and
>criminal copyright violations. Once you contact the FBI please
>have them contact me for the appropriate criminal complaints.
>This will be your last chance to voluntarily turn yourself in for
>Federal Cyberstalking and criminal copyright violations prior to
>my lawyer contacting the proper authorities about you....
>Doug Grant (Tm)
>"SteveL" <> wrote in message
>> On Sun, 11 Nov 2007 22:45:26 -0800, "DGVREIMAN"
>> <> wrote:
>> <snip>
>>>You have fraudulently taken an alleged statement from Chip in
>>>post I clearly never saw nor replied to, and you have tried to
>>>include it in an exchange I had with him in which he clearly
>>>did NOT involve the Purple Heart Medal, but instead, referenced
>>>the Purple Heart Card. Your attempt to forge a post I never
>>>nor responded to into my typist's response about Purple Heart
>>>Cards is beyond unethical, it is outright fraud. The two posts
>>>(if the one you are referencing exists which I doubt) are not
>>>related, you know that, I know that, and the court will know
>>>fact as well. What Chip said or did not say in the past has no
>>>relevance on what he did say to me, which was referencing a
>>>Purple Heart Card, and NOT A MEDAL, (remember you FORGED THE
>>>MEDAL IN BOTH POSTS) and that prompted my typist's reply in the
>>>same context....which BTW Google will confirm.

>> The term "MEDAL" does not exist in any of the posts in
>> question -
>> certainly not in any of the quotes.. The posts simply refer to
>> a
>> "Purple Heart" PERIOD.
>> Chip's two posts are still there on Google. So you cannot get
>> away
>> with lying about them (though you're crazy enough to keep
>> trying.

>Doug Says: Chip has verified he was not talking about medals,
>but cards. In Chips original post #16 he states CAR(D) NOT
>MEDALS! All three people involved in this exchange agree that
>the context was VA Cards and not medals, Chip, my typist and me.

A CAR is a Combat Action Ribbon you nutcase.

The Combat Action Ribbon (CAR) is a personal military decoration of
the United States Navy and United States Marine Corps.

>The Google archive verifies that the context of this post was
>about VA Cards and not medals.

No it does not.

>Of course I did not write post 17 nor did I post it, that would
>have been physically impossible for me to do at the time.

Of course you did,.

> The
>typist read me Chips statement that he had a Purple Heart Card
>on the telephone, which is how it read to her and to me, and I
>gave her a general reply to compose. She also noted in the post
>that she was talking about cards and not medals, which again the
>Google archive will confirm.

The archive is there for all to see.

That you lie about what is in plain sight shows your complete
departure from reality.

What does it feel like to be you.

Brrrr I'd rather eat my gun.

>I have verified as recently as last week that Chip was not
>talking about Medals in the post my typist replied to. If you
>disagee, email Chip directly and see if he will deal with you
>fraud merchants and cyberstalkers. IF you wish to see the
>corroboration that Chip does not have a Purple Heart Medal and
>therefore could not have possibly been referencing one, then
>please contact me or my lawyer at with the
>name of your lawyer, or your name and address where you can be
>reached, and we will send it to you.
>Please no more emails, you defrauded on your promises to respond
>with your lawyers name the last time my lawyer sent you an email.
>Period. End of your fraud. You should really consider turning
>yourself in for your crimes and seek help.

I suspect in the end the only who's going to see the wrong side of the
law is your good self one of these days.

Someone as insanely pathologically dishonest as you cannot have
escaped the attention of the law.

>Doug Grant (Tm)
On Mon, 12 Nov 2007 08:35:23 -0800, The Shadow <>

>On Nov 11, 9:45 pm, SteveL <> wrote:
>> On Sun, 11 Nov 2007 21:45:51 -0800, "DGVREIMAN"
>> <> wrote:
>> >Bottom Line:


>~~ very long snip ~~~
>Did you, or has anyone, retained a copy of Mr. Reiman's original
>post? It seems that post number 13, posted by DGVREIMAN on November
>11th, to the thread: "Rebuttal Rau No Signature Admission ( Was Re:
>Huxton Walk the Walk Re: CLINTONS' AND CYBERSTALKERS" has already been
>mysteriously removed from the Google archive. See URL:
>One must wonder why?
>Might it have anything to do with the uncorroborated statements that
>he is attributing to Dan "Chip" Ciammaichella?
>Even The Shadow doesn't know.....

