Who says I haven't looked into this? I just don't think that students should go after a professor based on their political opinions. It's college for crying out loud! We are talking about adults who are capable of making their own decisions.
Dizz, it depends on what the professor is DOING with his views. Is he presenting a slant that tries to coerse a certain viewpoint? That is an abridgement of academic freedom on its own.
I had a ethics professor who was ultraleftist, and in a course on contemporary ethics she and I butted heads constantly over her choice of materials. She was trying to influence the youngsters in her class to see the world from a leftist slant. But she didn't penalize you if she failed to win you over - I got an 'A'.
Nonehteless, what she did was wrong. As an educator, she had an obligation to present all sides to an arguement. If she wanted to tell what side she was on that's fine, but both sides needed to be told, and she didn't do that.
Your post doesn't say what the full arguement of the YR's are. That needs to be known to make a judgement on whether their actions are justified or not. Its not just the idiots who give pre-med students 'A's but won't pass them unless the believe in evolution that abuse the academic world.