Corzine's driver faces police review - Criminal Coddling on Display

  • Thread starter Speeders & Drunk Drivers are MURDE
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Joseph wrote:
> With mint Doctors who tell me don't take the Psychotropic Drugs because
> they are killing you, and having even had a Court order to order the
> Local Police and Local Hospitals not to force treat me, because other
> Doctors said that the Medications, were making me more dysfunctional,
> and were killing me, everywhere that I go, people in the Public, and
> Police Officers, and Courts, and Doctors, will not stop arrogantly
> saying You know, of course, that you're a psychopath, and they force
> treat me as i fight each time for my life, and the Drugs nearly kill me
> each time, till other Doctors step in and stop the Neo Nazi Abuse! Why
> do you want to be a Neo Nazi, it is japanning to tens of thousands of
> Americans, many of them just commit suicide, or get weapons and kill
> people like in the VA tech School Shooting, and many other School
> shootings. It is the treatment and the Drugs causing the school
> shootings, why do you want to be a psychopath, and make more people kill
> children in our Schools? Andrea Yates is just another one victimized by
> the Drugs, the Police State, the Neo Nazi Courts, and the brainwashed
> Public. See my Blog for links to many other innocent victims, forced
> treated with dangerous Mind Control Drugs that only caused Iatrogenic
> Illnesses and Iatrogenic Deaths.
> In service of God and Country
> Joseph

So you think the VA Tech shooter was given mind-control drugs by the
feds who then sent him out to do the killing.?? Lots of people believe
stuff like that. David Icke has been writing for years about how govt's
give MC drugs to people and use torture and child abuse to turn people
into manchurian candidates.
"Shawn Hirn" <> wrote in message
> In article <>, <Joseph>
> wrote:
>> "Speeders & Drunk Drivers are MURDERERS" <> wrote in
>> message news:Ai7Yh.4047$
>> > Gogarty wrote:
>> >> In article <>, Joseph
>> >> says...
>> >>
>> >>> Not always true, I was on the way to a Detroit Tigers Ball game, when
>> >>> the driver of a Station wagon with his wife and nine kids, passed out
>> >>> from a heat attack while turning onto a bridge off the exit ramp. He
>> >>> was
>> >>> the only one wearing a seat belt, and the car kept turning and went
>> >>> straight through the overpass sidewalk and rail and fell 70 feet off
>> >>> the
>> >>> Bridge, and turned up side down, no one was seriously hurt, they just
>> >>> came crawling out because they were not wearing seat belts. But the
>> >>> driver died because we could not get the seat belt lose, so that we
>> >>> could get him out an give him first aid for the hearth attack!
>> >>>
>> >> (Snip)
>> >>
>> >> The only gamblers who win are those who know and respect the odds. All
>> >> others are losers. I am here today BECAUSE I was wearing a seat belt.
>> >> It
>> >> was long before seat belts were required and was a lap belt only. But
>> >> thanks to that the steering wheel ended up in my shirt pocket and not
>> >> in
>> >> my spine. I still have a pice of the steering wheel ornament in my
>> >> desk
>> >> drawer.
>> >>
>> >
>> > Absolutely. Joseph can't understand that belts do some harm but they
>> > do a
>> > lot more good. All he talks about is the bad side of seat belts.

>> Since I had already posted this in the same thread where does that put
>> your
>> unjustifiable response? Who do you think you are to deliberately misjudge
>> people like that?
>> As an Engineer with a truck loaded with the right tools for the Job, I
>> had
>> worked for some of the biggest auto salvage businesses in the US, and
>> have
>> been on a lot of wrecker calls, and had to remove the trapped and the
>> dead
>> bodies from the cars before we could haul them. And because I had the
>> right
>> tools, the Sheriffs would often call me to use hydraulic jacks, and
>> cutting
>> torches, to get either trapped people out, or to get dead bodies out of
>> crushed vehicles so that they could be hauled off.

> Ah yes, so that makes you an expert who can reach the ridiculous
> conclusion that seat belts cause more harm than good?

Ah, there is the problem, someone keeps trying to put words in my mouth,
because he cannot understand that I am talking about Liberty for an
individual to choose what is best for themselves. You don't think people are
intelligent enough to choose for themselves, so you are going to make the
life determining choices for them. Why should someone be allowed to pass a
law and force me to eat Wheat Glutton when I am allergic to it? Why should
someone be allowed to pass a law that lets them force medication on me that
makes me sick and nearly kills me very time? And why should someone be
allowed to force me to wear a seat belt when it just might kill me instead
of saving me? You have made yourself the expert saying that you know already
that it is not going to kill me, before anything happens, you made yourself
out as if you know what is going to happen, when in reality you could not
know what is going to happen in any one of those three issues.

