Creation Care and Christianity


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2005
OK I was just hearing the news while on the pot (tmi? hehe) and anyway, it was a story about "creation care" This is a group of christians who are total envirnmentalists as well and combine that into their religion in that it is our duty to care for the eart. Cool but not something I would normally post on except for this......
There is a large fraction of the christian church that opposes this group say this, and yes this IS what they claim...... "Humans can do whatever they want because God gave humans complete domain over all the earth" OK and that statement p ed me off to the point that I pooped real fast. That statement is the purest example of absolute arrogance! The creation care group itself is kind of a cool idea but the opposition is on my "you suck!!!!" and "give me a break" lists.
I think we should take care of the earth.Islam teaches us that we shouldn't even cut down trees for no good reason.Infact,we can't do anything without it being a benefit to us or the people around us.
What the christian church is saying is stupid.Yeah,God gave us this world,but we should be grateful and cherish this gift.Not ''do what we like' with it.
MRIH,does christianity teach that humans can ''do what they like'',like the church is claiming?
Probably because I go through moments where I really miss living a life of pure self indulgence and absolutely NO responsibility. Can't smoke it at all anymore... Kind of has a speed effect on me since I was 25, gave it up then.
OH wait, I just found my glasses.. I thought you said "POT" not "the pot" and the answer there is that with a four year old and no one else for her to focus her attention at, "the pot" has become the only place I can have a quiet thought. I cherish my time upon my thrown (at least when I remember to lock the door)
tizz said:
OH wait, I just found my glasses.. I thought you said "POT" not "the pot" and the answer there is that with a four year old and no one else for her to focus her attention at, "the pot" has become the only place I can have a quiet thought. I cherish my time upon my thrown (at least when I remember to lock the door)

...Yeah I was in two minds on what you meant...thanks for clearing that up. for the environment now "The meek shall inherit the earth"...They can bloody well have it!!!
You know what...people who think they can just do whatever they want to the earth are the bastards who bitch about landfills and **** to that extreme. They like to destroy things for no apparent reason and its sad. I mean i am no tree hugger but dont "cut it down" unless we need it. Hey trees make our paper, houses, etc. and most companys have to plant 3-5 trees in replace to the one they cut down. I say take what we NEED and leave the rest for our kids :)