Cutting...A serious issue.

hey if you still want to cut and not kill yourself,try it down the street,not across........still can satisfy your cutting needs.........

hey im not giving this as an advice........just sharing..........
i dont think we need that kind of info :\
no ive never cut and ive never even thought about it
mt advice would be to keep your life simple i guess
simple life = not alot of trouble
thats just me though
and remember cutting is like drugs, once the "feeling" is over its just the same mess over again
is it really worth it?
I agree on this one - cutting is like drugs... a kind of euphoria I guess, and without it I just feel like dying... It may sound a bit perverted but I like the wounds and I got used to the scars... Scars can be startling, you know, sometimes when I see my arms I don't believe these scars are real. Not that I cut so bad, but for some of them... I can't remember why or when or how... they are just there. A part of me:) that won't go away.
Listen, you everybody out there who has never done it but feel somehow tempted or just too much interested or attracted by it - Never cut yourself, neither scratch or whatever! It's not a way to challenge or test yourself, it's not a way to solve your problems, it's not another pleasant feeling!
It's just pain!
Addictive pain.
omg, its so addictive. not the actually hurting yourself but the emotional rush. as you said euphoric. I suppose many people like me get hooked on it bc it makes me feel incontrol. its just makes you feel powerful because in the back of your mind your thinking 'no-one else can hurt me as much i can hurt myself'. Also, sometimes its nice to focus on the physical pain rather than the mental pain. i really dont know im just rambling.
But i just im a hypocrite bc i think that you shouldnt start bc its a vicious circle. I think if anyone feels the need to they should talk to someone who cares about them immediatly. I tried to talk to my mum when i started to feel depressed and she just told me to do away and that she wasnt interested. what heppened next, ive seriously tried to do myself in twice.
I want to post here a link I found very useful:

That's BUS (bodies under siege) WEB BOARD - everyone there either SIs (self-injures) or has done it in the past, there is also a place for parents and friends of people who SI...

If somebody is looking for help, or just needs to share - you are welcome! It's the best forum of that kind I've ever seen... Everybody there is very supportive and friendly - a nice place to be.
A lot of LP-fans by the way:)

WARNING: If you're looking for a place to post pictures of your SI or you just want to boast around about how deep you cut last night or something - that's definitely not the right place. One of the basic rules:

Do not link to or post pictures of self-inflicted wounds or pictures of things you wouldn't be allowed to post about -- no blood, no porn, etc. Do not link to pro-si or pro-ed sites, including journals and journal communities.

This is a precaution - so that everyone is safe.

Now I have a T (therapist) and I haven't cut for 12 days...My BUS friends help me a lot! I'm trying to cope. I'll try for a month...but it's quite hard, you know...Wish me luck!
Cutting really isn't nice... We should just break the habit...
i want to cut......but i admit im such a big coward who cant endure thrusting a sharp object to her skin......reason why i want to try it tho is i think it can really be an outlet uf yerr emotions if noone else will listen [mind you i cant afford a therapist]......

i think the pain you feel will come out with the blood......
Cutting not a solution, though it may seem so. I'm still cutting, but I wish I could stop. Last time I was 18 days SI-free (my personal best so far) and I consider it a great achievement. Anyway I failed again in stopping...

Resisting the urges is much easier if you haven't done it before. Now it's like hell - resisting the temptation to cut is nearly impossible. Most people do it with pills but I would never even try - I find such pills disgusting, I want to be myself whatever happens! - that's the reason why I lost my two therapists, by the way...

My advice: Do not cut!

For many reasons... The main of which is YOU!
If you need someone to share with, you can always PM me:)
yesss it really does......i wish were having a real consversation...... :mad:

sorry for that
jeeez im really starting to get high without drugs