Creationist cretin Huckabee bristles at creationism query

David Hartung <> wrote in

> Jim Alder wrote:
>> David Hartung <> wrote:
>>> Kevin Cunningham wrote:
>>>> Jim Alder <> wrote:
>>>>> Hatemonger Hopeless Harry <> wrote:
>>>>> Subject: Creationist cretin Huckabee bristles at creationism query
>>>>>> Huckabee bristles at creationism query
>>>>>> Associated Press Writers
>>>>>> Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, a Southern Baptist
>>>>>> preacher who has surged in Iowa with evangelical Christian support,
>>>>>> bristled Tuesday when asked if creationism should be taught in public
>>>>>> schools. Huckabee - who raised his hand at a debate last May when asked
>>>>>> which candidates disbelieved the theory of evolution - asked this time

>>>>>> there is such a fascination with his beliefs. "I believe God created

>>>>>> heavens and the Earth," he said at a news conference with Iowa pastors

>>>>>> murmured, "Amen." "I wasn't there when he did it, so how he did it, I

>>>>>> know," Huckabee said.
>>>>> At which point Hopeless Harry chose to cut off his "reportage" lest

>>>>> hear this borderline brilliant statement;
>>>>> "That's an irrelevant question to ask me - I'm happy to answer what I
>>>>> believe, but what I believe is not what's going to be taught in 50

>>>>> states," Huckabee said. "Education is a state function. The more state

>>>>> is, and the less federal it is, the better off we are."
>>>>> Which he [Harry} followed up with his typical brilliant response,

>>>>> of a bored and spoiled valley girl;
>>>>>> Whatever.
>>>> So your (I think he meant "you're") willing to say that we should
>>>> edjamacate (ironically, he's trying to sound dumber than he is here, I
>>>> think!) our children in our stupidity, right?

>> Certainly not in YOUR stupidity, Kevin.
>>>> Huckabee, soon to be the repug nominee is to (I think he meant "too")
>>>> stupid to understand evolution so he panders to conservatives
>>>> by putting evolution down, then when asked what he would do
>>>> he gets up on his hind legs and panders some more by insisting
>>>> that anything can and should be taught. So if you think algebra
>>>> is wrong you can teach Roman math?????
>>>> If evolution is a lie then don't teach it. If its the truth the teach

>>>> heck out of it. You got a problem with that? Huckabee does.
>>> The problem is that no one has ever "proven" that evolution is the truth.

>>> fact, I challenge you to provide one example of a simple life form

>>> into a more complex life form.

>> Intermediate fossils include
>> Australopithecus afarensis, from 3.9 to 3.0 million years ago (Mya).

>> skull is similar to a chimpanzee's, but with more humanlike teeth. Most
>> (possibly all) creationists would call this an ape, but it was bipedal.
>> Australopithecus africanus (3 to 2 Mya); its brain size, 420-500 cc,

>> slightly larger than A. afarensis, and its teeth yet more humanlike.
>> Homo habilis (2.4 to 1.5 Mya), which is similar to

>> but which used tools and had a larger brain (650-cc average) and less
>> projecting face.
>> Homo erectus (1.8 to 0.3 Mya); brain size averaged about 900 cc in

>> H. erectus and 1,100 cc in later ones. (Modern human brains average 1,350

>> A Pleistocene Homo sapiens which was "morphologically and
>> chronologically intermediate between archaic African fossils and later
>> anatomically modern Late Pleistocene humans" (White et al. 2003, 742).
>> A hominid combining features of, and possibly ancestral to,

>> and modern humans (Bermudez de Castro et al. 1997).
>> And there are fossils intermediate between these (Foley 1996-2004).

> How does this show a simple life form evolving into a more complex life


Australopithecus afarensis IS simpler than the later forms. Were you
hoping for fossilized evidence of single celled organisms, knowing such things
don't exist? That's a little disingenuous, don't you think? The above clearly
illustrates an evolutionary process.