Everyone has a copy of the post if he did delete it.

He's certainly panicing, isn't he?

I've never seen so many confused desperate and dishonest dodges in one
day before. He can't keep track of his lies over the course of a few

One minute he's saying he didn't write the post (and even claiming he
has a "statement" from the "real" author - which of course has never
been produced), the next he's admitting he wrote the post and claiming
that people are trying to "read his mind" when they interpret "Purple
Heart" as meaning "Purple Heart".

And the next he ordering me to report to the authorities like he's the
****ing Sheriff of Nottingham or something. :)

He's been getting boring lately, but this is certainly entertainment
of a higher order.

I feel another kook award coming on.
On Mon, 12 Nov 2007 09:03:18 -0800, "DGVREIMAN"
<> wrote:

>Doug Says: SteveL: You have been informed several times that
>anonymous cyberstalking is a Federal Crime. Please reference
>H.R. 3402 Section 113, which provides Federal Criminal penalities
>for anonymous cyberstalking, which you clearly are doing with
>your repeated posting of fraud and outright forgeries in respect
>to me.
>The post you are referencing above has not been removed, nor has
>the statement from Daniel "Chip" Ciammaichella that he does not
>have a Purple Heart Medal and therefore could not have been
>referencing one in his post been uncorroborated. In fact it has
>been corroborated as recently as last week.
>Please call the FBI and turn yourself in for Cyberstalking and
>criminal copyright violations. Once you contact the FBI please
>have them contact me for the appropriate criminal complaints.
>This will be your last chance to voluntarily turn yourself in for
>Federal Cyberstalking and criminal copyright violations prior to
>my lawyer contacting the proper authorities about you....
>Doug Grant (Tm)

LOL! I feel another kook award coming on.

What do you think, Duggles?
On Mon, 12 Nov 2007 08:35:23 -0800, The Shadow <>

>On Nov 11, 9:45 pm, SteveL <> wrote:
>> On Sun, 11 Nov 2007 21:45:51 -0800, "DGVREIMAN"
>> <> wrote:
>> >Bottom Line:


>~~ very long snip ~~~
>Did you, or has anyone, retained a copy of Mr. Reiman's original
>post? It seems that post number 13, posted by DGVREIMAN on November
>11th, to the thread: "Rebuttal Rau No Signature Admission ( Was Re:
>Huxton Walk the Walk Re: CLINTONS' AND CYBERSTALKERS" has already been
>mysteriously removed from the Google archive. See URL:
>One must wonder why?
>Might it have anything to do with the uncorroborated statements that
>he is attributing to Dan "Chip" Ciammaichella?
>Even The Shadow doesn't know.....

Just in case he has deleted it: Here it is again with headers. I can't
wait for him to declare that I've "forged" it when everyone's news
reader shows a 100% identical post just above.

NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2007 23:47:14 -0600
From: "DGVREIMAN" <>
References: <>
Subject: Re: Rebuttal Rau No Signature Admission ( Was Re: Huxton Walk
Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2007 21:45:51 -0800
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2900.3138
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.3198
X-RFC2646: Format=Flowed; Original
Message-ID: <>
Lines: 317
X-Abuse-and-DMCA-Info: Please be sure to forward a copy of ALL headers
X-Abuse-and-DMCA-Info: Otherwise we will be unable to process your
complaint properly
X-Postfilter: 1.3.35
Bytes: 13516
X-Original-Bytes: 13361
Xref: alt.war.vietnam:686932
alt.military:363228 alt.politics:3692094

Bottom Line:

Chip says he was not referencing a Purple Heart Medal, my typist
says she was not referencing a purple heart medal, I say when I
was consulted on this post I did not respond referencing a Purple
Heart Medal, and so what Dai Uy say?

I, duh, read, duh, minds, and I say, duh, all do youse guys are
lying, but duh, I does, not know, duh, nor can I, duh, well, duh.

Fact: Chip said he was talking about Purple Heart Cards not
medals, I say that was the topic of conversation, my typist's
notes say the same, the Google archive in respect to the reason
for removal of the post confirms this fact....conclusion:

Dai Uy, and Nigel Brooks and gang have been caught in mid con and
mid smear once again.

