Confession Corner!


New member
I confess that I should be asleep, so that I'll be fresh for jeans shopping tomorrow, but I am here instead, due to stupid work taking up all my time.

I also confess that tomorrow night I shall be up until 2am once again (watching one of my favourite movies on TV), only to get up early again the next day, to go to work.

Furthermore, I confess that on that day (Sunday), I shall eat all my workplace's apples, because apples wake you up more than coffee, and that is a proven fact.



New member
i confess i wish... happy now?? :-/ lol
btw, u dont need to confess cause i'm sure i know what would be ur answer.
you know me well lol

i confess i couldnt even stand anymore last night because i smoked a tiny bit to much weed..



New member
Lol, remove the tiny, then you´re telling the truth:D
*****..yeh ok, i really have to do that again though

Amir:I remain here solely for the purpose of hooking up with Harvard women. Short ones, tall ones, skinny ones, chunky ones...

Jamal: Man, I love me a fat chick, man. More cushin' for the pushin'!



Shadowed Heart

New member

i have few confessions...

- i watch corny romantic movies and eat REALLY fattening food when i'm alone.

- i stole 20$ from my mommy to buy tacos.

- i've completely corrupted one of my new friends (oops)

- i have a hit list.



New member
i confess that i dont like my new hair now. **** why blonde? well thats like waht 7o pounds down the drains


New member
I confess that I don't feel like going to school every morning anymore and I really don't enjoy the people that I'm around... and that I miss my old friends even though they're probably moving on. I confess I feel like I have no social life right now and I really don't want one because there's no one I truly want to spend time with. I confess I feel alone.

Shadowed Heart

New member
I confess that I talk **** about Melanie and I think she's a ***** for being with my best friend while she already has a boyfriend.

I confess that even though I tell some guy that doesn't need a name that I love him and I don't know if I mean it.

I confess that I still play with Barbie's and Polly Pockets, and play dress up every time I get the chance.

I confess that I hung up one some guy at work today because I couldn't pronounce his name.

I confess that I think the name Chukvahn Subquiireanopikuyterwubnium Is a redicilous name and we'll just call him "Chuck,".

And I confess that I laughed at a woman today when she complained because someone "smashed" her car door and didn't apologize.




New member
i confess i kissed one of my best girlfriends last night..spend the night there..almost had *** with her..

it's only been less than 2 weeks since my 9 month relationship ended..was this to fast?

it felt good though..



New member
i confess i kissed one of my best girlfriends last night..spend the night there..almost had *** with's only been less than 2 weeks since my 9 month relationship ended..was this to fast?

it felt good though..
No it wasn´t man:)

You didn't plan on doing this, and if it felt good, it is good:)



Active Members
i confess i kissed one of my best girlfriends last night..spend the night there..almost had *** with's only been less than 2 weeks since my 9 month relationship ended..was this to fast?

it felt good though..
I would say it was a little fast

but if it felt should be alright



New member
i was hoping to hear that yeh it felt good, i won't start a relation though..if it doesnt work out after a while..don't ever want to ruin the friendship

lbs..what did you do??

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