Confession Corner!

Shadowed Heart

New member
I confess that I have no school Friday, and I was supposed to go to prom.

But I also confess that my dad suddenly decided that I'm 'too young'.


Shadowed Heart

New member
I confess that I want to forget Taylor. But I can't.

I confess that I want Taylor to text me, but he won't.

I confess that I want to text Derek (or him to text me) but he's a prom with my best friend and I can't.

I confess that Derek told me he likes me.

I confess that I want to make this work, for once.

I confess that I've never really been in a serious relationship.



New member
I confess that Crystal wants to marry me when I grow up.

I confess that no girl is better than Crystal.

I confess that Crystal thinks that I am better than other boys.

I confess that Nicolette wants to make me like her.

I confess Natasha,Shermaine and Camilia did that too.


Shadowed Heart

New member
I confess that I finally figured everything out today.

I confess that I'm going to die soon and I don't mind it at all.

I confess that I realized that nobody REALLY cares.


Shadowed Heart

New member
I confess that I get cold REALLY easily.

I confess that I feel absolutely ugly and unappealing.

I confess that I did all of my laundry.

I confess that I watched TV for like 12 hours.


Shadowed Heart

New member
I confess I don't have time right now.

I confess that I have to use a specific coloured straw for different drinks I usually drink (i.e: yellow for milk, red for apple juice, blue for soda, green for anything else). Lol. There's lots of green and blue but hardly any red and very little yellow left. :p

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