December's Shadow

So, let me get this straight, after everything he's done Matt wants Sarah to trust him again?! Christ how many chances does one man get?! *shakes head* And... Joe is Chester and Matt's boss in essence? I actually felt sorry for Chas in this one. Poor guy seems torn between a rock and a hard place. I hope Sarah doesn't make the wrong decision. Poor Ava - that kid sure has suffered in her fictitious life hasn't she? ;)
But you know what am happy shes making the decision to come to DC that means we can get back to bitchin' huh? Awesome as always. Keeps me guessing. You know how much I adore my drama.

Azem sat at his desk, tapping his pen against the desk waiting for Meaghen to come back with some results. He looked to his clock. It was only half past six in the evening and it was the only starting of his shift. He looked back to staring at the blank wall in front of him. There was a knock at the door and he was hopeful that it was Meaghen.
“Come in,” he spat, as Brad entered his office carrying some folders. “I thought you were meant to be in surgery. What happened Delson? Decided to bludge?” Brad shook his head. “You can’t possibly tell me that you’ve got a reasonable excuse to be in my sight.” Brad opened his mouth to say something but Azem cut him off. “Why do I have Shinoda laying in a hospital bed with two cops protecting him? I hate having the police in this hospital, dead or alive.”
“Why is that?” asked Brad, walking in and taking a seat on the other end of the desk Azem sat at. “We all don’t like cops.”
“I especially distaste them,” answered Azem, slowly trying to find the words to describe such a strong link to a handful of memories that connected to his previous marriage to the former ICU head of the hospital. He remembered the time he got done for domestic violence once. He wasn’t very happy but was happy after she bailed him out from the police station. “What’s wrong with Shinoda this time around drank too much and decided to pick a fight with a club’s bouncer?”
“He killed two other people because he was speeding and driving under the influence,” answered Brad, quietly. “He’s up for murder charges.”
“Oh pity,” Azem scoffed, not caring two hoots about what Mike did. “And Tarja and that, have they been found? In fact, I don’t remember anyone reporting Sarah missing from Sacred Heart. I just can’t remember who I heard it from.”
“Allie, she reported her daughter missing, they say that Matt has Ava and Allie’s gone through the roof about it as well,” answered Brad. “Allie is Sarah’s mum by the way, Azem, sorry, I didn’t mention that before.” There was an awkward silence, especially by Azem’s previous scoff at the fact that Mike’s getting done for murder charges. Brad didn’t like the idea of seeing Sarah having to look after Mike’s child while he goes and does time behind bars. “On top of that Sarah’s pregnant with his kid.”
“Oh god, more dramas,” replied Azem. “Does this hospital revolve around melodramas or what? First I hear Shinoda’s getting done for being an idiot and now Sarah’s getting done for being an idiot with Shinoda. Idiocy to the extreme. Why are you here Delson?”
“These,” answered Brad, dropping the files in his hands on Azem’s desk. “I want to do something about Shinoda, only with your permission I can do it.”
“You’re not planning to set him loose are you?” asked Azem, as Brad didn’t reply. “Again, what did I just say about idiocy in this hospital and did I mention that I don’t look at idiocy as a sign of intelligence?” Brad sighed, as he got up and left Azem’s desk and eventually, his office. He walked out of Azem’s office and decided that he should see how Mike was doing. He saw two policemen walk past in the opposite direction, probably taking a short break off their watch over Mike. He kept on walking on until he saw his friend laying in bed.
Mike rolled over onto his back, as soon as he realised who it was who was coming through the doors of his ward.
“Hey man,” Mike croaked, as Brad stood in front of him. “What’s been happening?” Brad surveyed Mike and all of the cuts and scratches he had just on his face. He then looked to his arm that was attached to drip.
“Nothing much man, pretty quiet,” answered Brad as Brad walked away for a split second to draw up a chair and to sit in it at the end of Mike’s hospital bed. “They haven’t found her yet.” Mike didn’t know what to say because he felt like **** to begin with, on top of knowing that he’s getting done for stuff he was too drunk to remember doing. “I don’t know what to say to comfort you or to persuade you that we don’t think the worst has happened to her and your kid.” Mike didn’t say anything again. “Allie’s gone haywire over the fact that Matt’s now got Ava, she said she’s going to the courts about him.”
“What?” asked Mike, a bit astounded at the fact that the government would allow the child to go back to a drug addict and a man that never really cared about his own daughter. “Matt should not have her. He does not deserve her.”
“I know, I’ve heard it a million times from Jo,” Brad rolled his eyes at the most typical reaction one could have in such a scenario and for someone to have lived through one or more of Sarah’s dramas that managed to escape into her work life. “Do you remember what happened?” Mike shook his head. “Tarja’s dead and so is another woman driver you managed to ram into at a million miles an hour.” Mike said nothing and nor did he do nothing. “You’re up for time man. Big time if you can’t escape it.”
“What do I do Delson?” asked Mike. “There’s no point trying to get me out of this joint if she’s dead. And my child, what if it’s gone already.”
“I am going to get you out of here no matter what,” Brad promised himself. “I will get out of here once you’re ready to get of here. I’m going to start pulling some strings with the nurses.” He got to his feet and he looked down at Mike, who looked like he was about to either self implode from despair and grief or he was going to die in this hospital and didn’t really care if he did or not. Brad smiled as Mike looked into the blankness of the room. Mike didn’t even see Brad slip away from the room, and Brad kinda wanted his departure to like that. Brad slipped away in search of Jeezy, to see if he could pull some strings with him first, then Brad planned to suck up big time to Joanna and the nurses. But his plan went differently first. Andrea was sitting at one of the seats, with legs cross and deep in thought looking at the ground. “Aren’t you supposed to be working?” Andrea looked up to see Brad in front of her.
“And aren’t you supposed to be staying out of my hair Delson?” asked Andrea, as Brad moved and sat next to her, seeing what strings he could pull with her. “What do you want Delson? I ain’t doing you any favours if that’s what you’re after.”
“I’m here to pull as many strings possible,” Brad clearly stated. “Because one of my best mates is in that ward over there and he looks like he’s a rotting zombie off Resident Evil. He’s rotting in his own remorse and emotions and he’s starting to think the worse has happened to the woman that he loves, let alone him now knowing that she’s carrying his child.” Andrea looked at him weirdly. “And I’m not pulling anyone’s leg here woman.”
“Sarah’s pregnant in other words?” asked Andrea, as Brad nodded. She knew that she had been reported missing by her mother and now she was asking herself if Allie knew about her daughter expecting another child in the next nine months or so. “How sure are you?”
“Just, don’t ask and do what I say, how’s that for a novel idea?” asked Brad.
“What are you getting at?” asked Andrea, wishing that Brad would just cut to the chase with his schemes sometimes. In fact, if Andrea had to pinpoint the one thing that annoyed her with Brad it was that thing, the fact that he never knew how to pinpoint the one thing that he wanted out of her sometimes. “Why do I have the feeling that you want to get Mike out of the hands of the law and run off with him to Vegas to get married or something beyond my imagination and my tolerance?”
“Because you’ve always been good at reading minds,” answered Brad, smiling innocently. That smile was wiped off quickly as Andrea shot him a look. “What? Mike’s one of my mates and in this case, the law will just chuck him in jail and not consider his circumstance.”
“Driving under the influence, yeah Brad, he’s going to get away with driving while piss drunk,” Andrea sarcastically replied. “You may as well start riding a donkey to work and pretending it’s a rodeo bull while you’re at that level of stupid thinking.”
“What would happen if Harris was in Mike’s exact position?” asked Brad, trying to get Andrea to empathise but he knew she would come up with a good comeback.
“And what would be the likely circumstance that she would be that stupid to do such a Mike-thing?” asked Andrea, as Brad realised that Andrea had an off-topic point about Ravyn’s intelligence. “Alright. I’ll help you get him out of there, but I don’t want anything to do with the aftermath. I could lose my job over this. In fact, everyone who participates in such a poorly planned scheme is at stake at losing their job here. First, we’ll have to think of a way to get past the cops and then to smuggle him out of the place without someone saying ‘hey look! Isn’t that Shinoda?’.” Brad glared at Andrea with a weird look. “Reality bites, doesn’t it?” Brad nodded, as Jeezy and Joanna walked past. Joanna stopped to talk to Brad and therefore, Jeezy stopped as well because he was enjoying chatting up Joanna too much. “Why, hello there Joanna.” She looked at Andrea, who was smiling softly.
“Sorry, I didn’t see you there, stop being quiet Andrea, that’s how people don’t see you,” replied Joanna.
“You’re not deaf as far as I am concerned so seeing and hearing are two different things, you should know this, you are head of the nurses again, Joanna,” Andrea told, rolling her eyes at both the fact that Joanna got her old position back and that Joanna was being stupid on purpose, probably to impress the new guy in which Andrea hated seeing around let alone talking to him. Again, it had something to do with the fact that she felt like everyone could easily replace Ravyn just by the click of their fingers.
“Any who,” Joanna started as she looked to Brad. “I saw you talking to Shinoda. Must be hard seeing him like that is it?” Brad nodded.
“We were talking, Joanna and myself,” Jeezy started to say what he and Jo were talking about previously before they had bumped into Andrea and Brad at the seats. “We’re going to get Shinoda out of there. I know it sounds stupid coming from me, from someone that hardly knows the guy, but what I’ve heard from other members of the staff, he sounds pretty decent enough for me to think this way. We’re not going to bust him out or anything, but if I talk to both Josh and Azem, we could get his case heard within a matter of days. That’s if both Gradon and Azem are willing to pull some strings of the protocol for Shinoda.”