When I was hunting Bin Laden from before the Iraq War, when the Iraq War
started, because I believed that the Communists gave us false intelligence
on WMD to draw us into the War to try to destroy America from another angle,
a Doctor thought I would be a danger for to President Bush because Bush was
going to be in my town, so that Doctor made a preemptive decision to have me
captured, and force treated with drugs that other Doctors had already said
many years before to stop taking because they were killing me! They nearly
killed my, and I had to be Detoxed to get me off them! Then two other
Doctors thought I was a danger because I was hunting Bin Laden, and did the
same with the exact same deadly drugs. If these Doctors were trying to help
me, why were they forcing drugs on me that were already known to make me
more dysfunctional and nearly kill me?

Just yesterday, an Office of a High Official, and for security reasons I
will not say who, called because they are investigating letters that someone
wrote to the Government in my name, after they hacked my computer, and tried
to set me up to look like a Terrorist, and set me up with those Doctors to
try to kill me. They were using the Law to try to kill me, and even had me
sign a written contract saying I would not look for Bin Laden any more! If
they are American, (since one of the Doctors is from China, but claims to be
an honest American Immigrant,) why do they not want Bin Laden found?

But a real Terrorist hates Life and Liberty, and will do anything to pass
any law that they can in the names of Safety or Security, to destroy both
life and Liberty!

You just want to make more Laws for the Terrorists to use so that they can
kill us all by the Law!

In service of God and Country
"Speeders & Drunk Drivers are MURDERERS" <> wrote in
message news:XLyYh.1578$
> Joseph wrote:
>>> Absolutely. Joseph can't understand that belts do some harm but they do
>>> a lot more good. All he talks about is the bad side of seat belts.

>> Since I had already posted this in the same thread where does that put
>> your unjustifiable response? Who do you think you are to deliberately
>> misjudge people like that?

> I'm not misjudging you. I'm correctly judging you. You're another of
> these republican morons who see only one side of an issue. No wonder you
> don't have any friends.

"I'm not misjudging you." I am not a Republican, so you obviously have a
problem with misunderstanding and misjudging people!

In service of God and Country

"Shawn Hirn" <> wrote in message
> In article <>,
> Gogarty <> wrote:
>> In article <>, Joseph says...
>> >

>> >
>> >Not always true, I was on the way to a Detroit Tigers Ball game, when
>> >the
>> >driver of a Station wagon with his wife and nine kids, passed out from a
>> >heat attack while turning onto a bridge off the exit ramp. He was the
>> >only
>> >one wearing a seat belt, and the car kept turning and went straight
>> >through
>> >the overpass sidewalk and rail and fell 70 feet off the Bridge, and
>> >turned
>> >up side down, no one was seriously hurt, they just came crawling out
>> >because
>> >they were not wearing seat belts. But the driver died because we could
>> >not
>> >get the seat belt lose, so that we could get him out an give him first
>> >aid
>> >for the hearth attack!
>> >

>> (Snip)
>> The only gamblers who win are those who know and respect the odds. All
>> others
>> are losers. I am here today BECAUSE I was wearing a seat belt.

> Yup. Seat belts are no guarantee of surviving an auto accident, but the
> vast majority of auto injuries and deaths happen because of a failure to
> wear seat belts, such as the case where my sister got ran off a highway,
> slammed into a utility pole and she walked away with a minor burn where
> her face hit the airbag. Had she not been wearing a seat belt, she's
> probably have perished in that accident. We also see that example loud
> and clear with Governor Corzine.
> So anyone who's a betting man bets the safe odds, which is to wear a
> seat belt in a moving vehicle. Of course, there are times when a seat
> belt causes more harm then it saves, but those are in the minority.

You say "probably have perished in that accident," without seat belts? I was
wearing a four leaf clover when a truck nearly hit me, if I had not been
wearing that metal four leaf clover, I probably would have perished in that
accident! So lets make a law everybody has to wear a four leaf clover, and
I will Sell you some just like the one I was Wearing!

The point being, you cannot know for sure, if the seat belts have ever
actually saved anyone, even in the accidents where they were wearing them.

In service of God and Country

"Shawn Hirn" <> wrote in message
> In article <>, <Joseph>
> wrote:
>> That is funny, I know of six people off the top of my head, that burned
>> up
>> in two different cars, just because they could not get the seat belts off
>> in
>> time! So by the Law, they were ordered to do what killed them!

> Can you say "bull ****?" Yes, I knew you could.

Some people are fools that will not ever believe when people tell them the
truth, but as soon as someone says a lie, they suck it right up! And then
they falsely accuse people who tell the truth, and then they persecute them!

Those fools are so deceived and convinced by the lies, that they think that
they are right, and you have to get tough with them, or they will use
whatever they can to persecute you and destroy your life!

