Damn bible thumpers knocking at my door.

Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
This is exactly what pisses me off about bible thumpers. They go around preaching their bullshit to every damn person.

Now I don't go around knocking on their doors to pass out marxist literature....nuff said.

Not all christians are "Bible thumpers" though.
phreakwars said:
So anyway.. tonight, I had a nice talk with a Catholic priest who stops in to the pizza place regularly for lunch, he knows I am a Deist, and we were discussing religious dogmas and practices. He had told me that he feels also that the "divine message" should not be pushed on anybody, and that he had a brother that was not a practicing christian and it did not bother him in the slightest, we had also discussed a bit of theology and culture, and significance of religion... etc.

Now... I begin to wonder... why is it, a Catholic priest can have a more realistic conversation with me about religion in general then a nimrod who goes door to door trying to spread "THE MESSAGE" ???

This moron had never even heard of Deism and was ****ing dumbfounded by my lectures of Babylon...

What really got my curiosity, is what kind of religion would tell people to go out door to door and try to spread the message / convert people... it's ****ing annoying as hell and should be against the law..

If I wanted to discover a "DEVINE SPIRITUALITY " in myself by practicing a religion, I'd get my sorry ass up and find me a church.

I also recall THEIR bible stating that it's WRONG to practice their self righteousness in front of others and that it's up to people to find their god themselves.....hmmmm...
ImWithStupid said:
Not all christians are "Bible thumpers" though.

I do realize this

Christains believe in the teachings of christ, and bible thumpers OBSESS with their religion, and push it down everyone elses throats.

I don't mind Jesus but HIS FANCLUB *****S ME OFF TO NO END.
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
I do realize this

Christains believe in the teachings of christ, and bible thumpers OBSESS with their religion, and push it down everyone elses throats.

I don't mind Jesus but HIS FANCLUB *****S ME OFF TO NO END.

I can't stand people pushing **** down my throat either.
Instead of getting annoyed at these bible-pushing thumpers, have fun with it! Last time one of those things came to my door, I went along with it for quite a ways. I invited him in, made some coffee. We laughed, talked, and expressed the wonders of Jesus. For about 20 minutes, quite amusing. Then I confronted him about my atheism, and he looked absolutely crestfallen, and was like, "oh..I should go."

Now that I look back on it, it was probably a nasty thing to do, but at the time it was hella fun. It was all I could to to keep from bursting out laughing.
I can see where you're coming from, phreakwars. Because just saying "I'm sorry but I'm not interested due to my religious beliefs. God Bless You and have a nice day" would have been too much to ask. Riiiight.
Buddha said:
I can see where you're coming from, phreakwars. Because just saying "I'm sorry but I'm not interested due to my religious beliefs. God Bless You and have a nice day" would have been too much to ask. Riiiight.

And why couldn't the bible thumper leave him alone in the first place. I don't remeber any religious texts that say "Force thine religion down the throats of thine fellow man, for he will go to hell without it." Wanna know why that isn't in any religious texts I can think of...well, that I have read, anyway? BECAUSE THERE IS NO NEED! IF THEY KNOW ABOUT YOUR STUPID, ****ED UP, I-HAVE-TO-FORCE-THIS-BULLSHIT-DOWN-PEOPLES'-THROATS-BECAUSE-I-AM-A-****ING-NIMROD-WHO-HATES-DIVERSITY, AND JUST GENERALLY RETARDED RELIGION, THEN THEY WOULD HAVE JOINED ALREADY! Buddha, people like you piss me off. Know why? You act like ****-wits who try to convert you and make your life harder by having to answer a door and miss part of judge judy deserve your respect, or your politeness. They don't.
Another thing you can do is beat them at their own game

FACT: according to the Jehovah's witness's religion (these are usually the ones who do the door to door soliciting) there are only 10,000 places in heaven. We all know there were much more than 10,000 jehovah's witnesses in history. REMIND THE NEXT PREACHER OF THIS.
Next time they come back, I suggest you get your house red flagged.
If you do something really horrible they make a note to not come back for like... 10 years. And when they come back if you still live there you get flagged again. It's beautiful.
I live in a restrictive community, we have signs that say no soliciting. Of course it depends on how you define soliciting whether it applies to assholes like this. The last people that came to my door, I cut them off in mid sentence, told them there was no soliciting and if they didn't get off my lawn I would call the police on them. I then went straight out to my garage and turned on my sprinkler system in the hopes they had taried a little longer and would get wet, the first zone that comes on would have soaked them before they could get to the road.

Back during the whole Waco mess with the Branch Davidians, I had a couple fresh faced young men come to my door. I never open the door, I just talk through it, they said their names were brother something or other and they wanted to share their bible bullshit with me, I told them I was a Branch Davidian and that I was armed. I also once again told them that it was posted they were not allowed in my apartment complex and that I was going to call the campus police. I lived at University of Texas at Arlington at the time.

I have no discussions with these people. I have heard it all, don't want to hear another word. I owe them no politeness, they have intruded on my private time at home with no invitation. I could have reacted worse and answered the door with a shotgun in my hand, maybe I will try that next time. That should leave an indeliable memory.

I'm with you phreak, that just pisses me off to the max. I mean what kind of arrogance does it take for anyone to think they have all the answers and that me for instance is clueless and has never heard of the bullshit they spew??
Lethalfind said:
I have no discussions with these people. I have heard it all, don't want to hear another word. I owe them no politeness, they have intruded on my private time at home with no invitation. I could have reacted worse and answered the door with a shotgun in my hand, maybe I will try that next time. That should leave an indeliable memory.

I wonder if this the shotgun thing would get you one of them there "red flags" that ParasiteGod was talking about.:rolleyes:
Not in Texas.

They do serve a purpose though. Had to live in town for a while. All the little ole Ladies would look forward to those young men coming around to talk to them. The ladies didn't have much to say about the actual discussions, just that they talked for hours.
I live in Florida now so maybe the shock of me opening up the door and them staring down the barrel of a pistol grip shotgun would fix my problem. I have even thought of getting one of those nice bronze signs that says no soliciting please but it just seems way to polite for my taste.
My front door doesn't have a peep hole so I will be installing one this week so I can see them before they see me. As it stands now I just yell 'who is it'. But of course by then they know I'm home. I would rather some people have no idea.
-"Who is it?"

-"The bringers of enlightenment"

-"Ok, me and my chrome-spiked dildo will be right with you"

Whats so hard about that? :p
eisanbt said:
-"Who is it?"

-"The bringers of enlightenment"

-"Ok, me and my chrome-spiked dildo will be right with you"

Whats so hard about that? :p

I think shoving the barrel of a shotgun right up in under their nose and saying politely "get off my property" would be alot more fun.

I wonder if in spite of gods protection and shining love they would **** their pants in fear...
Lethalfind said:
I live in Florida now so maybe the shock of me opening up the door and them staring down the barrel of a pistol grip shotgun would fix my problem. I have even thought of getting one of those nice bronze signs that says no soliciting please but it just seems way to polite for my taste.
My front door doesn't have a peep hole so I will be installing one this week so I can see them before they see me. As it stands now I just yell 'who is it'. But of course by then they know I'm home. I would rather some people have no idea.
I've seen a house sign that says something to the effect of the house being protected by Smith and Wesson.
eisanbt said:
-"Who is it?"

-"The bringers of enlightenment"

-"Ok, me and my chrome-spiked dildo will be right with you"

Whats so hard about that? :p

The trouble with these schticks are that all the bible pushers have seen and heard it all before.