“Azem wouldn’t and Gradon wouldn’t have the guts to stand up to Azem because of his new power over the hospital,” Andrea clarified for Jeezy. “You don’t know them very well do you?” Jeezy shook his head. “I had a good feeling that you were going to reply with something like that.”
“So what do we do in that case then?” asked Joanna, looking bewildered as ever and Andrea rolled her eyes at Jo’s bewildered look. “I fear there’s nothing we can do.”
“You fret too much seriously,” commented Andrea.
“I have an idea, I’ll be back with it though,” said Brad, getting to his feet rapidly and walking away. Andrea rolled her eyes again thinking about what stupid idea Brad had up his sleeve this time around. While Jeezy and Joanna were both confused of what Brad was aiming to achieve. Brad walked back into Mike’s ward and started to disconnect the drip. Mike looked up confused. “Before you start throwing me questions right, left, and centre man, I am in the process of getting you out of here, before the cops come back.”
“What?” asked Mike, still confused. “Are you bailing me out?” Brad nodded. “Don’t bother man; it’s not worth you doing time for it as well.” Brad ignored Mike’s pleas for him to stop for his sake not Mike’s. Brad pulled the final tube out from the drip and looked to get the needle out of Mike’s arm. Mike pulled his hand back. “Dude, remember the last time you tried this? The woman was in pain for several hours because you had literally ripped the needle out of her hand.” Brad stopped, turned around, and run outside to get something. “Where are you going?” Brad came back in moments later with some stuff in one hand that would probably convince Mike to let him do it. “Alright.” Mike put his hand back on the bed, as Brad needed to do what he had to do in order to get Mike out of there. Brad pulled the needle out of Mike’s arm and pressed a piece of cloth down to stop the bleeding. “Now am I free?” Brad nodded, as Brad started to help his friend out of bed. Mike was only wearing a pair of black track pants that the Sygy and Diana had managed to preserve by not cutting the pair of black track pants up. “Guess I’ll have to walk around like this until I get some decent clothes.” Mike shook Brad’s help off, as Brad took off his jumper he had over his work uniform and gave it to Mike. “Why, what a lovely gesture.” Mike and Brad snorted at the fact Mike had just put on an English accent in the last sentence that he had just said. Mike put Brad’s jumper on which fitted him and pulled the hoody over his head.
“Looks sweet man, and now to get out of this hospital alive without being noticed by the cops,” said Brad, as they walked over to Jeezy, Joanna, and Andrea who were all by now sitting down in a row. “Howdy.”
“Jesus, Delson, do you want to scare me some more so that I actually do have a heart attack?” asked Joanna, as her attention was diverted to the hooded figure standing next to him. “That’s either who I think it is or it’s the Grim Reaper in disguise in a cheap ass jumper.”
“Boo,” Mike said, as he quickly took the hoody off and then put it back on, knowing that the police would be coming.
“I knew this would happen,” Andrea muttered. “We actually had sensible ideas to get him out but no, you couldn’t have listened to us.” Brad and Mike smiled at the fact that Andrea should know better and that was the thing Andrea underestimated in both of them. “What are you going to do now? Frolic in the freedom you have just illegally obtained?”
“We just proved a very good point, thank you for the congratulations, Sceptical Andrea,” Brad pouted. “Legal loopholes, there’s tons of them and that cops are lazy bastards that are overpaid completely to do nothing all day.”
“What are you going to do now with your newfound freedom?” asked Joanna, looking directly at Mike.
“I’m going to find Sarah,” answered Mike, looking to the ground, trying to keep his eyes from appearing outside his hoody that was originally Brad’s. “And what the ****, Matt has Ava now? Since when did child services allow this stupidity to happen in such a great society?”
“He took her by force, Allie originally had her,” Andrea answered instead of Jo. “You think of why she’s reacting the way she is. I mean, yeah of course she is the girl’s grandmother and naturally she would have some legal obligation over little Ava, but yeah, that man’s a psycho, I wouldn’t trust him to be near my cousins and they are all near Dominique’s and Monique’s age barrier, in that teenage angst time era.”
“Where would you know where to start looking to start with?” asked Jeezy, looking to Mike and thinking of how little they really associated. Jeezy thought of the fact that they never really had a chance to be social bees together, and Jeezy easily caught onto the fact that Mike and Brad could almost be compared to twin brothers when it came to their personality. “Chicago is a big place.” Mike didn’t reply as he saw two cops coming his way. Brad saw them as well. “Looks like this is your call to leave.”
“See you all later, in cuffs or not,” replied Brad, as Mike and him strolled past the cops casually and then broke into a run after they had passed the cops. They took a sharp left and ran down the emergency stairs until they reached the bottom floor. Even by then the alarm had been pulled and it was chaos downstairs. Brad and Mike looked both ways once they came out of the doors that lead to the emergency stairs, to try and see if there were any cops coming their way. It was clear, and Brad sighed with relief, as Mike and he walked causally outside to Brad’s car. Even outside Mike and Brad were looking both ways every step that they took because they were that wary that a police car might just rock up out of the blue and ask to see their IDs. Thankfully, for both of the men Brad had parked his car a five minute walk from the entrance to the hospital. Brad saw his car as well did Mike and they both broke into a small run. Brad opened his car door up, leant over to unlock Mike’s side, and then closed his door. He didn’t ignite the ignition or anything he just waited for Mike to sit down and close the door. “That was close.”
“Jeezy posed a good question,” said Mike, still not taking off his hoody. “Out of all the places to start looking for both Sarah and Ava, where would that place be?”
“I have a feeling that Matt knows something about Sarah’s disappearance, and if we can find Sarah and Ava, could we possibly find Melissa as well?” asked Brad, as Mike looked around to see if it was safe to take off his hoody that Brad had let him borrow to his identity within the walls of the hospital. “So, if we find Matt I have a good feeling that we can find them all.”
“So we’re playing the heroes tonight I take it?” asked Mike.
“Nah, not tonight, I’m at home with the missus,” answered Brad. “She’s been riding up my ass like crazy lately about spending time with her. Why don’t I just pull a Bourdon stunt and ask her to marry me or something?”
“You could,” answered Mike. “Or you can just dump that bitch and get on with your life and you would never have to see her again. Well, except when you rock up to work. Because at least, you’ve got your job still. Crazy Azem fired me, remember?”
“Yeah, do you think I’m dumb or something, Shinoda?” asked Brad, turning on the ignition only to heat up the heater. “Where do we find Matt, is the question I’m starting to ask myself? I mean, Jeezy put it really bluntly and truthfully, Chicago’s a large place after all.”
“Where did Bennington escape to after he was found unreliable to work in the hospital?” asked Mike, trying to think clearly, as Brad started to fiddle with the heater’s controls. “It’s so weird when you think of it. Matt’s a dope addict and yet, he’s got Ava, illegally, that I know that much and Bennington has ****ed off and from what I recall he hasn’t really had any real contact with the hospital.”
“There was that one time where he came in because he looked like he had been savagely mauled by a dog or something,” Brad remembered. “That’s it.” Brad sat up straight and roared the engine up. “We’re finding Bennington.” Brad shifted the gears into reverse and reversed out of the parking spot. He started to slide when he was turning the right way around but he didn’t mind it one bit. The car had been through various accidents on top of various trips to the other side of the country and back and there was nothing that could make it die. Brad slammed the accelerator down as he sped off down the highway, not looking half the time when turning into traffic lanes and narrowly missing a fine for going through a number of red lights.
It was six in the morning the next day, as the sun started to make an appearance through the very distant hills that surrounded Washington D.C. the crummiest capital a country could have, according to a majority of its own population. People were getting ready to go to work and some people like Ravyn were coming back from it. She hated the early bird shift, as she opened the front door, entered her quiet household that had its inhabitants sleeping soundly upstairs, closed the door and slumped down to the floor against it, as she closed her eyes and started to fall asleep. In her hands were folders containing reports and photographs of the now five victims that she had been told to baby-sit for a while. It was her day off from graveyard shift tonight, so that meant she could get some decent sleep rather than relying on large amounts of caffeine to get her through the long shifts of being told what to do from Anette and hearing the most stupid **** come out of Marco’s hyperactive mouth. She knew she was overworked but she knew at the same time that she was being overworked for a good purpose. She felt like someone had came and drained her of her energy and she felt weak and drowsy. She hoped that she wasn’t falling into the depths of illness. It was the last thing on her agenda like Vanessa’s appearance and her argument with Rob. She opened her eyes, to see Leo standing in front of her with a glass of water in one hand and looking curious at why his mother was falling asleep against the front door.
“What’s wrong?” Leo innocently asked his mother. Leo sat down next to his sleep deprived mother and put the glass of water next to him. “Why are you not sleeping like Rob is?”
“Why are you awake?” Ravyn asked slowly, trying to tell herself that she needs to go to bed or the questions would start. Leo showed his mother the glass of water he had gotten by himself. Ravyn groaned as she got to her feet and picked up the folders that she had slammed to the ground next to her when she had sat down. “I’m going to bed.”
“Can I come?” asked Leo, as Ravyn stopped in her tracks with one foot on the stair and the other on the normal ground. Ravyn turned around to see the child standing now. “Please.”
“Alright, but don’t wake Rob up, he gets grumpy if he’s woken up at this time of the morning, God knows why before you ask me anything else,” answered Ravyn turning back around walking upstairs as her child followed her. She reached the top of the staircase didn’t wait for Leo and walked straight to her room which she shared with Rob. She opened the door, left the door open for Leo to close it took her shoes off, and she laid on the bed. Leo came into the room, closed the door, and jumped on the bed in between Ravyn and Rob, which made Rob stir.