President Bush was so buoyed by the warm reception he was given in Albania
that he immediately gave all 3 million Albanians American citizenship,
provided they learn Spanish. - Ann Coulter
Jim Alder <> wrote in

> Joe Steel <> wrote:
>> That's part of your problem. I posted Huckabee's comments on his
>> beliefs. He let's his faith define them. Had you been paying
>> attention you'd know that.

> I read that. That's what religion is for. He's a Baptist, an
> ordained minister, in fact. So what?

Are you on drugs or just stupid?
Jim Alder <> wrote in

> Joe Steel <> wrote:
>> Jim Alder <> wrote:
>>> Joe Steel <> wrote:
>>>> Of course it's the issue.
>>> So sayeth you? No, it was NOT the issue in this thread. You're
>>> welcome to branch off, of course, but you asked me why I didn't.
>>> That's why.

>> Your being dishonest.

> You're being semiliterate.

Criticism of typographical errors is the mark of a loser.
"Joe Steel" <> wrote in message
> Jim Alder <> wrote in
> news:Xns99FDB7945C525jimaldersssnetcom@
>> Joe Steel <> wrote:
>>> That's part of your problem. I posted Huckabee's comments on his
>>> beliefs. He let's his faith define them. Had you been paying
>>> attention you'd know that.

>> I read that. That's what religion is for. He's a Baptist, an
>> ordained minister, in fact. So what?

> Are you on drugs or just stupid?

Those are not mutually exclusive possibilities. In fact, in Alder's case, I
submit they're non-mutually exclusive probabilities. The dude is a
whacked-out dumb ****.
On Wed, 05 Dec 2007 16:39:51 -0600, David Hartung
<> wrote:

>Jim Alder wrote:
>> Okay. But they asked about ONE issue. If you want to know how his beliefs
>> and tenets will effect his decisions, then you should find out more ABOUT his
>> beliefs and tenets and not assume the worst because you fear religious people.

>Sounds rational.

You already have him uttering **** that is every bit as goofy and
perhaps more goofy than Kucinich and his UFOs.

If he were to say that the sun revolves around the earth, or that
there's no such place as India, would you dismiss that as just a small
part of "beliefs and tenets"?
Joe Steel <> wrote in news:Xns99FDBCDA972BFJoeSteel@

> Jim Alder <> wrote in
> news:Xns99FDB7945C525jimaldersssnetcom@
>> Joe Steel <> wrote:
>>> That's part of your problem. I posted Huckabee's comments on his
>>> beliefs. He let's his faith define them. Had you been paying
>>> attention you'd know that.

>> I read that. That's what religion is for. He's a Baptist, an
>> ordained minister, in fact. So what?

> Are you on drugs or just stupid?

Shove it up your ass.

President Bush was so buoyed by the warm reception he was given in Albania
that he immediately gave all 3 million Albanians American citizenship,
provided they learn Spanish. - Ann Coulter
Joe Steel <> wrote in news:Xns99FDBD12F1B88JoeSteel@

> Jim Alder <> wrote in
> news:Xns99FDB7945C525jimaldersssnetcom@
>> Joe Steel <> wrote:
>>> Jim Alder <> wrote:
>>>> Joe Steel <> wrote:
>>>>> Of course it's the issue.
>>>> So sayeth you? No, it was NOT the issue in this thread. You're
>>>> welcome to branch off, of course, but you asked me why I didn't.
>>>> That's why.
>>> Your being dishonest.

>> You're being semiliterate.

> Criticism of typographical errors is the mark of a loser.

Calling someone stupid while writing at a 4th grade level is laughable.

President Bush was so buoyed by the warm reception he was given in Albania
that he immediately gave all 3 million Albanians American citizenship,
provided they learn Spanish. - Ann Coulter
Jim Alder wrote:
> Joe Steel <> wrote:
>> Jim Alder <> wrote:
>>> Joe Steel <> wrote:
>>>> Of course it's the issue.
>>> So sayeth you? No, it was NOT the issue in this thread. You're
>>> welcome to branch off, of course, but you asked me why I didn't.
>>> That's why.

>> Your being dishonest.