In service of God and Country

"Server 13" <> wrote in message
> <Joseph> wrote in message

> lol Must be a single white male.

Madam Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice,

Or should I say Dr. Condoleezza Rice?

You have so many honorable titles, it is difficult for me to know which to
properly address you by, for the purpose of which I am contacting you. And I
can only hope you will not be offended in my bewilderment of how to address
you, or how to approach you with such a personal issue.

Make no mistake, I have good reason to hold you in a position greater than
just great admiration.

With your diplomatic skills, and your extensive education, and your
extensive knowledge of global affairs, and your constantly keeping busy, and
your being nearly five years older then me, I find that gorgeous dark meat
that you are wearing to be much more attractive!

And I would like to discuss this personal matter of your wanting to go to
Stanford after getting out of Office. Well because I am a man who likes
conquering powerful women, I will be as bold as to call you by your first

Condoleezza, I hope you are not offended in the boldness of my approach, as
much as I have studied you, some woman would dare accuse me of stalking! But
I assure, I only have the hopes that you will give me permission to meet
with you personally, and it don't have to be privately, if you don't wish it
so. And if you wish, you can just turn me down and I will not show up on
your door step!

Like you, I have never been married, but unlike you I am a bit loose with my
frequent affairs, and I never let them be private, even though the
Government outlawed the free exercise of my Religious belief concerning
Marriage, because I believe in the God of Abraham, and I know that what is
outlawed by man, is justified in his sight, and he sanctified Jacob's
marriage to four Wives.

So seeing you are the type of woman that I cannot help but love, it is my
desire to get to know you, and perhaps some day make you a member of my

And I wish you would consider what real freedom of religious faith is needed
here in the USA before trying to spread freedom abroad. And really consider
what a benefit a harem would be not only to a busy woman like you, who has
little time for a man let alone a family, but how beneficial it could be to
other men and women also. For I know what being lonely is all about, and
just like you, I need to be held at times too! But unlike you, being
disabled, I know what it is like to be poor, and to need added incomes if I
am ever to be able to afford a family.

Jesus Christ did not fulfill all the Old Testament Scripture, like according
as it is written in Isaiah;

"And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat
our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name,
to take away our reproach."

Condoleezza, Jesus Christ did not fulfill this prophecy of the deliverer of
the house of Israel. How shall the deliverer fulfill this Prophecy from the
God of Abraham if the false Jews and false Christians are allowed to outlaw
Marriages sanctified by the God of Abraham in the US and Israel?

My dear Condoleezza, consider this, what if you yourself, having sinned
against the God of Israel by outlawing Marriages sanctified by him, become
one of these seven women called unto repentance, to fulfill the Prophecy of
the God of Abraham? Would you have the courage to become a criminal, just so
that you could exercise your religious faith?

Do you have the courage to deregulate so that Americans can have the freedom
to freely exercise their religious faith? Why not stop preaching Liberty
abroad, and bring Liberty to Americans at home first?

Condoleezza, will you look at my Blog, and then decide where you stand on
these important issues of Liberty in America?

And then will you consider my personal offer? I am offering you all that I
have, myself!

In service of God and Country


Friday, March 30, 2007

Do not support the Federal Marriage Amendment (H.J. Res. 56)

Since we are going to need a President, and none of them are running on a
platform of what do the People need to solve the problems that we all face,
lets see if we can win over a Politician who has been Brainwashed against
the truth, and deprogram him to our side.

I posted a website on the John McCain campaign site. Lets see if he can
comprehend and handle this Issue, and Honestly handle it Constitutionally,
to help get rid of Neo Nazi Hate Crimes in America.

Target; John McCain

From the Founder of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm;

to the Doctors and Lawyers and Volunteers among the C.A.L.M. before the

and to whomsoever it may concern;

My name is Joseph R Loegering

Founder, of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm!


The unarmed underground, Civil American Liberties Militia!

Intelligence and NBC Defense.

The Central Command and Control Office.

6050 Highway 10 NW Trailer 19

Anoka Minnesota, 55303-4579

Phone 763-205-1296

Just stay C.A.L.M. everybody, we are here for you!

Follow me, I am a US Army Veteran!

National Security Update,


Do not support the Federal Marriage Amendment (H.J. Res. 56): it outlaws
Marriage sanctified by the God of Abraham, like Jacob's Marriage to four
Wives from whom came the children of Israel. It also outlaws Homosexual
Relationships and is Anti Semitic just like in Nazi Germany!

What is the difference between Iraq and USA concerning not belonging to
protected Religion?

A quote from

"The Saabi`ah Mushrikun were a Yazidan group who were questioned by the
caliph al-Ma'm

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