Dark side of technology?


Loud and Proud
Mar 13, 2004
In Stephen King's newest book, the world is driven insane by a pulse sent to cell phones worldwide, turning anyone who awnsered them into a blood thirsty homicidal maniac (think the Reapers from 'Serenity').

Its an interesting idea...but it does raise the question, is there a dark side to technology? Could technology be misused or even turned against us in some way? I just think this is an interesting topic, I'd like to hear some ideas.

Personally, I think the 'pulse' from King's book is strangely akin to the text messages that spread across Australia during the race riots there. I've always believed computers are a useful but still dangerous tool, especially online because your information ends up everywhere and could easily be picked up by anyone.
Technology... just like duct tape: has a dark side and light side. Some are attracted to one side and some to the other. Of course, I find it interesting how people use technology for darker purposes. I'm sometimes amazed at how they create such complex programs, having tried to write a guessing number program this past year... Anywyays...

This is going to be an interesting book. I'd like to see how King will make you hang on this time.
Definately. I mean alot of people can't live without checking their E-mail. Imagine if tommorow, the internet just shutdown and didnt work like ever again. Just imagine how people would react.
azemkamikaze03 said:
Imagine if tommorow, the internet just shutdown and didnt work like ever again. Just imagine how people would react.
That's actually scary... I don't check email, but I surf the internet like crazy... That would 3 and 1/2 tons of entertainment out the window.
The book sounds interesting. Shall have to be a read. (Not sure if I'll make it through the book, seeing as I've only ever finished one SK book...)
Technology is a huge part of my life...not only am I on the internet alot, I am an avid online gamer. It still doesn't end, since my *hopefully* career will involve extensive work with computers and internet.
I think technology, like anything, can be used in for both good and evil intentions. It just depends sometimes.
All things in this universe have a light and dark side. Its the common flow of things.

Personally I don't see what happened in that book, happening in real life, lol.

I don't have a cell phone anyway. :p
Cyro said:
All things in this universe have a light and dark side. Its the common flow of things.

Personally I don't see what happened in that book, happening in real life, lol.

I don't have a cell phone anyway. :p

Werd Homie