> You're being semiliterate.
>> You selectively quoted the article to make Huckabee seem reasonable; that
>> he knew he could do nothing because education is a state matter. In
>> fact, Huckabee is an extremist. He lets his faith define his views.
>> Someone like that is an extremist, a radical, a nut. Putting him in
>> charege of public policy is dangerous and frightening.

> Only to an intolerant douche such as yourself. You've said nothing that
> tells me Huckabee's religion is extreme, so I'm assuming you think all
> religion is extremist. That would make you a fool. Care to rebut?
>>>> He's a candidate for a policy-making office.
>>>> In representative democracy, his opinions, beliefs and values are
>>>> critical to the public's understanding of how he will handle his
>>>> responsibilities.
>>> Okay. But they asked about ONE issue. If you want to know how his
>>> beliefs
>>> and tenets will effect his decisions, then you should find out more
>>> ABOUT his beliefs and tenets and not assume the worst because you fear
>>> religious people.

>> That's part of your problem. I posted Huckabee's comments on his
>> beliefs. He let's his faith define them. Had you been paying attention
>> you'd know that.

> I read that. That's what religion is for. He's a Baptist, an ordained
> minister, in fact. So what?

I wouldn't make too much out of the fact that Huckabee is an ordained minister,
after all, so is Jesse Jackson.
3876 Dead wrote:
> On Wed, 05 Dec 2007 16:39:51 -0600, David Hartung
> <> wrote:
>> Jim Alder wrote:
>>> Okay. But they asked about ONE issue. If you want to know how his beliefs
>>> and tenets will effect his decisions, then you should find out more ABOUT his
>>> beliefs and tenets and not assume the worst because you fear religious people.

>> Sounds rational.

> You already have him uttering **** that is every bit as goofy and
> perhaps more goofy than Kucinich and his UFOs.
> If he were to say that the sun revolves around the earth, or that
> there's no such place as India, would you dismiss that as just a small
> part of "beliefs and tenets"?

Your point?
Jim Alder wrote:
> David Hartung <> wrote in
>> Jim Alder wrote:
>>> David Hartung <> wrote:
>>>> Kevin Cunningham wrote:
>>>>> Jim Alder <> wrote:
>>>>>> Hatemonger Hopeless Harry <> wrote:
>>>>>> Subject: Creationist cretin Huckabee bristles at creationism query
>>>>>>> Huckabee bristles at creationism query
>>>>>>> Associated Press Writers
>>>>>>> Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, a Southern Baptist
>>>>>>> preacher who has surged in Iowa with evangelical Christian support,
>>>>>>> bristled Tuesday when asked if creationism should be taught in public
>>>>>>> schools. Huckabee - who raised his hand at a debate last May when asked
>>>>>>> which candidates disbelieved the theory of evolution - asked this time

> why
>>>>>>> there is such a fascination with his beliefs. "I believe God created

> the
>>>>>>> heavens and the Earth," he said at a news conference with Iowa pastors

> who
>>>>>>> murmured, "Amen." "I wasn't there when he did it, so how he did it, I

> don't
>>>>>>> know," Huckabee said.
>>>>>> At which point Hopeless Harry chose to cut off his "reportage" lest

> you
>>>>>> hear this borderline brilliant statement;
>>>>>> "That's an irrelevant question to ask me - I'm happy to answer what I
>>>>>> believe, but what I believe is not what's going to be taught in 50

> different
>>>>>> states," Huckabee said. "Education is a state function. The more state

> it
>>>>>> is, and the less federal it is, the better off we are."
>>>>>> Which he [Harry} followed up with his typical brilliant response,

> worthy
>>>>>> of a bored and spoiled valley girl;
>>>>>>> Whatever.
>>>>> So your (I think he meant "you're") willing to say that we should
>>>>> edjamacate (ironically, he's trying to sound dumber than he is here, I
>>>>> think!) our children in our stupidity, right?
>>> Certainly not in YOUR stupidity, Kevin.
>>>>> Huckabee, soon to be the repug nominee is to (I think he meant "too")
>>>>> stupid to understand evolution so he panders to conservatives
>>>>> by putting evolution down, then when asked what he would do
>>>>> he gets up on his hind legs and panders some more by insisting
>>>>> that anything can and should be taught. So if you think algebra
>>>>> is wrong you can teach Roman math?????
>>>>> If evolution is a lie then don't teach it. If its the truth the teach

> the
>>>>> heck out of it. You got a problem with that? Huckabee does.
>>>> The problem is that no one has ever "proven" that evolution is the truth.