“Mummy?” asked Leo, softly, looking from Rob who was, snoring his head off and in deep sleep to his mother that had just rolled over to look at her son. “Why does Rob make such horrible noises when he sleeps?”
“Because he does,” answered Ravyn, sitting up. As soon as she sat up, she reached over and slapped Rob across the back. “Damn you’re hot but you’re dumb as a stump. God damn Rob, wake up.” Rob only stirred and sniffled. Ravyn groaned as she laid back down on her back.
“What’s wrong?” Leo repeated his question from earlier. “I hardly see you anymore. But I see more of Rob than you on times.”
“It’s called work, something you won’t have to do for a couple of years now,” answered Ravyn, as she felt more like she was going to pass out by this stage. “Work makes me sleepy and a fair majority of the time, quite bored.”
“Then why don’t you come home some nights?” asked Leo, as Ravyn was just wishing that the kid would just shut up with the questions and let her sleep. She knew that kid had a mouth on it.
“Because I work until ungodly hours of the morning and ungodly hours of the night time,” answered Ravyn. “Can you go and bug Rob now? I really need sleep. Unless of course you want to see the full wrath of your mother being cranky…” There was a small silence. “I didn’t think so.” Leo looked back to Rob who was deep in sleep. He looked back to his mother, confused what he should do. “Come on you know you want to wake him up.” She knew she shouldn’t be promoting this type of behaviour with her own child but it was fun to see what would happen. “Damn if you were old enough I would blackmail you with money or something.” Leo looked back to Rob. Ravyn smiled at herself and her brilliant mind sometimes. Leo crawled over to Rob and Ravyn not knowing that he still had his glass of water still in the hand that Ravyn couldn’t see, he poured the water over Rob’s face. Rob stirred quite well and sat up almost instantly, almost hitting Leo in the face, if Leo hadn’t moved.
“What the ****?” asked Rob, as cold water beads dripped down his face and Leo hid behind his mother, who was trying to restrain herself from laughing at the fact that she had just set her own kid on her own partner. “What the hell just happened?”
“You got woken up,” answered Ravyn, still trying to withhold that laugh but was half way there with that smile that she was wearing. “About time too.” Rob’s jaw dropped as though he had just been merely offended by such a comment. “What? You get more sleep then I do at times. Even when I have days off.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” asked Rob, a bit confused by her little comment.
“Jeez Rob, have you heard yourself sleeping at times?” asked Ravyn, closing her eyes and rolling over. “Now take him out of here, while I sleep. Now it’s my time to have some decent rest.” Rob was going to say something, but was interrupted by the fact that Leo was now on the opposite side of Ravyn and now in between Rob and her and he had decided that jumping up and down on the bed was the most intelligent thing to do. “Must you do that, now?” Leo didn’t hear his mother and she knew she would be ignored. She sat back up and grabbed her child and brought him down with her, as she fell back onto the bed. “Now, you’re going with Rob and you’re going to let your mother sleep. Is that okay with you or do I have to start grovelling?” Leo looked at his mother, as he was about to start laughing because he didn’t understand her one bit. Ravyn sighed. “What’s the use? You don’t understand me anyway. Jesus ****ing Christ.”
“Don’t swear please Mummy,” Leo requested solemnly.
“Then stop jumping up and down on my bed then,” replied Ravyn, smoothly, as Leo fell silent and Ravyn looked back to Rob. “Can you please take him out before I have to get up and forcefully remove him so I can get some sleep?”
“Your son, not mine,” answered Rob, as he got to his feet casually and left the room, only to sleep downstairs on the couch.
Ravyn pouted as she looked at her son and they caught each other’s eyes.
“Fine, what is it that you crave from me, child that I must prolong my sleep for?” asked Ravyn, as she sighed as Leo came down next to her after putting the glass that he had emptied over Rob’s face previously on the bedside table. She looked to her son and realised how much he looked like his own mother and less like his father. His complexity was more leaning towards Ravyn’s side, the mothering does it, she figured, gets the Azem out of the boy. “I asked you a question. It’s common courtesy that you answer it. Damn, what has Azem taught you in the past five or so years that you’ve been alive?”
“Why couldn’t have he come with us?” asked the living replica of what Ravyn had to go through in the years of marriage to Azem. “I mean, why couldn’t have Daddy come with us? Why are you with Rob?”
“Jesus, one question at a time, do I look like an answering machine to you?” Ravyn asked roughly, as she sighed again, knowing that unleashing her overtiredness on her child wouldn’t get her one step closer to the loved sleeping state she enjoyed being in. “Okay, your father is not here because it was pretty ****ing obvious that he didn’t want you around after he told you about me.”
“Then why did he lie in the first place?” asked Leo, resting his head against the pillow that Ravyn had her head against as well. “He told me that I should never lie, and, I do not lie.”
“Why did your father choose to do the stuff he’s done in his past which mainly consisted of abusing his privilege as a husband and as a father?” asked Ravyn, leaving the young child confused by the complex sentences that she was coming out with. “I have no ****ing clue. And if I did, it would be too complex and too long for me to tell you just in a time frame of a couple of seconds.” Leo looked confused. “I don’t know why he lied.”
“What do you remember of me?” asked Leo. “When I was small. Please, don’t swear.”
“I remember you up to about when you were six months old,” answered Ravyn, starting to enjoy the fact that she could remanence with her child and her child wouldn’t even understand what the hell she was saying. “I had to give up work because of you. The rest...**** I can’t remember the rest…”
Ravyn feel asleep, she couldn’t hold being awake anymore not even to talk through old memories with her only child. Work had buggered her over several times and she could go home and stay up for hours at end, watching television, and cooking breakfast. But today, all those times of not going straight to sleep finally caught up with her. Leo sat up and pulled the doona that Rob had let slip onto the floor, up onto the bed and over him and his now dead-to-the-world mother.
“Azem, please, don’t muck about, I need that and I can’t ****ing reach it,” Ravyn said, as she crossed her arms in the kitchen as she was previously pointing to the food up on the top shelf of the pantry. Azem wasn’t doing anything about his pregnant wife not able to reach something, so he just sat in front of the couch, with a beer in one hand and the television remote in the other, laughing. “It’s not funny!”
“I think it is, my form of amusement for the day,” Azem smirked, as the doorbell rang. “It’s your job to get the door, remember that bitch.”
“Could you lay off the name-calling?” asked Ravyn. “I am exhausted, I am very tetchy…” Ravyn lowered her voice to a whisper. “And the last thing I want to do is lash out at you knowing that I am going to pay for it in the long run.”
“What was that?” asked Azem. “I couldn’t hear the last sentence. Was it something about how you’re going to be a good and obedient wife and get the door for your husband?”
“Yes,” Ravyn sighed, as she walked from the kitchen to the front entrance. She pulled the door open to see Andrea on the other side, looking concerned. “Why the look at such an introduction of us meeting?”
“Why are you still here?” asked Andrea, pulling Ravyn by the wrist outside and slamming the door behind her. “I told you to get out. And how long have I been telling you to do that and how many times am I going to be ignored?”
“Jesus, one question at a time,” requested Ravyn, not knowing where to start. Ravyn screwed her face up, as the baby moved again.
“Oh crap, are you alright?” asked Andrea, as Ravyn sat down at the step clutching her baby bump that wasn’t small at all, it was more of a bump, it was like a boulder. “****. Do I call Azem?” Ravyn shook her head. “Of course, why would I? I want nothing to do with that asshole, *******, ****ing, I don’t know anymore, I’ve ran out of names to call him. ****. What do you want me to do?”
“Nothing,” Ravyn managed to move. “He moved that’s all.”
“Thank God,” Andrea sighed, as she felt relieved. “Going back to what I was saying before, you have to get out of there. Before the baby comes, before you expose the child to his wild mood swings, if you want to call it that.”
“I can’t,” replied Ravyn, as she got back to her feet. “I have to stay, for the child’s sake and for my sake. He’ll hunt me down and kill either me or the child, and trust me, when I do leave; I’m not leaving my child with that serial killer-like man.”
Ravyn woke up to realise that she had just had another relapse of another memory that consisted of Azem and Leo in it, but this time Andrea was in it and Leo, well, he was stuck inside of her that time around, he wasn’t in her arms like the other occurrences consisted of. Ravyn told herself that this was getting weird, all these relapses of Azem, that’s why she left Chicago, to get away from his evil and control freak ways. But she felt safe her in the crummiest capital a country could have. She felt safe here with both Rob and Leo. Now she just wished Vanessa would just vanish like a person off Without A Trace or die like a fly trapped in the jaws of a Venus flytrap.
“Holy ****, Ravyn,” said Rob, coming in with his perfect timing, holding her folders that were wide open.
“What the hell? Why do you have my work stuff?” asked Ravyn, not knowing where she had even put them down for Rob to get his hands on them. “Get your grotty little hands off those folders. Anette and Marco will kill me if I lose them or damage them in any sort of way.”
“I know half these guys,” Rob explained, coming to sit on the bed, as Ravyn realised that she was holding her son in her arms and he too was deep asleep. “Mr Reznor, I know him! He’s the guy who makes our salads. And…Mr Filth, he used to eat at the café on a daily basis, he would order the fried eggs and bacon meal, every morning, and then both of them disappeared. We never knew something this bad had happened to them…” He looked to Rob. “What the hell Ravyn? Why didn’t you tell me that these guys were dead?”
