Conspiracy Theories?

One of the funniest conspiracy theories I have ever heard is from the Flat Earth society. These jokers acutally believe the earth if FLAT

Hear is a link you might find funny

Its a good laugh.

There is also another one called the hollow earth myth, it basically says the earth of hollow and in living in the middle of the earth is a highly advanced race of lizard people, who enter and exit the earth via a hole in the south pole.
builder said:
That site hurts my brain. Care to paraphrase for us, Quarky in yellow?:)

I know its a bit hard on the eyes, black and yellow :eek:

Basically it says Star wars it not fiction its fact, it happened in our past and it was a telepathic told to him by the force :D

But you really need to read the whole thing, just save the page as a tex document and read, its the best laugh I've had in ages.
Quarky1.0 said:
I know its a bit hard on the eyes, black and yellow :eek:

Basically it says Star wars it not fiction its fact, it happened in our past and it was a telepathic told to him by the force :D

But you really need to read the whole thing, just save the page as a tex document and read, its the best laugh I've had in ages.

It obviously happened in our past. Remember the first line about 'A long time ago...'?

Btw, I'm the only one who can save a Tex document. ;)
Just because another man kills a man and wears his skin as a human skin suit and hopes to come into another world by becoming him in his flesh ,does not make him wrong either right? LOL <--- got that from SNL