Deadly And Scary Animals


New member
This is another deep ocean variety of the viperfish. From the genus Chauliodus, the chaulidous attenionuswhorus

These deep ocean dwellers prey on the minds of impressionable young white girls. The "britneyfish" should be hunted to extinction.

is the britneyfish related to the lovefish?


either way they are bottom dwellers who feed off of larger and more talented fish to survive...

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New member
Mr. Jacques was da man. Yea, that Britney thing is quite hideous, an intrusive and abominable species. The viperfish has more of a wonderous existance than that wretched land lamprey. Speaking of...quite an odd and unique creature that usually feeds off of fish by sucking blood though it is not known for attacking people, it could give anyone who sees it underwater quite the scare.



There is still the debate whether this animal is a fish or in a class of its own. But it is among the most primitive of the vertebrates, parasitic, and jawless, not to mention its skeletal structure is made of cartilage. There are a few that feed on microscopic orgamisms. Can be found in freshwater and saltwater.

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New member
Thanks Vorty.
The male courts the female by stroking her with his pedipalpi and forelegs. This reduces her to a passive state, as if anaesthetized, whereupon the male lays her on her side.

Raising his body he ejects a mass of spermatozoa onto the ground, picks it up with his chelicerae and forces it into the ******. He closes the opening and waits a few moments and then hurriedly departs before the female has a chance to grab and eat him.

*** sounds like no fun at all in spider land. :p


Anna Perenna

New member
Congratualtions!!! You're in the ******* idiot box!!! If anything is lame, it is your presence and your stupid sleep inducing comments!!! 3 days is pretty fair.
Aww, I'd almost forgotten the good old days.



New member
I was just watching a very little known B-Movie called "Komodo" so I thought I would add this creature to the list.

The Komodo Dragon (Varanus komodoensis) is a member of the largest lizards in the world, the monitors. Known for their carvivorous appetite, thick scaly skin, and usually a long tail and extremely sharp teeth. Unusual for a monitor, its tail is pretty short compared to the rest of its body. I believe it usually reaches a lenght of 10 feet though it has been documented to be longer. Along with corocdiles, they are considered to be the most intelligent of reptiles. These guys can swim far distances into the sea without tiring to do some island hopping.

What so scary about them? The fact that if this animal doesn't kill you, its bacteria will. Being bitten by one of these 300 lbs. plus animals means a certain but slow and painful septic death. It bites and waits until you die before it moves in. This is how it is able to kill large animals such as cows. It is THE APEX PREDATOR (besides man) and has no natural enemies except for larger dragons. Not the kind of lizard I want to be too involved with. Take a gander...

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