“You’re not even meant to be looking at those folders, that information that you’re looking at, is highly confidential,” objected Ravyn, not bothering to get up because she felt like she was still too weak to argue and to get up. “Close them now or I’m going to get done for treason and spend the next four years behind bars.” Rob closed the folders automatically. “Now don’t look at them ever again. In fact, give them to me right now.” Ravyn put her hand out to accept them, and Rob handed her the folders. She hid them under the covers. Rob felt like he didn’t know what to do, again. He got up from the bed and left the room, feeling confused of what he had just done. He knew the consequences of letting her know that he knew something about the classified documents and yet, he still went ahead.
Christ. How I hate what I have become, Rob said to himself and repeated it again, until he reached his newly made bed on the couch. He laid down on the couch and pulled the blankets he had pulled out from the linen cupboard and closed his eyes. ****, he told himself again.
Is it just me or has Leo grown up a bit since the last update? He just seems a bit more... mature or something? I dunno, maybe it's just all in my head or something. But sweet none the less. Am really starting to pity Rob. I'm pushing him straight out the door and into Vanessa's arms - which oddly enough sounds just like something the real life me would do ;) Had to laugh when he said he knew the victims all sort of lunch makers etc, so couldn't see that haha. And again Azem rears his head in the context of food. Again I reiterate that man needed a fry pan in the face for his blatant chauvinistic attitude. Can't deal with it. no yes I can; with violence! But anyway, by and large very sweet. Picturing Leo cuddled up on the bed was an aww moment - I notice you insert at least one aww moment per update. Keep it up. I like it :)
Awesome. More?

It was the next day for Rob, as he sat himself up from a short nap he had just taken at a table that was near the front counter. Obviously the café had been closed for a while and basically everyone had gone home, all except for him. He was stuck doing paperwork and spreadsheets that were better off in his computer’s trashcan than anything right now, and not in front of him spread out with scribbles and red pen telling people that something was wrong about either the total expenses or the payroll. Some papers even had both written on them. He hated working overtime. But this time Ravyn had some decency to spare him some slack and take Leo while she had her time off. He could strangle that woman and her incompetence sometimes.
He took off his glasses and started to rub his eyes. They were sore and so was his voice. His voice was sore primarily due to the fact that he had been shouting orders at everyone who wasn’t doing their job, especially the manager, who was a slack ass woman called Michelle who only showed up to do her job so that she could have an excuse to talk to Rob. He hated schoolgirl crushes, especially if he was the victim of one. There was a knock at the window. Rob replied by groaning and turning around, half expecting it to be that stupid bitch Michelle, who probably lost her keys down the sink or some other unreasonable excuse to talk to him. It was a bitch, but it was one that he would choose to be friends with rather than with Michelle.
“What do you want now, Vanessa?” asked Rob, as he noticed that she looked beaten up and wrecked. He got to his feet as soon as he noticed that she was crying and looked distraught from something, as though she had been attacked, well, that would explain the new scratches that appeared on her hands and around her neck. He unlocked the three locks on the other side of the café’s door and opened the door, only to have Vanessa to fly in and wrap her arms around him. “Jesus. What happened to you?” She didn’t reply but all he could hear was sniffles and then eventually, those soft sniffles turned into heavy cries. Rob kicked the door shut with his foot and forced Vanessa to sit down with him at a nearby table. “Okay, so you’re at the stage of not answering me. What happened Vanessa? You look like a bulldog grabbed you by the throat and started to maul you to death. I don’t like playing the guessing game, it really annoys me. You have to tell me, or, I can’t do anything about it, I can’t even give you any advice.”
Vanessa freed herself from Rob’s arms and looked to him, as Rob saw the worried and scared look that was on her face. Vanessa wasn’t directly looking at him, but was looking at something outside the window, fooling Rob as though she was looking at him.
“I was walking along, and I got attacked out of the blue,” Vanessa managed to say, as Rob’s heart just went limp and gooey inside and as he felt sorry for the poor woman. “Didn’t know that I was going to get attacked. Funny thing is that, a woman cannot even walk down the street nowadays without being attacked. The guy got nothing though, I fought him off.”
“Are you going to report it?” Rob asked out of pure curiosity. Vanessa shook her head. “Why not?” Vanessa didn’t reply. “Look, I know you’d be afraid and that, but you can always tell Rave, she’s got links to that sort of stuff.” Vanessa shook her head again. “Why? Is it because you think that she hates you?”
“She hates me, I know she hates me, she’s made it clear to me that she wants me out of your life,” Vanessa replied, as Rob got to his feet and fetched a box of tissues for the poor woman. But the last thing he expected was for her to follow him out the back. He picked up a box of tissues from his desk out the back and there she was behind him. “I’m sorry I followed you. I just, I don’t want to be alone and I don’t want to be out there. He might see me in the window and he must try to hurt me, again.”
“Okay…I understand,” Rob replied slowly, as he passed the box of tissues to Vanessa, and she took a seat. She took his seat behind his desk. Rob looked around the room for another chair and there was one in the corner. He pulled it up to the opposite side of the desk to where Vanessa was sitting and sat down, putting his feet up on his desk. Vanessa placed the box of tissues that had various animals on the sides of it and drew up a tissue. She scrunched it in her hand as she wiped the tears off her face. “Are you going to be alright getting home? Do you want me to drive you?”
“Don’t have a car, I walked everywhere today,” answered Vanessa, sniffling, as more tears came down her face. “Damn and I didn’t know this would happen to me.” She hid her face in her hands, as Rob sighed and got off his butt and went over to comfort the poor girl. “Why did it have to happen to me!?” Rob wrapped his arms around her and held her in his arms, coincidentally, just like how he held Ravyn when she was upset.
“Just think of it, it happens to a million other people on a daily basis, and some, they’re not so lucky and they end up being autopsied by Rave, well, in this city anyway,” Rob tried to calm Vanessa down. He didn’t know if he had succeeded or not, but he didn’t want Vanessa to take this the wrong way, or did he? He hadn’t made his mind up. “Let me drive you home, what about that?”
“I don’t want to be alone tonight,” Vanessa sniffled. “And I know I’ll only be intruding if I stay with you and your family.” Rob shook his head. “I wouldn’t?”
“No, I’ll explain it to Rave, and, let’s just pray that she tries to be more understanding, knowing her feministic bullshit, she’s bound to look in favour of you…” answered Rob, trying to convince himself what he had just said was going to be true in the long run. He was more torn between knowing Ravyn’s feministic bullshit she loved to come out with and her anti-Vanessa mood swings. “…hopefully.”
“Robert Gregory Bourdon, what in Jesus’ ****ing name is wrong with you?” asked Ravyn, standing in their bedroom with her arms folded and the most offended and flaming look on her face. She stood at the end of the bed while he laid back on the bed. Things hadn’t gone down well with Ravyn about Vanessa’s dilemma and the resulting consequence of her staying a couple of nights. “I am not having that…that whore stay here, I will not permit it. I don’t care if she’s broken a nail or some **** excuse to be around you and this place, or any excuse for her to be present near me for more than three ****ing seconds.”
“Ravyn, see this is what’s wrong with our relationship, you lose the plot over little things, just take a chill pill and take your own ****ing advice, calm down!” retorted Rob, angrily. “The girl has just been traumatised and this is me being kind to her.”
“So what, you can get in her pants again?” asked Ravyn, not thinking about what she had just come out with.
“Did I ever say that?” asked Rob, morally offended by Ravyn’s attitude.
“No, but, she’s your ex and I don’t like her, is that not a good reason for me not to cook her anything?” asked Ravyn, as she looked to her watch to see what time it was. She knew if she continued this argument for more than ten minutes, she’s going to be late for work and Anette’s going to be dancing around the fire with Ravyn’s corpse being burnt to the stake for being late. “**** you Rob.”
“**** you too Ravyn, I at least am thinking of the girl and the fact that she just got attacked,” Rob retorted, thinking this was the second reaction that he knew he would get out of Ravyn. “Stop being a heinous bitch for once, and think of Vanessa, because I am or else I wouldn’t have invited her to stay.”
“I’m more thinking about what she’s going to do to our relationship,” Ravyn replied. “Why don’t you just go and invite the rest of Middle Earth while you’re at it?” Ravyn checked her watch again and looked back to Rob. “I have to go to work now.”
“You said you had the night off,” Rob remembered.
“I got called in, to tell another victim’s relatives that they are dead and that we need identification from them, since Anette’s busy kissing other people’s asses and Marco, well, just say I’m not going to be the only one telling the relatives,” Ravyn replied. “Did you not notice me in my work clothes?” Rob shook his head, as he was too busy thinking of a way to tell Ravyn about Vanessa’s little stay and not thinking of what she was wearing. Clothes were clothes to him. “You’re an ignorant *******.”
“And you’re an ignorant bitch,” Rob added, as Ravyn was going to say something that would cut him deeply but decided not to tell him. She shook her head and disgust and walked out of the room.
Ravyn went downstairs to say goodbye to her child that was in front of the television, and with, Vanessa, laughing at whatever the hell was on that ridiculous piece of invention. She entered the living room, as she picked up her keys from the table in the entrance hallway. She stopped as she saw Vanessa and Vanessa shortly noticed her presence in the room. Leo looked to where Vanessa was looking.
“Mummy!” yelled Leo, as he stopped what he was doing and ran up to his mother. Ravyn picked up her son. “Where are you going?”
“Work,” answered Ravyn, bluntly, as she looked at Vanessa still staring at Ravyn holding her own child. “I have a piece of advice for you Vanessa, ignore it or defy it in the most simplest of ways, and you’ll be out of here before you can remember where you live. Touch Rob and I will have you burnt to the stake like they did to the witches at Halloween.” Ravyn kissed her son goodbye as she put him down and he ran back to looking at the television, as Rob came down from upstairs to farewell Ravyn. But Ravyn wasn’t interested in talking to Rob. She gave Vanessa one last glare and walked away, ignoring Rob’s attempts to try and hug her. She only pulled away from them. She slammed the door.
