Couple wants car, offers sex with 5-year-old

RoyalOrleans said:
I seriously doubt, there was bukkake porn and fecal fetish porn available at the local general store in the rural south in early 20th century.

Wasn't that when and where the fine art of goatsie was originated? :rolleyes:
RoyalOrleans said:
I'm not advocating for or against incest, because different times went by a different code of ethics. What was taboo fifty or a hundred years ago is perfectly fine in today's world. While what was common or slightly uncommon in yesteryear's world, is absolutely atrocious and taboo now.
Kind of like Gandhi molesting young girls. A hero to some a in' perv to others.
hugo said:
Kind of like Gandhi molesting young girls. A hero to some a in' perv to others.

Hahahaha.. yep, years ago men never married, raped, and sold 13 year old girls in America..

Here's your logic teach...

If you don't agree with what Ghandi did to 13 year old girls, you can't agree with what he did to the British empire through passive resistence based upon the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Or if you somehow agree with what he did to The Britsh Crown, that you somehow agree with molesting 13 year old girls.

Stupid way to think..
wez said:
Wasn't that when and where the fine art of goatsie was originated? :rolleyes:]The site used the .cx country code said:
Both and originated from the same IP address; the server was located in Kansas City, Missouri, metro-region., formerly a mirror of, was located in the Dallas, Texas, metro-region, while current mirror seems to be located in Clifton, New Jersey.

I was a little curious...
wez said:
Hahahaha.. yep, years ago men never married, raped, and sold 13 year old girls in America..

Here's your logic teach...

If you don't agree with what Ghandi did to 13 year old girls, you can't agree with what he did to the British empire through passive resistence based upon the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Or if you somehow agree with what he did to The Britsh Crown, that you somehow agree with molesting 13 year old girls.

Stupid way to think..

And these are the teaching of your Jesus...

King James Version / the Bible / New Testament / The Gospel of Mark / Chapter 7 / Line 9 said:
And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition.

King James Version / the Bible / New Testament / The Gospel of Mark / Chapter 7 / Line 10 said:
For Moses said, Honour thy father and thy mother; and, Whoso curseth father or mother, let him die the death

Jesus criticizes the Jews for not killing their disobedient children as required by Old Testament law.

(See Ex.21:15, Lev.20:9, Dt.21:18-21)
wez said:
Hahahaha.. yep, years ago men never married, raped, and sold 13 year old girls in America..

Here's your logic teach...

If you don't agree with what Ghandi did to 13 year old girls, you can't agree with what he did to the British empire through passive resistence based upon the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Or if you somehow agree with what he did to The Britsh Crown, that you somehow agree with molesting 13 year old girls.

Stupid way to think..

The only reasons Gandhi's pacifist crapola worked against Great Britain was 1) there were others willing to kill for independence and 2) the British were a bunch of pussies. He tried his pacifist crap against led to mass slaughter of Hindus.
RoyalOrleans said:
And these are the teaching of your Jesus...

Jesus criticizes the Jews for not killing their disobedient children as required by Old Testament law.

(See Ex.21:15, Lev.20:9, Dt.21:18-21)

Maybe he meant die the death in a manner different from people slaughtering their own children. Maybe he meant the death of despair from being shunned by their parents.
wez said:
Maybe he meant die the death in a manner different from people slaughtering their own children. Maybe he meant the death of despair from being shunned by their parents.

Assumptions lead to the Spanish Inquisition.

And no one suspects it.
Back to the original subject of this thread...

First of all, why couldn't the 25 year old sell herself for sex? She's young enough. And there's fewer legal problems that way. Just seems like what I would do if I were a 25 year old mother who wanted money and worked as a waitress at a cheesecake shop.

Second, the daughter is old enough by far. I mean, it's not like she's 3 or anything. Damn liberals are ALWAYS looking for a way to turn things around. sigh

Thirdly, I'd carve up a teenager. After doing things to them even the guys who wrote Kama Sutra would spit in disgust at, of course. But I see absolutely nothing wrong with this.
jokersarewild said:
Back to the original subject of this thread...

First of all, why couldn't the 25 year old sell herself for sex? She's young enough. And there's fewer legal problems that way. Just seems like what I would do if I were a 25 year old mother who wanted money and worked as a waitress at a cheesecake shop.

Second, the daughter is old enough by far. I mean, it's not like she's 3 or anything. Damn liberals are ALWAYS looking for a way to turn things around. sigh

Thirdly, I'd carve up a teenager. After doing things to them even the guys who wrote Kama Sutra would spit in disgust at, of course. But I see absolutely nothing wrong with this.

Now that you put it that way....I have to agree. Sounds right as rain.
jokersarewild said:
Back to the original subject of this thread...

First of all, why couldn't the 25 year old sell herself for sex? She's young enough. And there's fewer legal problems that way. Just seems like what I would do if I were a 25 year old mother who wanted money and worked as a waitress at a cheesecake shop.

Second, the daughter is old enough by far. I mean, it's not like she's 3 or anything. Damn liberals are ALWAYS looking for a way to turn things around. sigh

Thirdly, I'd carve up a teenager. After doing things to them even the guys who wrote Kama Sutra would spit in disgust at, of course. But I see absolutely nothing wrong with this.

A five year old is old enough? I surly hope you jest. Yeah 5 year olds are just dreaming of her first man.
RoyalOrleans said:
And these are the teaching of your Jesus...

Jesus criticizes the Jews for not killing their disobedient children as required by Old Testament law.

(See Ex.21:15, Lev.20:9, Dt.21:18-21)

I'm pretty sure Jesus was criticizing them, not for not killing their children, but for picking and choosing what laws they wanted to follow, and when. He was trying to show them that everyone screws up, and therefore, is unclean before God. The Jewish leaders of the day were pretty high and mighty and had written hundreds of Laws that you had to follow to be a "good, little Jew." They made it pretty much impossible for anyone to follow all of the laws al of the time, so Jesus had to come and change up the system.
snafu said:
A five year old is old enough? I surly hope you jest. Yeah 5 year olds are just dreaming of her first man.

I had a crush on a girl when I was 6. Then she got 8 years older, hot as hell, and out of my league. sigh
eddo said:
The Jewish leaders of the day were pretty high and mighty and had written hundreds of Laws that you had to follow to be a "good, little Jew." They made it pretty much impossible for anyone to follow all of the laws al of the time, so Jesus had to come and change up the system.

Kinda sounds like Washington D.C. :D
eddo said:
I'm pretty sure Jesus was criticizing them, not for not killing their children, but for picking and choosing what laws they wanted to follow, and when. He was trying to show them that everyone screws up, and therefore, is unclean before God. The Jewish leaders of the day were pretty high and mighty and had written hundreds of Laws that you had to follow to be a "good, little Jew." They made it pretty much impossible for anyone to follow all of the laws al of the time, so Jesus had to come and change up the system.

Which is, why Hitler executed so many of them.

Taken out of context, the verses can be misconstrued or interpreted or bent to mean whatever the dogma suggests is correct.
RoyalOrleans said:
Joel Lieberman runs DC?

I thought the Jews ran Hollywood?

I was referring to the actions of the "leaders", not the religious beliefs.

leaders of the day were pretty high and mighty and had written hundreds of Laws that you had to follow

They made it pretty much impossible for anyone to follow all of the laws al of the time