Congratulations snafu and the rest of Alaska!

I was born and raised in Alaska :D one day I will move back..interestingly my mother never had a license or permit to carry her Colt Python .357 magnum but she carried it everywhere she went
You can pass legislation like this when your citizens respect the law and respect firearms. Let's see something like pass here in ATL or over in LA.
They are or have already passed something similar here in Florida, alot of employers have rules about having a gun in your car, on their property, they can no longer restrict someone in this way.

Given the news about people preying on our children, invading our homes, I would rather risk getting in trouble with the police because my clip holds too many bullets, or my bullets are too damaging, or I shouldn't have a gun at all, then face the scum out there.
RoyalOrleans said:
You can pass legislation like this when your citizens respect the law and respect firearms. Let's see something like pass here in ATL or over in LA.

I agree straight up with what you said about respecting laws and firearms. I for one do not think anyone should be allowed to carry a concealed firearm without having some form of training. They should at the very least be held to the same standards as law enforcement officer's with respect to training during high stress situations.

Here in Nebraska a few years back they were trying to pass a concealed carry law allowing permits to carry firearms concealed. I have been a long supporter of the right to "responsibly" carry firearms for protection of self and others. I contacted my state representative and voiced my concerns that they needed to not only pass a state approved course, at their own (reasonable-$100.00 or less) expense, of both laws regarding self defense and a course of fire by a state certified firearms instructor that is at least equal to that required of law enforcement. I also think that the permit should be renewed annually by passing the state approved course of fire and be advised of any changes to laws that relates to firearm carry or self defense.

With the high risk of collateral damage or innocent bystanders being injured or killed by an untrained person fireing a gun in self defense or defense of someone else, it would be completely irresponsible not to impose the above requirements for a permit. If lawmakers were not to instill training requirements for a concealed carry permit would be about as responsible as releasing a bunch of orangutans in public and handing them a loaded handgun.

I also think it would be great to have concealed carry permits nationwide but think that a private business or landowner should have the right to refuse to let the permit holder to carry the firearm while on their property.