“I told you she didn’t like me,” Vanessa said, as Leo looked back to where his mother was previously standing to see Rob and looked back to Vanessa. “And I told you that I thought coming here was a bad idea. I’ve just proven it was a bad idea.”
“She has issues with other women around me, even my own mother,” Rob assured, as he came over to Leo and picked him up. He looked to Leo and Leo looked back at Rob. “Time for bed.” Leo shook his head in defiance.
“When Mummy comes back,” retorted the child.
“Don’t care, you’re going to bed,” Rob replied, as he took Leo upstairs as the child started to cry. Vanessa got up from her spot in front of the television and followed Rob to Leo’s room. She went up the stairs and stood outside Leo’s room, as Rob turned off the light, after putting Leo to bed. Rob rolled his eyes at Leo’s pleas to let him stay up until Ravyn came home from work. “Night.” Rob closed the child’s door.
“He’s cute,” Vanessa said, softly. “You’re lucky you’ve got a family to take care of and to come home to.”
“Am I?” asked Rob. “I don’t know if you’re eyes are working or not Vanessa, but Leo’s not my child, he’s Azem’s, Ravyn’s previous marriage.” Vanessa didn’t say anything. “I’m sorry, but the idea of having a family with Ravyn right now, it’s like asking to send a monkey into space and trying to get it to mate with an ape. It’s not going to happen any time soon, or unless they are the only two living things on the planet. Come downstairs, Leo wanting his mother is one thing, Leo crying and his tantrums are another thing altogether and I can’t bare to witness another one.” Vanessa and Rob made their way downstairs together, as Rob offered Vanessa to go first. She smiled at his politeness. She made her way down to the couch, which had bits and pieces of Lego stuck in between the cushions. Rob sat down next to her with the TV now put on mute. Rob felt awkward, but he knew this was going to happen.
Ravyn was outside, trying to start her car up. It made sounds that looked positive when first started up, but then started to die three seconds later. She cussed under her breath every time this happened. She stared at the front of the garage and decided that she better find another alternative to get to work. She didn’t like driving any other car but her own and she knew that Marco was being called in as well. She started to contemplate between calling Marco for a lift, or to ask Rob to drive his car. She felt awkward either way, because there was this **** and nasty rumour that was going around the work place that Marco liked Ravyn and that thought gave her nightmares.
She was going to get Rob’s car now, wither he liked it or not, and vice versa with herself. She stopped trying to set fire to ice and opened her car door. She slammed the door shut and walked straight up the walk path that was frosty with ice and walked into the house that she paid for, including half its contents as well. She slammed the door and started to look for Rob.
She saw it. He didn’t need to hide or run, in fact, he shouldn’t have even tried to hide the fact that he was just standing near the corner, in plain view, with Vanessa in his arms, and treating her like he did to Ravyn whenever she was home to get such good treatment. He pushed her away from him and looked to Ravyn, who stood there with her jaw dropped to the ground. Rob wore a guilty look on his face. She didn’t know why she was so surprised, she knew this would happen and she knew she didn’t want to leave them alone together, but duty called and now, her eyes filled up with water and her heart had just been speared with a thousand knives.
“Rave, it’s not what you think it is,” Rob tried to explain, but Ravyn was too busy trying to find any word, or any type of words to describe how betrayed she just felt. Her trust had been broken and her heart had been shattered. She knew she was being a bitch to him before but she knew she didn’t deserve such a sight and such a memory to look back on. “Please Rave, it’s not what you think.”

You know what as much as I think I was expecting it it still made my eyes mist up when I read it. That hurt. I know he had good intentions and I know he MIGHT have been taken out of context - but still, you can't excuse that, it's not like he tripped and fell against her... you know what, I'm just... hurt. I really can't speak. When I get upset, real life me, despite my vicious reputation, I can't say anything. I'd just walk away and cry somewhere else where he couldn't see it - and never speak to him again.
*shakes head*
Just... that sucks... yeah... *sniffles*
She stood there, still stunned at is guts to do something to her like this. Again, she knew this was coming; it was just the timing and the fact that he had the guts to do this behind her back so quickly. A tear fell down her face, as she didn’t even notice Vanessa walk off into the kitchen. Rob knew that if he left she would hunt him down like a cheetah to a deer in Africa’s wilderness, the kind of **** he watched when there was no football or any worthwhile sports to view and to commentate on. She couldn’t accept it. She walked over to where Rob stood and turned her back on him, as she thought deeply of what she should do. She couldn’t find the pieces that her heart had just been broken into, for the pieces were so tiny and there were so many of them, she just didn’t have the energy right now to find them. Rob sighed as he put his hands on her shoulder, but she shook them off, not wanting to be touched by him, especially him.
“I’m sorry, it was a stupid thing to do, and I know I shouldn’t have tried to make up excuses, but it really wasn’t what you thought it was,” Rob tried to explain but he already knew it was over and that’s the part what hurt him the most. He thought he would be the one to leave her for good, but it seemed the tables had turned and he just took advantage of the wrong hand of cards. “What you are going to do now?”
“Going to work,” answered Ravyn, slowly. “Still.” There was a silence as Ravyn started to cry some more as the image of Rob and Vanessa displayed in her head like a slideshow presentation and there was a caption at the bottom of that image that read You knew this was coming, it was your own fault. “And you call me ignorant.”
“You are though,” defended Rob, as Ravyn spun around amazed at the fact that Rob had the guts to try and attack her even more despite the fact that he was the one that had just been caught red-handed with another woman in his arms, and that one woman, was the one that was going to the slaughter. But Ravyn saved her energy for Vanessa later. Rob felt extremely bad for not what he just did, but what he had concluded about Vanessa. “This is going to hurt when I tell you this. But, I think I’m in love with Vanessa again. There’s just nothing going on between us anymore. I don’t know if it’s Leo’s sudden appearance in my life or the fact that I’m trying to be the father that I shouldn’t try to be to him.”
“And, when did you decide to declare your almighty love for Vanessa?” asked Ravyn, through blind tears. “You know what, that really hurt me Robert, it really ****ing did. I don’t know what’s worse, having you go behind my back with Vanessa or me catching you in the act. You’re a ******* Rob, just as simple as that.”
“Rave, you don’t understand,” Rob tried to defend, but he knew he was going to end up yelling at either himself or her in the end.
“Don’t you tell me that I don’t understand, I saw what I didn’t need to see, but now I see your true colours now, Rob, and they weren’t the colours you showed me when we first got together,” Ravyn tried to explain, but was struggling to talk through the amount of tears that she was crying. “I might be a heinous bitch to you, but this really doesn’t measure up to what I’ve said in the past about anything or anyone. I at least have the emotional capacity of someone my age to go and ****ing break, it off, before I go and make out with someone behind your back.”
“Well you don’t ****ing act like it sometimes,” Rob defended angrily, as Ravyn was amazed that Rob had the guts to try and defend himself some more. “And I don’t know what you’re so upset about. You knew this relationship was going to end up in chaos from day one and now you’re pretending like it’s something out of the ordinary for you. ****ing wake and smell the roses, it was going to end up this way or another.”
“You have no ****ing remorse for what you did,” Ravyn argued, pointing out the obvious. “I bet the only reason you stayed was because you felt sorry for me, is that it? Because I just happened to be the ex-wife of a dumb **** husband who didn’t even know how to look after even himself properly, is that it?” Rob didn’t say anything. What she had just said was partially true. “You’re an insolent asshole. You’re worse than what Chester did to me when we broke up.”
“What did Chester do to you?” asked Rob, lowering his voice, and not being able to recall anything that Ravyn had discussed with him about her relationship with Chester back in Chicago. “You’ve never mentioned anything about you and Chester, except for the fact that you guys had a history together.”
“He did the same exact stupid bullshit stunt you just pulled on me, but at least he didn’t try and pin the whole breakdown of the relationship on me,” answered Ravyn, as her tears had turned to anger and not sadness anymore. The tears had started to dry up. “I want you out of this house in the next couple of days. And guess what? You get to be the one to tell my son what you did.”
“No ****ing way, he’s not my son to begin with, ****ing be a mother and do it yourself,” Rob retorted, getting angry at the fact that he was getting sick at playing the father figure to Leo all the time. He was also sick at the fact that he had become that child’s babysitter ever since Ravyn had started her job.
“Get some guts to go and tell him why you’re not going to be around any time soon,” Ravyn ordered, getting angrier by the word that was being spoken. “Go and show him your new bitch Vanessa, Robert.”
“Already did that,” Rob growled, as Ravyn shook her head again at him. He had damaged her beyond what Rob could think of. “As I said before, our relationship was going to end up like this anyway, so I don’t see what the **** you’re on about. You never took a chill pill, you always overreacted to everything that I said or did, and you never saw past your own hatred, especially Vanessa. You’re pessimistic bitch and you’ll never see it. So I hope I’ve made you see things a little bit more clearer for you.”
“You’re out of here, first thing tomorrow morning in that case, **** giving you a couple of days, I never really wanted to accept your marriage proposal to start with but I felt like I had to, to make you happy,” Ravyn started at the throat and made her way down to the heart. “In fact, I don’t know what’s stopping me from saying to you, take your bitch, and get out of my house!”
“And what about my stuff, genius?” asked Rob, crossing his arms.
“I’ll make sure I’ll burn it, just like how I’m going to burn your new whore to the stake,” retorted Ravyn.