> In
>>>> fact, I challenge you to provide one example of a simple life form

> "evolving"
>>>> into a more complex life form.
>>> Intermediate fossils include
>>> Australopithecus afarensis, from 3.9 to 3.0 million years ago (Mya).

> Its
>>> skull is similar to a chimpanzee's, but with more humanlike teeth. Most
>>> (possibly all) creationists would call this an ape, but it was bipedal.
>>> Australopithecus africanus (3 to 2 Mya); its brain size, 420-500 cc,

> was
>>> slightly larger than A. afarensis, and its teeth yet more humanlike.
>>> Homo habilis (2.4 to 1.5 Mya), which is similar to

> australopithecines,
>>> but which used tools and had a larger brain (650-cc average) and less
>>> projecting face.
>>> Homo erectus (1.8 to 0.3 Mya); brain size averaged about 900 cc in

> early
>>> H. erectus and 1,100 cc in later ones. (Modern human brains average 1,350

> cc.)
>>> A Pleistocene Homo sapiens which was "morphologically and
>>> chronologically intermediate between archaic African fossils and later
>>> anatomically modern Late Pleistocene humans" (White et al. 2003, 742).
>>> A hominid combining features of, and possibly ancestral to,

> Neanderthals
>>> and modern humans (Bermudez de Castro et al. 1997).
>>> And there are fossils intermediate between these (Foley 1996-2004).

>> How does this show a simple life form evolving into a more complex life

> form?
> Australopithecus afarensis IS simpler than the later forms. Were you
> hoping for fossilized evidence of single celled organisms, knowing such things
> don't exist? That's a little disingenuous, don't you think? The above clearly
> illustrates an evolutionary process.

It only shows an evolutionary process if you can show the types were related. To
my knowledge, this can't be done.
David Hartung <> wrote in

> Jim Alder wrote:
>> David Hartung <> wrote in
>>> Jim Alder wrote:
>>>> David Hartung <> wrote:
>>>>> Kevin Cunningham wrote:
>>>>>> Jim Alder <> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hatemonger Hopeless Harry <> wrote:
>>>>>>> Subject: Creationist cretin Huckabee bristles at creationism query
>>>>>>>> Huckabee bristles at creationism query
>>>>>>>> Associated Press Writers
>>>>>>>> Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, a Southern Baptist
>>>>>>>> preacher who has surged in Iowa with evangelical Christian support,
>>>>>>>> bristled Tuesday when asked if creationism should be taught in public
>>>>>>>> schools. Huckabee - who raised his hand at a debate last May when

>>>>>>>> which candidates disbelieved the theory of evolution - asked this

>>>>>>>> why there is such a fascination with his beliefs. "I believe God

>>>>>>>> the heavens and the Earth," he said at a news conference with Iowa
>>>>>>>> pastors who murmured, "Amen." "I wasn't there when he did it, so how

>>>>>>>> did it, I don't know," Huckabee said. At which point Hopeless Harry
>>>>>>>> chose to cut off his "reportage" lest you
>>>>>>> hear this borderline brilliant statement;
>>>>>>> "That's an irrelevant question to ask me - I'm happy to answer what I
>>>>>>> believe, but what I believe is not what's going to be taught in 50
>>>>>>> different states," Huckabee said. "Education is a state function. The