Fact: Nigel Brooks and Tom Rau FORGED the term "Medal" into Chip
and my typists' post and reply......another Brooks/Rau forgery,
and this time, criminal libel. Like I said, dishonor, fraud,
unethical practices are the clear and obvious tactics of Tom Rau
and Nigel Brooks in respect to this issue and many more.

So is Rau going to confess to criminal libel, or is he going to
take my challenge of an independent legal review of this issue
and others?

Watch him duck, run, squirm and cower to this challenge.

Doug Grant (Tm)

"Dai Uy" <> wrote in message
> In article <>,
> "DGVREIMAN" <> wrote:
>> "Dai Uy" <> wrote in message
>> > In article <>,
>> > "DGVREIMAN" <> wrote:
>> >
>> >>
>> >> Doug Says: The above post was not composed nor written nor
>> >> posted by me, and regardless, it is not referencing medals.

> Your statement; "Doug Says: I have a Purple Heart also,
> and I received mine in a real war" is referencing the Purple
> Heart medal.
> This will be quite long, lest you accuse me of hiding your
> eloquent and revealing words.
> I'll try to write this response so that a third grader can
> understand.
>> >
>> > The headers clearly indicate that Message-ID:
>> > <WaU3a.38894$>
>> > was written by "DGVREIMAN" <>.
>> > Accept
>> > the facts.
>> >
>> >> The
>> >> cut and paste by ChIp is incomplete, does not contain the
>> >> last
>> >> paragraph that explains what the typist was referencing.
>> >
>> > No doubt you will be posting a revised version with the
>> > missing last paragraph that will explain what the typist was
>> > referencing.

>> Doug's Rebuttal: In fact, if a criminal charges are filed
>> over
>> this issue (which will happen if anyone states that I claimed
>> a
>> purple heart medal as a statement of fact and not as some
>> smear
>> merchant's fraudulent opinion which is clearly designed to
>> defame) or a lawyer gets involved, the prosecutor or the
>> lawyer
>> (if no statement of fact from an identifiable person I can
>> file
>> a Federal court action at my expense asking for a restraining
>> order and damages in respect to this issue as soon as next
>> week)
>> the lawyer can then Subpoena Google for a copy and the reason
>> it
>> was removed. If the reason provided google for removal does
>> not
>> state this post was removed due to the context being Purple
>> Heart
>> Cards, or if the post itself does not state that fact as my
>> typist's notes indicate, then I will pay for all legal fees
>> and
>> withdraw all charges. However, if it does contain the
>> Purple
>> Heart Card reference, then YOU plead guilty to criminal libel
>> (that is if you are stating as a fact I ever claimed I had won
>> a
>> purple heart medal) and you pay for the legal fees. If you
>> are
>> not stating as a statement of fact that I ever claimed a
>> Purple
>> Heart Medal then I suggest you stop attempting to associate me
>> with people that have been arrested for claiming fake medals
>> or
>> for defrauding the US Government in some manner or another,
>> because such fraudulent associations clearly are designed to
>> criminally libel me by claiming I too am guilty of the same
>> crimes you are reporting. And even if you do not mention me
>> by
>> name, your gang leader follows up on your post and does, which
>> is
>> clearly represents criminal conspiracy to criminally libel me
>> over this issue.
>> I have not filed a single criminal complaint against anyone
>> that
>> I believed to be a Veteran (SteveL is the one exception).
>> However, one more fraudulent association in that regard should
>> be
>> enough for me to demand criminal libel charges be filed
>> against
>> you in your home town, and then the Prosecutor can be the one
>> that contacts Google, and I will get a trip to Hawaii to
>> testify.
>> If you continue to accuse me of a crime by implication or
>> statement, I will take legal action against you.

> That sounds like yet another of your threats of legal
> action. I heard that posting threats of a financial nature on
> usenet is against federal law. But, it's probably not true.
> The person who posted that factoid is a notorious liar.
>> >
>> > Chip quoted your entire message - refutting it point by
>> > point, paragraph by paragraph -- including the last
>> > paragraph.
>> > He deleted only your signature.