“You just love labelling people don’t you? First she’s a whore, then she’s just a bitch and oh now, she’s back being a whore, no ****ing wonder your marriage didn’t last with Azem,” commented Rob. “I don’t know what the **** you did, but you’re sure now the innocent victim out of that scenario, aren’t you?”
“Get out now!” Ravyn found herself yelling at Rob, as she didn’t think for a second that she could’ve just be the cause of Leo awakening. Rob had just metaphorically stabbed her in the core of her very own heart with such comments about Azem.
“Fine,” huffed Rob, as Ravyn turned around and slammed the front door. She wasn’t going to work. She just wanted somewhere alone where she could just cry her heart out. Inside her car that didn’t work at all. She couldn’t bear to see the new couple hand-in-hand walk outside. She hid her face in her the steering wheel, as the security light came back on. She couldn’t bear the pain anymore. The noises of their footsteps slowly came from being so loud trudging through the snow and the ice to faint noises that indicated that Ravyn should pack up everything, even her job and just leave entirely. She had a habit of running away, a very bad one. She re-opened the car door and went back inside, making sure that they had gone away.
She opened the front door only to see Leo standing at the bottom of the stairs.
“Why are you crying Mummy?” asked Leo, innocently, standing there and not knowing what had just happened. “Where’s Robbie?”
“I don’t know,” answered Ravyn, slowly, knowing that someday but not today she was going to tell him the truth. “I don’t know where Robbie went. Why are you awake?”
“You talk too loud,” answered Leo.
“I’m sorry, I’m sad,” apologised Ravyn. “Go back upstairs and go back to sleep.” Leo looked at his mother with a curious and a confused look on his face. “Now. Don’t make me repeat myself.” Leo didn’t move. “Go! Now!” Ravyn could feel her temper rising and her patience slipping away and he was the last person she wanted to experience her short temper and her lack of patience. Leo glared at his mother and walked back upstairs, obeying his mother’s commands to go back to sleep. She realised that the door was still opened and she kicked it shut. She hated feeling like there was nothing to live for anymore, it was the one feeling that she deliberately avoided. She slumped against the front door, hid her face in arms, and cried even more.
Funny thing, the range of emotions you just encompassed in two updates was a freakin' roller coaster! I went from gut-sinking low to heart-pounding rage, and I swear to go if anyone spoke to me like that let alone do what he did he would have a ****in' black eye - period. No hesitation. In fact there were about 3 things he said that made me so mad I was grimacing at the screen, literally, I could see myself just cutting lose and swinging into him - and you know what, he deserves it. Well... I don't condone violence, but lets face it...

but now I see your true colours now, Rob, and they weren’t the colours you showed me when we first got together,” Ravyn tried to explain, but was struggling to talk through the amount of tears that she was crying. “I might be a heinous bitch to you, but this really doesn’t measure up to what I’ve said in the past about anything or anyone. I at least have the emotional capacity of someone my age to go and ****ing break, it off, before I go and make out with someone behind your back.”
Amen. Couldn't have put that better myself. This of course is coming from someone who's character is something of a known adulterer - go figure.
And I was afraid for a second there my 'past' with Chas was coming back to haunt me. After Azem, now Rob, I think I actually breathed an official sigh of relief really.
Awesome, as always.
Wanting more. APU.
She stood in the elevator with the child of hers by her side, in his pyjamas, wondering what was happening. They were holding hands like a good mother would do to her son. Rob’s little comment about how Ravyn wasn’t a decent mother rocked her more than anything and her head was being played with, she just knew it. It was the next evening and it was time to face the music, which mainly consisted of Anette yelling her guts out at Ravyn’s non-appearance for last night’s shift and not some relaxing music that would plainly calm Ravyn’s state of mind down back into just reverse. She hadn’t done anything life changing since Rob’s departure last night, only to feed her kid and not herself. She wasn’t hungry; she was just, lost in so many ways with so many questions surrounding her, she felt like she had just been fouled out of a game she had no knowledge that she was even playing in it to start with. She hadn’t even noticed Marco’s arrival with a whole bunch of random manila folders in his hand, as the elevator doors closed behind him and she was still lost in space and time.
“Where are we going?” Ravyn faintly heard Leo ask her. She wasn’t paying attention. She just felt like she was better off in a hole and cry until she could no more and then she just wished she would just shrivel up and die without anyone noticing. Ravyn didn’t even hear Marco ask question about who Leo was.
Marco waved his hand in front of Ravyn, as Ravyn shook her head and noticed Marco standing next to her.
“Wake up; you’re going to be dead meat soon for bringing your kid to work,” Marco said, looking a bit concerned for Ravyn. “Are you alright? You’ve seemed a lot out of touch lately and I have to ask, are you planning to marry Casper the Friendly Ghost by any chance?” Ravyn shook her head, in confusion. “Then stop looking like you just saw one.”
“I’m out of touch today.” Ravyn managed to reply, as the elevator halted and the doors opened. “I’m going to take him to child services. I don’t know what’s worse having a kid or trying to take care of one.”
“How ‘bout both?” smiled Marco, trying to be smartass and walked out of the elevator, as he stopped and turned around. “Aren’t you coming? Child services, this floor as well.”
“Sorry, told you before out of it,” apologised Ravyn, as she shook her head again, trying to get the memories she had of Rob out of her head, but was failing to do so. She walked out of the elevator with child in one hand and her folders that Rob had touched in the other. She didn’t say anything more to Marco, as Marco and her separated their ways and she walked straight down the long hallway while Marco went his way and down the opposite long corridor that eventually lead to his desk and the autopsy rooms. It took Ravyn a couple of minutes to get Leo off her, as he cried and begged for her not to go. Ravyn just simply rolled her eyes and left him with the lady that was on call today with that department. She knew she wasn’t allowed to be using child services for personal usage, but she didn’t care right now.
It was just a matter of time that she found herself walking past Marco’s desk, as she saw Marco deep in thought with his legs placed on his desk. She was going to do what he did to her in the elevator. She snapped her fingers in front of his face as he came back to reality.
“It’s only okay when I do it, dammit,” Marco said, coming back into reality as she noticed he too had a number of scattered pieces of papers across his desk, just like how she had her scattered and unorganised papers coming out of the top drawers and papers just God damn everywhere. “Are you okay? What happened?”
“Why do you care is the question?” asked Ravyn, as she drew up a chair and sat in front of Marco, as she crossed her arms and slumped down in the chair. “I hate it when you feel like you’ve lost everything but you know at the same time it’s not the end of the world.”
“So in conclusion, you’re living it tough?” asked Marco, as Ravyn nodded. “Don’t worry my sister just went through her divorce and I was her leaning post during it.” As soon as Ravyn was going to say something back in reply to Marco’s attempt to care for Ravyn, Jukka came on the scene, as he came and sat on Marco’s desk. Marco crossed his arms and frowned. “Jukka, you’re an idiot.” Ravyn got to her feet as Jukka also got to his feet without saying something.
“Have you been ghost hunting again?” asked Jukka, as Ravyn was amazed by all the comments and analogies to her looking like a ghost. She crossed her arms again. “Aww. Someone’s upset. Group hug!” Jukka ran over to Ravyn and so did Marco, as he got to his feet and Ravyn felt like for a couple of seconds that she couldn’t breathe, because the two tall men had just suffocated her with what Jukka had called it, group hug. In other words, she knew they didn’t want to work, a bit like her actually. They let go as Ravyn caught her breath. Now if it was someone like Mike or Brad that had just hugged her, she would be chasing after them with a pitchfork in one hand and a flaming torch in the other. Ravyn couldn’t actually convince herself of the fact that she had just allowed two men to give her a backbreaking hug. What was wrong with her? “On a lighter topic, we’ve found a possible suspect.”
“Huh?” asked Marco. “Since when did I not hear of this?”
“And we have another victim,” answered Jukka, dropping down his tone of voice to a serious tone. “What’s really strange about these victims is that, I cannot find a possible link between them.” Should Ravyn say something about how two of them knew Rob? And what, get done for treason at the same time? “There’s no consistency between them. No ongoing pattern, well except the killing patterns.”
“I know a guy who has links to all these people,” said Anette, appearing out of the blue and appearing next to Marco. “And I know ways to get you guys fired if you stop chit chatting around during the time we’re supposed to be running an investigation. Oh, did I mention it is a federal one as well?” Anette wasn’t in the greatest of moods today and Ravyn just had a turn in emotions, as she saw Rob in the distance, sitting on a table waiting for something. “See this guy?” Anette turned around and pointed to Rob, who know was looking to the ground and Ravyn just thought she was having her heart melted in a traditional pizza oven. “He’s just came in. He’s got some information.” Anette turned back around and looked at Marco. “See, this is where I look to you. You’re the investigator out of this pack now do your job or see the last of your job.” Anette walked away just like that, as Marco rolled his eyes at Anette, of course, behind her back; he wasn’t ready for a suicide mission. Ravyn couldn’t help but to keep looking at Rob and all the pieces of her heart that was still in tatters because of him and his actions. She turned away and started to walk away, knowing that Rob was bound to notice her presence. And he did.
He started to follow her into a small room, where she stood in the corner, with her eyes glazed up with tears and her arms folded, expecting Rob more than ever to come crawling back on his hands and knees. Telling her that what he did was wrong and it shouldn’t have happened in the first place. She knew in herself she was deluded to think such a thing about the man.
“Hi,” Rob bluntly said, crossing his arms and standing in the doorway. “I’m sorry about last night. There were a lot of things said and done that I didn’t mean or I didn’t intentionally mean to do. I was just; I don’t know why I am even trying to explain myself, really.”
