Crushes, love, blah blah blah...

Hyper said:
i've given up... not exactly on love.. but finding true everlasting love.. it's.. an urban myth. if you think it's real.. open your eyes, everyone's conceited, insecure, or they have a hidden agenda.

I couldn't have said it better myself.
bleh, you know it's sad that we are all so young and realizing that love really sucks, you know this thread is starting to sound like that movie singles, thats actully a really good movie, it has a lot of performences by some awesome bands for exapmle alice in chains, smashing pumpkins, whoa i just totally got off topic, i'm gunna stop now
Well the world isn't a very loving place anymore. Wars are being fought, planes are being flown into buildings, families are being destroyed by a 50% divorce rate, lawsuits are more frequent then ever, road rage, school shootings, adultry, and telemarketers.
True love has become more of a fantasy. Believing in it takes faith in the good of man. Not alot of that to be seen these days.
I'm not really interested in dating right now because, like it was said above, it seems no one is interested in a real relationship. Some bullcrap (status, sex, money, whatever) always seems to be working behind the scenes.
I reached the idea that love is pointless in this day in age when i turned 18, I have seen so many people who said they loved eachother, then the next day, stab them right in the back. My mom was Married to my dad for 25 years, over though 25 years, she stold ALOT of money from him and me and my brother and sister, by the end, she moved out, and moved in with another guy, after my dad had no more money for her. I've seen my brother go out with a women for 6 years, and her dumped him over the phone, and never talk to him again.... Love has become fruitless in this world. I am sure there is still some good people out there, but its hard to find them.
i had a boyfriend 2 days ago

but hes a ****ing peice of scum that needs to die and go to taco hell

i have a new crush
he makes me feel better
i am now aiming for europeans
i cant say his name
so i call him oragami

i also love vash
jomama10691 said:
i had a boyfriend 2 days ago

but hes a ****ing peice of scum that needs to die and go to taco hell

i have a new crush
he makes me feel better
i am now aiming for europeans
i cant say his name
so i call him oragami

i also love vash

Since I highly doubt you're talking about someone else, thouggh, you might be, but, if you're talking about me,
I am honored to have that said. You're a great person, & again, if you ever need to talk, or just want to talk about anything, my new AIM is Teh Vashness. I'll be talking to ya.
right now i have a crush on this guy, actually been having a crush on him for like 4 years and nothing really happened. that really sux, bc i'm that kinda person that won't just open up and say how i feel to ppl. and for the ppl who have given up on love.......well dont because real true love comes around once (well thats what i believe) and well...yuo have like a lot of life ahead of you. you dont know if love may come by when ur like 30 or 40.
jomama10691 said:
i had a boyfriend 2 days ago

but hes a ****ing peice of scum that needs to die and go to taco hell

i have a new crush
he makes me feel better
i am now aiming for europeans
i cant say his name
so i call him oragami

i also love vash
LMAO....taco hell?!?!
i have a crush, i guess i havent talk to him for a while and i finally had the guts to call him and to ask him if he could neet me at our HS did meet up and started talking...he brought his dirt bike and the thrill of it was holding him...LMAO
I have crushes. Franklin Lo, Kyle Steed, and Matt Pain! First teo are preps (but I've known them since Lo= 6th grade, Steed= 4th grade) and Matt is as ****ed up in the head as me.

But I wouldn't date anyone, the stress, the pain, and that fun ****. Who needs it? BLAH!
i have a gf, and i thought we would be going to high school together. However, my parents had different plans, and i... dont think i'll ever see her again :( Now there's nothing left to do but let go, which im sure i can, i'm just not willing to accept the fact that she's gone.
I ****IN HATE DEREK FLOYD, he is a vain son of a bitch,

sorry i had to do that, you know shadow serpent, your avatar... it's exactly how i feel
sexy_LP_fan said:
i have a crush, i guess i havent talk to him for a while and i finally had the guts to call him and to ask him if he could neet me at our HS did meet up and started talking...he brought his dirt bike and the thrill of it was holding him...LMAO
Well, speaking of my crush now, we're together! :thumbsup: our first kiss was yesturday here at my house when we were just sitting around talking and when he was leaving...he was making a big deal about asking to kiss me when he could of just done it....buti t was SWEET!! :thumbsup:
For the first time in over 8 years I'm seriously in love again. I had my fair share of crushes in between but what I'm feeling right now goes way beyond anything. And the feeling of being in love is the nicest in the world. Esp. when you get the same feeling back from the man you are in love with. Hell I even love the side effects of being in love. In my case that is that I'm constantly have the feeling I need the throw up, stopped eating, loose weight like crazy, can't concentrate on work anymore, sleepless nights and so on. YES love is a f*cking great thing.

xxxx The Tester