>>>>>>> state it is, and the less federal it is, the better off we are."
>>>>>>> Which he [Harry} followed up with his typical brilliant response,
>>>>>>> worthy of a bored and spoiled valley girl;
>>>>>>>> Whatever.
>>>>>> So your (I think he meant "you're") willing to say that we should
>>>>>> edjamacate (ironically, he's trying to sound dumber than he is here, I
>>>>>> think!) our children in our stupidity, right?
>>>> Certainly not in YOUR stupidity, Kevin.
>>>>>> Huckabee, soon to be the repug nominee is to (I think he meant "too")
>>>>>> stupid to understand evolution so he panders to conservatives
>>>>>> by putting evolution down, then when asked what he would do
>>>>>> he gets up on his hind legs and panders some more by insisting
>>>>>> that anything can and should be taught. So if you think algebra
>>>>>> is wrong you can teach Roman math?????
>>>>>> If evolution is a lie then don't teach it. If its the truth the teach

>>>>>> heck out of it. You got a problem with that? Huckabee does. The

>>>>>> is that no one has ever "proven" that evolution is the truth. In

fact, I
>>>>>> challenge you to provide one example of a simple life form "evolving"
>>>>>> into a more complex life form.
>>>> Intermediate fossils include
>>>> Australopithecus afarensis, from 3.9 to 3.0 million years ago

>>>> Its
>>>> skull is similar to a chimpanzee's, but with more humanlike teeth. Most
>>>> (possibly all) creationists would call this an ape, but it was bipedal.
>>>> Australopithecus africanus (3 to 2 Mya); its brain size, 420-500

>>>> was
>>>> slightly larger than A. afarensis, and its teeth yet more humanlike.
>>>> Homo habilis (2.4 to 1.5 Mya), which is similar to

>>>> but which used tools and had a larger brain (650-cc average) and

>>>> projecting face.
>>>> Homo erectus (1.8 to 0.3 Mya); brain size averaged about 900 cc in
>>>> early
>>>> H. erectus and 1,100 cc in later ones. (Modern human brains average 1,350
>>>> cc.)
>>>> A Pleistocene Homo sapiens which was "morphologically and
>>>> chronologically intermediate between archaic African fossils and later
>>>> anatomically modern Late Pleistocene humans" (White et al. 2003, 742).
>>>> A hominid combining features of, and possibly ancestral to,
>>>> Neanderthals
>>>> and modern humans (Bermudez de Castro et al. 1997).
>>>> And there are fossils intermediate between these (Foley 1996-2004). How

>>>> this show a simple life form evolving into a more complex life form?

>> Australopithecus afarensis IS simpler than the later forms. Were you
>> hoping for fossilized evidence of single celled organisms, knowing such

>> don't exist? That's a little disingenuous, don't you think? The above

>> illustrates an evolutionary process.

> It only shows an evolutionary process if you can show the types
> were related. To my knowledge, this can't be done.

And if you continue on the way you're going, it will continue to be beyond
your knowledge.

President Bush was so buoyed by the warm reception he was given in Albania
that he immediately gave all 3 million Albanians American citizenship,
provided they learn Spanish. - Ann Coulter
David Hartung <> wrote in

> 3876 Dead wrote:
>> On Wed, 05 Dec 2007 16:39:51 -0600, David Hartung
>> <> wrote:
>>> Jim Alder wrote:
>>>> Okay. But they asked about ONE issue. If you want to know how his

>>>> and tenets will effect his decisions, then you should find out more ABOUT

>>>> beliefs and tenets and not assume the worst because you fear religious

>>>> Sounds rational.

>> You already have him uttering **** that is every bit as goofy and
>> perhaps more goofy than Kucinich and his UFOs.
>> If he were to say that the sun revolves around the earth, or that
>> there's no such place as India, would you dismiss that as just a small part

>> "beliefs and tenets"?

> Your point?

I think his point is that it's never too soon to start another campaign of
hatemongering. As soon as a Republican pulls ahead a smidge, it's time to
start fabricating all manner of things he MIGHT believe and then pretend it's

President Bush was so buoyed by the warm reception he was given in Albania
that he immediately gave all 3 million Albanians American citizenship,
provided they learn Spanish. - Ann Coulter
David Hartung <> wrote in

>>> That's part of your problem. I posted Huckabee's comments on his
>>> beliefs. He let's his faith define them. Had you been paying attention
>>> you'd know that.

>> I read that. That's what religion is for. He's a Baptist, an ordained
>> minister, in fact. So what?

