Confederate flag under fire

RoyalOrleans said:
That is an unfair association. The Klan are degenerate insults to everyone in the South. They have been a plague on our fair lands for years and years.

They certainly don't speak for me and I certainly don't speak for them.

The KKK was started by a group of uneducated farmers. To this day, the KKK is nothing more then a group of ignorant hate-mongering assclowns.

They are a blight to the entire country... not just the south.

I say .... hunt them down and kick thier asses :)
The KKK was started by a group of uneducated farmers. To this day, the KKK is nothing more then a group of ignorant hate-mongering assclowns.

They are a blight to the entire country... not just the south.

I say .... hunt them down and kick thier asses :)

Well, Georgia has entire memorial dedicated to the perseverance of the Klan in the South.


If Robert E. Lee knew that he was immortalized in a relief dedicated to the Confederacy and the Klan, he'd order it blasted with as much cannon fire as could be imagined. Perhaps Jefferson Davis would've liked the attention and the immortalization.
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It's kind of sad what Lee has been turned into by ignorant ****s! He was a hell of a leader.
The KKK was started by a group of uneducated farmers. To this day, the KKK is nothing more then a group of ignorant hate-mongering assclowns.

They are a blight to the entire country... not just the south.

I say .... hunt them down and kick thier asses :)
TH, again you show your utter stupidity by stating falsehoods... The KKK was started by Bedford Forrest an educated X-Confederate General.
EXACTLY!! Ugh, i hate when ppl dont know their FACTS!!!
Anyways, The KKK might have had some educated guys who started it but they aint got any COMMON SENSE! They are ****ing morons.....i wanna know who thought of the sheet thing..ya know? Was it like...hey guys No One will know who we are if we all wear our bed sheets, good idea huh?
I think that whole idea was and is ****ING
ok i am done
I agree 100%, Gray~Gal... Anyone who belongs to any KKK, NAACP, LULAC, Anti-<whatever> defamation league, etc. etc. is just a rascist... but I can't stand TH's constant stupidity. He continually tauts bullshit as fact, and he needs to be called to carpet on his crap!
RoyalOrleans said:
That is an unfair association. The Klan are degenerate insults to everyone in the South. They have been a plague on our fair lands for years and years.

They certainly don't speak for me and I certainly don't speak for them.

The air must be thin up there in Moderator land... LMAO.

Once again I state my position...

"Why all the hoopla over a flag? I just don't get it..."

Nothing amazes me more than the ease at which people can have their respective "buttons" pushed by simply ****ing with their symbols.

It means NOTHING when you get down to it.

Case in point...

Piss on my photo, and I could care less...Piss on ME and I'll break your jaw.

Burn my country's flag, and I could care less...Attack my country, and I'll fight to the death to kill you.

Okay...Got It?...Good...

Anyway, if your going to get worked up over a flag, at least do it over something worth getting worked up over...Like This!

Hell, even I'm feeling a little "Georgia on My Mind..." or is that "Georgia, please sit on my face..." :D

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It's called nationalism CES and it applies to any group with more than ten people that have any sort of image that represents them LOL. I have to admit though, it gets to me when images become a permenant representation of evil simply because history is written by the victors.
tizz said: gets to me when images become a permenant representation of evil simply because history is written by the victors.

Yeah, like these mother ****ers...


"From its simplicity of form, the cross has been used both as a religious symbol and as an ornament, from the dawn of man's civilization. Various objects, dating from periods long anterior to the Christian era, have been found, marked with crosses of different designs, in almost every part of the old world. India, Syria, Persia and Egypt have all yielded numberless examples, while numerous instances, dating from the later Stone Age to Christian times, have been found in nearly every part of Europe. The use of the cross as a religious symbol in pre-Christian times, and among non-Christian peoples, may probably be regarded as almost universal, and in very many cases it was connected with some form of nature worship. :eek: - The Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th ed.

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