Darky's Journal


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2005
Aya Fujimiya (shinde kudasai)

So ya I am having a crappy week. School is stressful, thats like the most minor of my problems. I'm just depressed in general for the most part.

So ya we got a call from my aunt for the first time in like two years. She called to tell us that my grandpa was in the hospital and his heart is failing T_T. I don't wanna lose my grandpa. My family is small enough as is. I am gonna be so sad if he dies T_T

On top of that one of my friends is depressed and they keep talking about killing themselves. I am already down about my grandpa and I just can't think of anything to say to help them feel better. I am not in a sympathy mood. I really wish I could help them though cause it hurts me to see them so down.

I wanna get my forum going again by the end of the week I am tired of its deadness.. I also wanna fix the background I hate how bright it is >_<.
This weekend I have no idea what is gonna happen I would like to get back to work on my quilt before it is too late to finish it. Tommorow I think I will go hang out with someone I have had enough of just sitting here and being lazy.

Current Mood: depressed
Current Music: Linkin Park- Numb
no, no new news about my grandpa yet. The hospital people are being asses and won't tell us anything. Frick I hate when people steal money from me. Its the worst thing ever. I used to work in my school cafteria and I branded myself a few times by accident too. I hate when it spits on you T_T. umm... I also cut my finger doing dishes once. It was nifty!
If ya'll haven't noticed I have multiple journals so I just copy and paste what I wrote from one to another. That way I don't have to worry too much about it.

Well what can I say? Another crappy week for me. Not a suprise though, I hardly ever have good days.

I joined a new forum and so far it seems pretty good. It's linkin park based so there are alot of people similar to me there. Haven't really made any solid friendships yet, but I have talked with some people. It won't be hard for me to get popular there at all.

NHF is basically dead which makes me sad cause I have been there for like 2 years. Though for the last couple of months it has definetly been kinda crappy. I miss Damage alot. I wish I knew what other sites he was on alot cause he is a good friend and bothers me that we have lost contact. Even Kevin isn't posting much there anymore.

UEF is just messed up. Everyone bitches at every small thing. One of two things are going to happen to it. Its either gonna die off, or it is gonna drastically change. I hope that it is the latter cause I really dislike some of the people there.

I made a decision that I was no longer dwell on the past. It is over and nothing will ever change what has happend. I figure this will help me keep my head up. I also decided not to let anyone bring me down. ANYONE. Even if it means never talking to my best friend again, I guess that is the way it will have to be.

Math has actually been ok so far this week. I am actually understanding it. Now I just have to get caught up on the stuff that I have fell behind on. I plan to be on the computer alot less soon. If I don't I am gonna screw over my school and that would suck.

I don't know whats going on with my grandpa atm, we haven't heard anything for a few days. I really hope he is ok.

So ya pretty much my week has sucked. I really need to talk to kevin he always makes me feel better but I don't feel like bothering him right now, it is too late. Plus I am angry right now and I don't want to cause friction between us. So I will just wait till I cool down a bit.
haha I totally forgot about this. Hiyas Twi, I'm Aya nice to meet cha ^^

My Grandpa was apparently having heart problems due to his medication and now he is retaining fluid. Apparently they drained like 30 pounds of fluid off of him :(
Hi, how's it going?
I don't think I've met you before... ah well, I'm Erica/DA by the way.
Sorry to hear about your grandpa :( hope he gets better soon.
Take care!
Hey, I'm Alison/BA :)

Sorry about your Grandpa :( I have a really small family, no grandparents, and I never talk to my aunts/uncles/cousins etc. Heh, well I guess I'm used to it. Hope everything gets better for you :)