> That's a fact. The posts that I provided in their
> entirety confirm that.
>> Doug Says: Bullshit. See above to prove this issue once and
>> for
>> all.

> The posts, number 17 and 18, and their headers, already
> prove who wrote what.
>> He cut and pasted only the part he wanted to respond to and
>> the bottom of the post was not repeated by Chip, and your own
>> admission that he did not cut and paste any signature proves
>> that
>> fact. Had he provided the entire post then a signature
>> would
>> have appeared at the immediate bottom of the fragement he
>> excerpted.

> Isn't that what I said, he deleted ONLY the signature?

No Signature, no complete post, including what was written ABOVE

>> But it is interesting that you now admit that no
>> signature appears on the post, yet in ALL other cases it
>> does....You have just proved my point Mr. Rau that the cut and
>> paste by Chip was NOT complete and did not include the entire
>> contents of Post 17.

> Okay, here's the entire contents of post number 17 -- the
> one that you swore to be the author of when you had it removed.

Doug Says: More Dai Uy fraud. I do not need to be the author of
the post to have it removed. Anyone can check with Google and
prove that Dai Uy (Tom Rau) is lying through his teeth. And the
post below clearly is not Post 17, no Signature and what appears
above the Signature. More obvious and incredible fraud and
forgeries from Thomas Rau:
> >
>> >
>> > See original messages -- yours and Chip C's -- below:
>> >
>> > Here is your original post (Number 17 in the thread)

>> Mr. Rau, you and I both know you are simply repeating what
>> Chip
>> cut and pasted over a different post header.

> You know that it is an archived copy of the post that you
> swore you were the author of.

Doug Says: Your lying and desperation is obvious and
pathological. I swore I was the author? Bwhahahahah you are
nuts....please provide an URL to the archived copy you are
referncing, your dreams, your Walter Mitty fantasy, crazy, nuts,
goofy.....need some help Rau.
>> If post 17 was
>> complete it would have included a signature and the statement
>> at
>> the bottom of the post that referenced the fact we were
>> discussing cards and not medals. The signature is missing.

> Your signature is not missing on post 17 that you swore
> you were the author of. There was no statement in regarding
> cards. Furthermore, there is not, and never has been a card
> called the "Purple Heart Card." That is as stupid as saying a
> SFC was a butter-bar.

Doug Says: There is no post that references Medals, that forgery
was added by your gang leader Nigel Brooks. If Chip says we were
talking about Cards, and my typist says we were talking about
Cards, and I say we were talking about Cards, and the recent
confirmation to Chip confirms we were talking about Cards, and we
were the only three people involved in the discussion, then where
in the hell do you get off telling us what we were talking about?
Mind reading? Reading the entails of little animals?
Duhhhhhhhhh! The people involved in discussion are the ONLY
people that know the context of what they were talking about, and
you and your gang have been caught once again, like Brier Rabbit,
it the Tar Baby.....and there is much more to come, much more.


Fraud merchants always eventually show their true colors
>> The
>> statement in parentheses is missing. You and the
>> Cyberstalking
>> nutcase SteveL are simply forging headers over a cut and past
>> by
>> Chip. Your forgery is obvious.

> That is a libelous falsehood, intended to harm our
> reputations. Perhaps you should consult with your lawyer
> before making those kinds of statements.

Doug Says: If you want, my lawyer can send you and your local
prosecutor a letter confirming that fact? Do you agree?

>> We all can see what you two are doing in your desperation.

> What do you mean "we"?

Doug Says:

You and your smear gang.
>> There
>> is no signature on the post and no statement in
>> parentheses....the post is clearly incomplete.

> There is a signature on the post you wrote (number 17) and
> have attempted to hide. There is not a statement in
> parentheses.

Doug Says: Then please provide a copy of the post that contains
the signature and the statement above the signature. No? Like I
said, a forgery.
>> If you disagree
>> find another complete post from the account I was using that
>> did
>> not contain a signature.n No?

> Why?
> I've told you five or six times that YOU signed your post
> (number 17). Chip C did not copy your signature when he
> replied in post number 18. He copied everything else.

Doug Says: Please provide your evidence that I signed post 17???
It does not appear in your forgery? Afraid to repost a forged
signature? Your lies and obvious forgeries are glaring Mr.
Rau....and there is much more to come over this issue.
>> Of course not becuase none exist.

