I have to tell you guys this dream because it was so cool. Merc will probably have some ideas on what it means:
I was driving my Envoy to a place I'd never been before. I knew there was a destination just over the hilltop that I needed to observe, so I parked the vehicle and had to go on foot the rest of the way to get to the observation point.
On the way up the hillside, there was a delapidated building formed into the hillside that I had to climb over. I lost my footing a few times, but eventually I made it over and up the hill. I got to the observation point and looked at the destination...
It overlooked a BEAUTIFUL lake. The sun was out, the water was sparkling, the trees were green and lush and sailboats were cruising along the blue tides. Behind the lake in the distance was a city, though I couldn't make out what city it was. The scene was peaceful, inviting and wonderful.
I made the trek back to my vehicle to head to the destination, and on the ground right in front of it was a credit card sitting in the grass. It was bright red and on the front in black writing was the word "Now". There was nothing on the back. I took the card, got in my vehicle and the dream ended.
Odd, huh?