“There’s no need to, you’ve said what you needed to say and just leave it at that,” Ravyn replied as she felt the tears coming. “Why are you even here?”
“I’ve decided to come in and tell your boss that these guys have links to me,” Rob explained. He knew he wasn’t going to get anywhere but he was going to try anyway. “I think they know me or something.”
“Wouldn’t be surprised if it was Vanessa to be honest,” Ravyn commented under her breath. “Look. I know why you are here. It’s not because of the whole killer thing, it’s because you feel sorry and bad for what you did, and so you come back and grovel to me.”
“You’ve got it all wrong,” Rob shook his head. “I’m not coming back to grovel at your feet. I may have made some mistakes, like leaving you for Vanessa, but I’m not making the mistake of coming back to you and begging for mercy.”
“You thought of no one but yourself last night Rob and you’re still thinking about no one but yourself,” Ravyn retorted. “Don’t come near me again. It’s bad enough I haven’t had the guts to go and tell Leo about why you’re not around anymore.” Ravyn started the water works again, still very upset and angry about last night and the things that were said towards her.
“With the Azem thing I didn’t mean that, I know it was hard for you and I know you’re still living with Azem’s bullshit, and you’ve got to look at a living replica of your previous marriage with him basically everyday now, I’m just sorry about what I said about that,” apologised Rob. “And the whole thing about you not being a good mother to Leo. It’s not true. I said it out of pure anger.”
“Why were you angry to start with?” asked Ravyn. “You shouldn’t be the one that had any right to be angry; I was the one that had every right to hold as much anger towards you as anyone in this fight. You were caught in the act and you tried to deny it. **** you for that.”
Rob shook his head as he was going to say something really harsh towards the woman that had just basically cheated on, but he didn’t say those words that he was going to say. He was a bit happier now that he was now with Vanessa. He didn’t have to care of any children and he got to see her basically every time that he walked in the door. He didn’t have to wait for stuff to be done; it was done automatically by either party. He walked out of the doorway as he slammed the door shut and walked away, leaving Ravyn to break down even more.
Well... dunno what to say bout that... Fuuny to note what I said about Vanessa ;) But... well, I was kinda for a sec hoping/expecting him to apologise, and he sort of did, but nothing was resolved so... yeah... lost is a good way to put it. Know that feeling lately. Maybe that's why I feel emotionally invested here or something... I don't know... but good update anyway. Looking forward to the day I get to arrest that... woman... If Rob hates me now I imagine at that point he'll be burning an effigy of me on the front yard as his girlfriend's taken away.
Crawl in the opposite direction Mr Bourdon. No third chances here mister. *frowny face*
It was the evening as she closed the door to her apartment. She wasn’t going anywhere she had just come from somewhere. She threw the corpse on the ground as she stretched her arm muscles in the air. She was tired from such work. She wasn’t doing this alone, but since her partner in crime had ‘mysteriously disappeared’ she was pushing her physical limit. She didn’t do this for a living, it just came naturally. There was another one downstairs in the back of her car. She sighed as walked into the kitchen and washed her hand of whatever blood was left under her nails or in the cracks of her palms. She looked around for the bleach that she had bought ages ago. It was a massive bottle of it, and it came cheap as well. She stopped the running tap as she saw in the corner of the eye the blue labelled bleach bottle that was yelling at her to be used straight away just in case someone had picked up whatever evidence she managed to not clean up. She suspected no one knew that it was her. They all suspected it was Vanessa, if she was to pin it on somebody, she’ll get done for another’s action.
She chuckled at such a thought.
Poor little rich girl, they said sometimes during their schooling era as they would throw various glances at Vanessa and the boys just waved at her. Vanessa could never become the Queen Bee even if she tried her hardest. Once a reject, always a reject.
She took a massive side step and opened the bleach bottle. It had become her best friend now or else they would’ve gotten her big time. She reversed her side step and started to squirt the bottle of bleach into the sink. She could smell the bleach and it soothed her, instead of normal people which would throw them off. She didn’t wash it away immediately she just let it soak and do what it needed to do. She turned around and walked back into where she had placed the corpse. Thank God no one was around in this apartment block to see her drag the body up the stairs. Anyway, everyone just used the elevator because they were either too fat or lazy, or both.
She knew the name of this now deceased female. She worked for the FBI fags downtown. She was the one that was going to get her done for the previous work that she was now secretly well renown for. They called this one, Miss Olzon, Anette to be more informal.
She saw Anette’s pretty face, which was pale as anything and her pupils were as big as though she had been murdered.
Funny, she thought to herself, as she laughed at her own remark in her head.
Married and had two boys.
Pity, she thought to herself, she seemed such a good person, and just by the way she struggled to fight her attacker off when she was walking to her car in the FBI’s own parking lot.
She shook her head as she realised she had better stop dawdling in her own self-indulgent world and make a move on before this corpse and the other one started to smell that was in the back of her car downstairs in the basement. They called that one Mr Draiman. She had picked that one up at a bar the other night and coincidentally knew Miss Olzon as well.
She dragged Miss Olzon into the nearby laundry. She stepped over the limp corpse and walked back into the kitchen to wash the bleach away in the sink. She left the tap running and walked away back into the living room. She turned some music on, like she usually liked to listen to, to pass the time. Gutting corpses wasn’t that fun. But it was more like her trait. Screw copycats, she was the original.
She walked back into the kitchen and stopped the running tap. She opened the second top drawer near the sink and lifted a couple of things out of the drawer to see if she still had those knives. She still had them, as a smile appeared and another thought in her head appeared reminding her that Mr Draiman was going to stink up her car if he wasn’t moved very soon. She grabbed her keys that she had stashed in her pocket and walked outside into the hallway.
“Good evening young lady,” said her landlord, as she turned around as she also closed her front door. He stood behind her in front of his front door. “How’s that new job of yours going?”
“Fine,” she croaked, as she locked the front door of her place and smiled at the old man.
“That’s always good to hear,” replied her landlord as he opened his front door and disappeared out of sight. He slammed the front door of his apartment.
She made her way towards the door that lead to the stairs, that eventually lead down to the basement where her car was as she kept an eye out for any signs of extra life, careful not to be caught in the act of doing something suspicious like carrying or even dragging a corpse up the emergency fire stairs. She opened the door and walked down the stairs closing the door behind her.
She arrived down at the basement a couple of minutes later as she kept more of an eye out for onlookers. She walked to her quickly which was the white car that was parked the closest to the stairs. She opened the front door and pulled the trunk lever. The trunk of the car opened as she closed the front door and walked over to the end of the car, to see a large mass of what people didn’t know as a fresh corpse wrapped up. She dragged it out of the car and let it rest for a while or two after she caught her breath and closed the back of her car. Anette was **** easy to pick up, but this one, it had to be dragged. She grabbed the feet and dragged it to the door of the emergency flight of stairs. She let go of the feet to open the door. She held the door open by placing one of her feet in the doorway, so when it closed it wouldn’t close all the way. She picked the corpse up again by his feet and started to drag the heavy corpse of this male up the stairs, still very wary of what was going on around her especially if there were any unwelcomed visitors.
She was lucky though, once again. People in this apartment building were either too fat or too lazy to do some exercise and to use the stairs to go places in this building, so they tended to use the elevator. She exited the stairs through the door that she had just previously used to go down the stairs to get to her car. She let the door close by itself as she hurried to get out of sight in such a vulnerable view of a murderer. She hadn’t locked the door at all, so she quickly let go of the corpses’ feet when she had arrived at her final destination, opened it, placed her foot in the middle of the doorway, and pushed her way through the front door. The door closed behind her as she let go of the corpses’ feet.
She sighed as she wiped the sweat away from her forehead as a number of sweat beads had started to form. There was a knock at the door. An unexpected knock.
“Who is it?” she asked, now in a hurry to hide the body.
“Rob,” Rob answered, at the other end of the door and looking down and depressed as ever.
“Oh hi, hold on for a sec,” she requested as she picked up the corpse by its feet again and dragged it into the laundry, as she let go of its feet as she realised both corpses weren’t going to fit if they weren’t placed properly. She rolled Miss Olzon’s limp body a couple of times over so it was against the wall. She turned around and stepped over Mr Draiman’s body, so that it could be rolled over as well. It only took her a couple of seconds to do it. She closed the door, as she ran to the kitchen to wash her hands, just in case anyone saw the dried blood she managed to get on her hands from touching either corpse. She turned the tap off and hurried to the front door, as she realised that she had left the music playing when she went downstairs. She opened it to see Rob on the other side of it. “Hi. How are you doing?”
“Not too bad myself to be all honest,” answered Rob. “Um I need to talk to you. I just need to get some things off my chest and I would appreciate it if you could just hear me out. Can I come in?”
She was ready to refuse his entry into her apartment but she knew he would start asking questions if she said no to it. She smiled.
“Sure, just be careful, my cats died today and I haven’t had a chance to take them outside, so my laundry kinda smells,” she answered, as she let Rob in to her apartment. He stood where she had previously let the bodies to rest for a couple of minutes. “So what’s wrong with you this time around?” She saw some blood stains on the insides of her palms and she started to try and rub them off using the magical power of friction.
I have one word to say to you - BITCH!

Haha. Okay now I've stopped yelling at my computer screen I can continue. Haha. Wow. I actually really got into this update, I am captivated by these kinds of true-life shows on TV so it was like a voyueristic glimpse into that dark underbelly of the criminal mind and it was awesome! Her cat died - so clever! And nearly getting busted by the landlord - heart skipped a moment. You know, I love the way this has develpoed as I said before from almost slapstick to brooding - almost feels like a whole new story actually. But having said that I can't believe you took out Dave, poor big lug. Good luck dragging his dead weight anywhere, what is she a bodybuilder??