> A freudian slip? Of course there was no statement in
> parenthese
>> However, you claim that I wrote this post although you also
>> acknowledge that this is the only post from the account I was
>> using that DID NOT contain a signature.

> Damn you're dense. In all seriousness Doug, you need to
> get a grip.
>> So who signed the post?

> Follow along here Doug,
> You signed post number 17.

Please provide Post number 17 with my signature. A failure to do
so will be a de facto admission you are lying and using fraud to
falsely accuse me of a crime.

We are waiting. Are you ready to confess to criminal libel or
should my lawyer contact you directly?

Doug Grant (Tm)
On Sun, 11 Nov 2007 21:45:51 -0800, "DGVREIMAN"
<> wrote:

>>> So who signed the post?

>> Follow along here Doug,
>> You signed post number 17.

>Please provide Post number 17 with my signature. A failure to do
>so will be a de facto admission you are lying and using fraud to
>falsely accuse me of a crime.
>We are waiting. Are you ready to confess to criminal libel or
>should my lawyer contact you directly?

Your wish is my command:



From: "DGVREIMAN" <>
References: <>
Subject: Re: Al Qaeda Says Saddam an Infidel
Lines: 103
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2600.0000
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2600.0000
Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2003 22:22:46 GMT
X-Trace: 1045434166
(Sun, 16 Feb 2003 22:22:46 GMT)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2003 22:22:46 GMT
Organization: AT&T Worldnet

"Chip C" <> wrote in message
> On Sun, 16 Feb 2003 19:56:03 GMT, DGVREIMAN allegedly wrote...
> > Doug Says: We declared war on terrorism. Saddam is

> > financing, arming, training, aiding and harboring terrorists.
> > Duh. I suspect that you do not have clue about what you are
> > talking about, and I further suspect you have never seen a

> > fired in anger in your life.

> I have a Purple Heart and a CAR that proves you wrong, Dougie.
> There are other countries, some that are our allies, who are

> more active in supporting and arming terrorists...yet you want

to go
> after Iraq because you don't have the will to go after them.

That, to
> me is cowardice.

Doug Says: I have a Purple Heart also, and I received mine in a
real war, I can't imagine where you got yours since you have
never fought in a war. About the only place you could have
received a purple heart was in Lebanon, and that was not a
shooting war, just a bombing due to the ineptitude of a gang of
Marine officers. In respect to deposing Saddam, I am the one
advocating removing Saddam, you are the one advocating cowering,
hiding, and doing nothing. It is pretty clear who the coward is
around here. BTW, bragging about a Purple Heart not received in
combat is about as cowardly as it gets.
> > If you think this war is about defending ourselves , you
> > > are indeed delusional. If we wanted to defend ourselves by

> > invading
> > > someone, Iran, North Korea, Syria, Pakistan and France (hee

> > hee, why
> > > not?) would be at the top of the list...Iraq ain't ****.

> > are
> > > acting like a panic-stricken wimp...if you are a vet, stand

> > and
> > > show some balls.

> >
> > Doug Says: Let me see, you want to cower, run, hide, whine,

> > appease, and leave Saddam alone, and you call me a
> > "panic-stricken wimp?" Hmmmmm. Saddam is dangerous, and he
> > needs to be removed from power. Once Saddam is gone we will

> > the means and the bases to deal with Iran, which is clearly

> > next target. And yes I am a vet, and clearly you are not.
> >

> Just because you think not going to war tomorrow mean giving

Saddam a
> free ride doesn't make it any more factual. Open your eyes and

> at the entire battlefield instead of just through your narrow

> site. Saddam ain't ****, and puffing him up into some major

> while ignoring the more imminent threats is the sign of a

> coward. I hate to call a vet a coward...but if you wish to be
> considered such, it is of your own choosing.

Doug Says: What you call me is irrelevant as you certainly do
not have the knowledge nor the information to pass judgment, not
to mention make condescending remarks. Saddam is supporting
terrorism, financing it, and arming terrorists. These terrorists
that Saddam is financing and supporting have already murdered
Americans. Now if you think we should attack someone else, then
say so. But right now Saddam is providing a major resource for
Al-Qeada, Haamas and the Islamic Jihad. All three of those
terrorist organizations have murdered Americans. Further, I am
the one advocating the removal of Saddam, you are the one that is
advocating appeasement, so which of us is the coward again?