> I wouldn't make too much out of the fact that Huckabee is an ordained
> minister, after all, so is Jesse Jackson.

Oh, I don't make a lot out of it. I'm not a religious person, but I don't
fear it like the Left seems to.

President Bush was so buoyed by the warm reception he was given in Albania
that he immediately gave all 3 million Albanians American citizenship,
provided they learn Spanish. - Ann Coulter
"Jim Alder" <> wrote in message
> David Hartung <> wrote in
>>>> That's part of your problem. I posted Huckabee's comments on his
>>>> beliefs. He let's his faith define them. Had you been paying
>>>> attention
>>>> you'd know that.
>>> I read that. That's what religion is for. He's a Baptist, an
>>> ordained
>>> minister, in fact. So what?

>> I wouldn't make too much out of the fact that Huckabee is an ordained
>> minister, after all, so is Jesse Jackson.

> Oh, I don't make a lot out of it. I'm not a religious person, but I
> don't
> fear it like the Left seems to.

But you don't fear an invasion of your privacy, the eroding of your rights
or the lies told to us to get us into conflicts.

> --
> President Bush was so buoyed by the warm reception he was given in Albania
> that he immediately gave all 3 million Albanians American citizenship,
> provided they learn Spanish. - Ann Coulter
"Jim Alder" <> wrote in message
> David Hartung <> wrote in
>>>> That's part of your problem. I posted Huckabee's comments on his
>>>> beliefs. He let's his faith define them. Had you been paying
>>>> attention
>>>> you'd know that.
>>> I read that. That's what religion is for. He's a Baptist, an
>>> ordained
>>> minister, in fact. So what?

>> I wouldn't make too much out of the fact that Huckabee is an ordained
>> minister, after all, so is Jesse Jackson.

> Oh, I don't make a lot out of it. I'm not a religious person, but I
> don't
> fear it like the Left seems to.
> --
> President Bush was so buoyed by the warm reception he was given in Albania
> that he immediately gave all 3 million Albanians American citizenship,
> provided they learn Spanish. - Ann Coulter

You will.
"Screw repugs" <> wrote in news:HmB6j.69451$RX.64474

> "Jim Alder" <> wrote in message
> news:Xns99FF9612FC972jimaldersssnetcom@
>> David Hartung <> wrote in
>>>>> That's part of your problem. I posted Huckabee's comments on his
>>>>> beliefs. He let's his faith define them. Had you been paying
>>>>> attention you'd know that.
>>>> I read that. That's what religion is for. He's a Baptist, an
>>>> ordained minister, in fact. So what?
>>> I wouldn't make too much out of the fact that Huckabee is an ordained
>>> minister, after all, so is Jesse Jackson.

>> Oh, I don't make a lot out of it. I'm not a religious person, but I
>> don't
>> fear it like the Left seems to.

> You will.

I do beleive that with every name change you get stupider, Shithead.

President Bush was so buoyed by the warm reception he was given in Albania
that he immediately gave all 3 million Albanians American citizenship,
provided they learn Spanish. - Ann Coulter
On Sat, 08 Dec 2007 19:08:20 -0600, Jim Alder
<> wrote:

> I do beleive that with every name change you get stupider, Shithead.

But not as stupid as someone who writes this, ADERLOON

(See Photo for reason why)


>On Mon, 10 Apr 2006 13:31:36 -0500,
>Jim Alder <> wrote:

> **** you, Roselles.


On Fri, 26 Jan 2007 18:09:41 -0600, whipped and beaten
Jim Alder <> wrote:

> **** you, Roselles. Drink bleach.


>On Mon, 22 Jan 2007 12:26:08 -0600, Jim Alder
><> wrote:

>> **** you, Roselles, you stupid ****ing ****. Kill yourself.


On Wed, 24 Jan 2007 10:05:54 -0600, Jim Alder
<> wrote:

> Windbag, PLEASE put me in your killfile!? I am so ****ing sick
>of your stupid, lame, moronic, smarmy crap I could plotz.


Prepare to laugh.......

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