Concerning, well, me.

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wat did mahjink do?
From what I heard, he was trying to pettition to get Snipervirus back...but since he has been banned before and he broke the rules to get a permanent ban...MK kinda...umm yea....dug his own grave I suppose



New member
Well Clogz is back now isn't he lol? His name doesn't have the banned bit underneath so I assume that.

But I have no idea why the others got banned =( Nobody ever tells us anything here. Let us know!



Active Members
Guess who's back?



Hey mods, you can lock this thread now if you would like too.



New member
Hey clogz, welcome back. Hope you learned your lesson ;)
Also, no need to lock this thread just yet.
lol. anywho. with all do respect mr. king, but this topic can be locked now. :)

Welcome back clogz, we missed ya. :)


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