If you knew anything about this issue you would realize our war
on terrorism and our desire to depose Saddam are interlinked. We
cannot continue to defeat terrorism unless we eliminate the
resources that terrorism is feeding upon, and one of the main
sources is Saddam. Further, you clearly are not aware that
Saddam declared war on the USA, Britain and Israel on December
27,2000 just ten months prior to the 911 massacres. Now even you
should agree that we remove a tyrant that has openly and public
declared war on the USA.

Doug Grant (Tm)
> --
> Chip C
> Personal site:
> Christmas Stories:
> "It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees."
> -- Emiliano Zapata
On Mon, 12 Nov 2007 11:48:03 -0600, "Nigel Brooks" <>

>> Doug Says: Chip has verified he was not talking about medals, but cards.
>> In Chips original post #16 he states CAR(D) NOT MEDALS! All three people
>> involved in this exchange agree that the context was VA Cards and not
>> medals, Chip, my typist and me.

>You duplicitous piece of ****!!!! The "CAR" that Mr. Ciammaichella is
>referring to is the Combat Action Ribbon awarded to individual Marines.

Amazing isn't he? He's been a bit dull of late, but after I found Post
17 again there's been a positive blooming of jaw-dropping kooky

Only Dougie could take "I have a Purple Heart and a CAR that proves
you wrong", and try to twist that into "I have a little Purple Heart

A ten year old wouldn't try that one on with an eight year for fear
of being laughed at.
"SteveL" <> wrote in message
> On Mon, 12 Nov 2007 11:48:03 -0600, "Nigel Brooks" <>
> wrote:
>>> Doug Says: Chip has verified he was not talking about medals, but
>>> cards.
>>> In Chips original post #16 he states CAR(D) NOT MEDALS! All three
>>> people
>>> involved in this exchange agree that the context was VA Cards and not
>>> medals, Chip, my typist and me.

>>You duplicitous piece of ****!!!! The "CAR" that Mr. Ciammaichella is
>>referring to is the Combat Action Ribbon awarded to individual Marines.

> Amazing isn't he? He's been a bit dull of late, but after I found Post
> 17 again there's been a positive blooming of jaw-dropping kooky
> entertainment.
> Only Dougie could take "I have a Purple Heart and a CAR that proves
> you wrong", and try to twist that into "I have a little Purple Heart
> Card".
> A ten year old wouldn't try that one on with an eight year for fear
> of being laughed at.

Sometimes I wonder if he really is for real - or just a rather innovative
troll - but then I look to the record and come to the conclusion he is a
very disturbed pathetic individual.

Nigel Brooks
On Sun, 11 Nov 2007 22:45:26 -0800, "DGVREIMAN"
<> wrote:

Doug Says: Chip has verified he was not talking about medals,
>but cards. In Chips original post #16 he states CAR(D) NOT
>MEDALS! All three people involved in this exchange agree that
>the context was VA Cards and not medals, Chip, my typist and me.


Come on!
With all of your experience in PERSONNEL, surely you know exactly what
the "CAR" is.
That is C-A-R-no letter D...!!!
Come on, with your vast experience you can do it.
I know it's an effort, but try.
Stand tall before that mirror and struggle and you can actually tell
the truth.
Or, you can simply call the local Marine Recruiting Station in
downtown Vancouver, Washington and ask the sergeant what a CAR is....
---Mac, the Medic
> Your fraud is glaring. Your forgery is obvious. Google has not replaced
> the post. Your version of it is not complete and therefore you have
> forged yet another post. There is no screen shot of the post and it
> cannot be found in any Google archive.

> However, I need to clear up one issue before I take further action in
> respect to this issue:
> Are you stating as a statement of fact on this forum and on others that I,
> Douglas G.V. Reiman, did personally write and post a post that claimed I
> had won the Order of the Purple Heart, (a Purple Heart Medal)?
> If that is your claim, then please make your criminal libel as clear as
> possible so there can be no question as to precisely what you are now
> fraudulently stating about me.

If Google burps again, a full copy of the post is available at
(The hotspot at the top of this archived page leads to the actual Google

DGVREIMAN wrote...
> Doug Says: SteveL: You have been informed several times that
> anonymous cyberstalking is a Federal Crime. Please reference
> H.R. 3402 Section 113, which provides Federal Criminal penalities
> for anonymous cyberstalking, which you clearly are doing with
> your repeated posting of fraud and outright forgeries in respect
> to me.

You do realize that the federal government has passed far more laws
than it is capable of enforcing? They are currently too busy not
enforcing consumer product regulations, and when they are done with
not doing that they still have to stamp out marijuana in Northern
California and maybe when they've enforced that law they will get
around to your little cyberstalking complaint.

If you complain they will get mad and put you on the No Fly List.
"SteveL" <> wrote in message
> On Sun, 11 Nov 2007 22:45:26 -0800, "DGVREIMAN"
> <> wrote:
> <snip>
>>You have fraudulently taken an alleged statement from Chip in a
>>post I clearly never saw nor replied to, and you have tried to
>>include it in an exchange I had with him in which he clearly said
>>did NOT involve the Purple Heart Medal, but instead, referenced
>>the Purple Heart Card. Your attempt to forge a post I never saw
>>nor responded to into my typist's response about Purple Heart
>>Cards is beyond unethical, it is outright fraud. The two posts
>>(if the one you are referencing exists which I doubt) are not
>>related, you know that, I know that, and the court will know that
>>fact as well. What Chip said or did not say in the past has no
>>relevance on what he did say to me, which was referencing a
>>Purple Heart Card, and NOT A MEDAL, (remember you FORGED THE TERM
>>MEDAL IN BOTH POSTS) and that prompted my typist's reply in the
>>same context....which BTW Google will confirm.

> The term "MEDAL" does not exist in any of the posts in question -
> certainly not in any of the quotes.. The posts simply refer to a
> "Purple Heart" PERIOD.
> Chip's two posts are still there on Google. So you cannot get away
> with lying about them (though you're crazy enough to keep trying.
> Nope, the only one using the "medal" qualifier is you , and if you're
> going to try to claim that the image the simple term "Purple Heart"
> conjures up is that of a "card" (whatever that means) and not the
> medal, then you are even crazier than we'd already believed you to be
> (and that's ****ING crazy!)
> Are you stating categorically and on YOUR WORD and FOR THE RECORD that
> Dan "Chip" Ciammaichella has had any dialog with you about this issue
> and that he denies he has a Purple Heart or was talking about a Purple
> Heart "card" in this exchange?
> Careful what you casually commit yourself to, Dougie.
> You've already claimed that your were not the author of post 17 (and
> that you even had a "statement" from the real author "certifying" that
> you were not the author).
> You've also claimed that you WERE the author (and even chided people
> for trying to mind read what you meant).
> Both things cannot be true and therefore you must be lying about at
> least one of them.
> You're also lying about your communications with Chip.
> Feel free to prove me wrong - and remember that assertions are not
> proof.

Another interesting thing is that on March 12, 2003 - Mr. Reiman was engaged
in yet another rant in a thread entitled "Doug's Mysterious Military
Service" in the newsgroup In that rant - he had ever
opportunity to clear up any misconceptions about his February 16th, 2003
post - but quite clearly he did not.

Post number 1 was made by Mr. Jim Mculloch who quoted a number of Reiman's
prior claims including the following:

> 2003-02-16 14:22:46 PST
> Doug Says: I have a Purple Heart also, and I received mine in a
> real war

He then went on to comment - "Specificity here would also help. If he can
produce records of shrapnel to the head, everything will be solved".

Mr. Reiman responded to that comment in post number 3 - where he said as

"Doug Says: Why? Your point? If you are bent on making a fool
out of yourself with idiotic innuendos and distortions, you have
done a very good job. If you are trying to bait me to reveal
information, like I said, I have $10,000 (or more) to use to back
up my claim that I have an honorable discharge from the US
Marines and the US Army. Care to take that challenge Jimmy?"

Using his usual tactic of deflection - Reiman failed to address the Purple
Heart issue, and instead turned it into a challenge over whether or not he
had an honorable discharge from the Army and the Marines. It reminds me of
the political bait and switch technique where a candidate is asked one
thing - but answers with another.

He's doing the same now - by trying to insert the word "medal" into the
argument. Well no-one is accusing him of claiming to have had a "Purple
Heart Medal" - but the record shows he has claimed to have had a Purple
Heart, and that he received it in a real war. The record also proves that
he had claimed on four prior occassion to the Purple Heart post - to have
been wounded in Vietnam.

Nigel Brooks
On Tue, 13 Nov 2007 14:04:02 -0600, "Nigel Brooks" <>

>Another interesting thing is that on March 12, 2003 - Mr. Reiman was engaged
>in yet another rant in a thread entitled "Doug's Mysterious Military
>Service" in the newsgroup In that rant - he had ever
>opportunity to clear up any misconceptions about his February 16th, 2003
>post - but quite clearly he did not.
>Post number 1 was made by Mr. Jim Mculloch who quoted a number of Reiman's
>prior claims including the following:
>> 2003-02-16 14:22:46 PST
>> Doug Says: I have a Purple Heart also, and I received mine in a
>> real war

>He then went on to comment - "Specificity here would also help. If he can
>produce records of shrapnel to the head, everything will be solved".
>Mr. Reiman responded to that comment in post number 3 - where he said as
>"Doug Says: Why? Your point? If you are bent on making a fool
>out of yourself with idiotic innuendos and distortions, you have
>done a very good job. If you are trying to bait me to reveal
>information, like I said, I have $10,000 (or more) to use to back
>up my claim that I have an honorable discharge from the US
>Marines and the US Army. Care to take that challenge Jimmy?"
>Using his usual tactic of deflection - Reiman failed to address the Purple
>Heart issue, and instead turned it into a challenge over whether or not he
>had an honorable discharge from the Army and the Marines. It reminds me of
>the political bait and switch technique where a candidate is asked one
>thing - but answers with another.

To be fair, and I remember because I was around at the time (and yes
Chip and I were called "cyberstalkers" back then as well), the main
question at the time was whether Doug had served at all, not whether
he had a Purple Heart.

Such were his suspicions of Doug's evasion, bait and switch tactics,
and his constant refrains of "either accept my $10000 bet or else
admit you are lying" (as you are familiar with too), Chip was (wrongly
as it turns out) convinced that Doug hadn't even served in the

The Purple Heart thing was just a brief (and irrelevant) side line to
that. So it's not a surprise that the subject shifted back away from

Ironic that Dougie is now claiming to have been in touch with Chip,
and that he has a helpful "statement" from him. At the time, he and
Chip were mortal enemies on Usenet. Chip was a man after Doug's heart.
Easily equal in terms spraying the vitriol. It was very entertaining
in the peanut gallery. They HATED each other.

Now, Doug is hinting that he and Chip are/were in agreement with each
other, and that Chip has voluntarily cooperated with Doug by backing
his claim that Purple Heart didn't mean Purple Heart, not to mention
Chip's extremely helpful supposed admission that Chip himself didn't
have a Purple Heart either.....

Doesn't scan at all.

I have an old email address of Chip's. He hasn't appeared on Usenet in
a long time from what I can see. I might just email him and see what
he thinks about this. Hopefully the email will reach him and he'll

>He's doing the same now - by trying to insert the word "medal" into the
>argument. Well no-one is accusing him of claiming to have had a "Purple
>Heart Medal" - but the record shows he has claimed to have had a Purple
>Heart, and that he received it in a real war. The record also proves that
>he had claimed on four prior occassion to the Purple Heart post - to have
>been wounded in Vietnam.

It's checkmate. The only person who won't admit it is Doug. He just
thinks nobody is looking, moves his king out of trouble, and claims it
was there all along.
On Nov 12, 12:48 pm, "Nigel Brooks" <> wrote:

> > Doug Says: Chip has verified he was not talking about medals, but cards.
> > In Chips original post #16 he states CAR(D) NOT MEDALS! All three people
> > involved in this exchange agree that the context was VA Cards and not
> > medals, Chip, my typist and me.

> You duplicitous piece of ****!!!! The "CAR" that Mr. Ciammaichella is
> referring to is the Combat Action Ribbon awarded to individual Marines.

Well, I have a Purple Heart stamp that I received at the post office.
Does that count?

BTW, what are VA Cards?