(Almost anticipated for a second Rob was in on it! I was like WTF?! But no... phew, he's as clueless as usual, haha good to see some things never change Mr-going-with-the-flow he is :))
Having said all that I'm still a tiny bit confused - is it Vanessa? It started off like it wasn't - then ended as if it was. What is she, split-personality or something?
Just - yeah... great as always. Mildly amused no one saw anything traversing those stairs back and forth but hey, truth is stranger than fiction - or so they say. I can believe it.
Haha @ bitch comment :D


It was the same evening but in a different place, and in another time zone of the country. Mike and Brad were sitting in Brad’s car shoving some greasy takeaway down their throats and acting like ravenous animals that hadn’t been fed for an eternity. Neither of them cared. They had seen and heard worse things from each other.
Mike had hardly slept in the past couple of days that he had escaped the grip of both the police and the hospital while Brad on the other hand, had slept too much and had too much energy. Mike still had a lot of energy but he knew within himself he could’ve had more if he just had more sleep. There was no denying it either.
Mike finished the last of his chips and gravy as they sat in Brad’s car still facing nothing but a brick wall that Brad had parked nose first into the parking space and stashed the empty aluminium box that still had a heap of gravy still left in it but he wasn’t going to touch it right now, he only wanted the greasy chips that were smothered in the gravy that now sat happily at the bottom of his stomach, in its plastic bag and he dumped it on the floor of Brad’s car.
“How was that?” asked Mike, seeing Brad stuff more food down his face. Mike heard a noise come out of Brad’s mouth but he wasn’t sure if it was Brad’s answer to Mike’s question or Brad being a disgusting filth bag with mouth full of food. “Delson, you’re a disgusting pig.”
Brad swallowed the food that he had previously tried to talk with it in his mouth.
“I love these little compliments you come out about me sometimes,” Brad smiled, as he went to filling his mouth with a stack of more food.
Mike looked out the window to only to space out and to unknowingly started to stare at the brick wall that they were parked in front of. He just wished he could take a big hunk of time back and he just wished that the last thing Sarah remembered of him wasn’t him arguing with her and ignoring her. It made him feel very bad. He missed Ava as well, but probably not as much as he missed Sarah.
Brad attempted to speak again, with his mouth full of food again.
Mike turned to Brad and frowned.
“Chew and swallow before speaking Delson, even Ava can do that,” Mike reminded his friend. Brad followed Mike’s advice.
“Is that who I think it is?” asked Brad, as he freed one hand and pointed to a man on the sidewalk. “Bargain. Didn’t have to do anything and we’ve already found Matt.”
“Except eat,” Mike mumbled as he followed Brad’s finger and saw Matt slouching against the wall and looking down to the ground. “Come on.” Mike opened his door and slammed the door afterwards. He walked over to Matt. “I was hoping we would meet up somehow Matthew.” Matt looked up to see Mike standing in front of him. “Where is she dammit?”
“What are you on about?” asked Matt, a bit confused. “I know who you are. You’re that man-whore Sarah kicked me out of my own place for.”
“It wasn’t your own place to start with Matt, it was hers, and you were just crashing there because apparently you were flat broke and you were bludging off her,” Mike retorted. “Tell me, so things don’t have to get violent.” Brad hadn’t finished eating his chips and gravy still but was getting a bit worried that Mike was going to fight Matt, even if Matt really didn’t know where Sarah and Ava were. Brad had a bad feeling about this. “Come on Matt, tell me, you know you want to.” Matt shook his head. “Why not? Afraid that you’re going to get your ass busted and you’ll end up back behind bars again?”
“Why you even asking me this?” asked Matt. “I barely know you.”
“And you think for one second that I want to know that someone my own gender could do that to Sarah?” asked Mike, losing his patience. “Tell me where she is. Tell me where Ava is. Tell me where Mel is, it’s not that hard. But yet again, you’ve never had the guts to tell the simplest of truths.”
“That’s not true,” Matt defended himself. “Look. I know where they are, but you cannot go and play the hero and get them out of there. You have no idea what Joe and those blokes can do to people and their lives.”
“What are you talking about? Who’s Joe?” asked Mike. “Why do I have the feeling that you’re lying to me? Oh wait, because I’ve learnt from day one, even knowing what you did to Sarah, you’re not a man to be trusted. I don’t know why Sarah even bothered.”
“…only if this was to occur…” Sarah came out of the shop next to where Matt was standing, talking to Mel in a deep conversation with Ava in her arms. She didn’t even see Mike standing there, and Mike felt like Matt should not have the privilege to live anymore because he had just been lied to. Sarah saw Matt and gave him a questionable look. “What? You look like it’s something new.” Then Mike noticed there was something weird with Sarah. Her hair. It was tangerine orange.
“I didn’t say anything,” Matt complained.
“Mike!” yelled Ava as Sarah realised that Mike was standing there with is mouth wide open. Ava squirmed her way out of her mother’s arms and got to her feet. She ran up to the man and hugged his legs.
“Mike…” Sarah tried to find the words of relief, as Melissa smiled as she saw Brad approach Mike. “I thought I would never live to see this day.”
“What happened?” asked Mike, feeling guilty once again for the impressions he left Sarah with, last time that they had saw each other, right before Mike saw Sarah’s limp body being carried away at the opposite end of the alleyway. “I thought you were…dead.” Sarah shook her head, as she couldn’t help but to have her eyes fill up with water. “Then what happened?” Mike picked up Ava who was begging to be picked up. He walked over to Sarah and looked at her with sincerity, as Brad came up to Mel and gave her a hug. “Why can’t you tell me?”
“Like I said before, you have no idea what Joe and those blokes can do to you,” Matt reminded as Mike looked to Matt and shot him a nasty glare.
“Shut up Matthew before I get the nearest fire hydrant and shove it up your ass for being nothing but a liar and untrustworthy,” Mike threatened, not in any mood to take **** from anyone, especially from Matt. Mike looked back to Sarah, who now was looking at the ground, contemplating if she should tell Mike what happened, not like she could remember much.
“It was horrible, they said to me that you were dead, and that, one of them had killed you,” Sarah tried to remember, being careful not to name names, especially Chester as Mike knew him. Sarah turned around, sat down on the gutter, and looked to the ground as she started reliving those memories. “And they said that I’m pregnant. I don’t know how the **** they found out, it’s like they wanted information out of me or some ****ed up **** like that.” Mike sat down next to her, as he put Ava down on the ground. All Ava did was get back on the sidewalk and run to her biological father. She sniffled. “I don’t know what’s true anymore. They said that Tarja was dead as well and that one of them killed her.” Mike shook his head as Sarah looked to Mike for an explanation. “Then what happened? Why did they tell me that the two of you guys were dead?”
“I was in accident the other day, I was drunk over the fact that I didn’t have the guts to go and tell anyone about your disappearance and that I felt like nothing,” Mike explained. “The only reason why you were reported because your mum couldn’t get hold of you. I didn’t even have the guts to pick up the phone to talk to anyone, just in general. I killed Tarja.”
“What?” asked Sarah, confused. “Are you pulling my leg or something?” Mike shook his head. “How?”
“She was in the car with me when I was drunk and my slowed reaction to a car ahead of us, ended up in a crash,” answered Mike, feeling terrible even more now that he could even still remember the events leading up to Tarja’s death. He looked away and looked to the ground, while Sarah still looked at Mike, looking lost and confused, and still wanting a heap of answers that she knew in herself, that he didn’t possess the answers that she wanted. “I was meant to be dead as well; Di and Sygy told me when I had woken up inside of Sacred Heart’s walls. But I was lucky, I got revived. They said they couldn’t save the person that I had crashed into, and Tarja, she died on impact. Oh and they said also, my car is utterly ****ed and it’s gone to the wreckers. I don’t know what’s more depressing, speeding and crashing it, or knowing that it’s beyond repair.”
“Jesus Mike,” Sarah sighed, as she looked away and looked to the ground in front of her. She didn’t know what to say. This was kind of the same reason why she had broken up with Chester, because he had lied to her and didn’t tell her that he had killed someone in the past. Sarah looked back to Mike who was still not looking at her. At least he’s remorseful, Sarah thought to herself. “So, what, you’re on the run from the law?” Mike nodded. “Why?”
“Because I wanted to play the hero and find you,” Mike answered, as Sarah was torn apart from awing and just letting loose and slapping him for such stupidity. “Delson here, is a very good friend. He let me escape.” Sarah looked behind her to look at Brad, who was busy chatting to Mel and trying to cheer her up. Sarah rolled her eyes at him but Brad didn’t see it. Sarah looked back to Mike.
Mike was feeling bad for several reasons. Not only had he had proven to himself that he was nothing but an insolent teenager who should not be allowed near even a drop of alcohol let alone having a driver’s licence, but he hated himself for the same old reason. It was all Gradon’s idea. The whole lets-go-and-****-with-Sarah’s-emotions thing. That’s why he had gotten drunk before, because he was so upset and felt so bad about the fact that he had given Sarah the impression that he actually loved her, in all truth to be told, he didn’t in the first place. But she had grown on him, along with Ava’s cuteness and innocence. He hated himself more when he thought about the money that Gradon was still putting in his wallet, for this bet wasn’t over.
Mike stopped looking to the ground and met Sarah’s glazy eyes. He sighed as he couldn’t help but to embrace her in an emotional hug. He had changed. The hugs that he used to give her were emotionless and they meant nothing to him. But now, it was the other way around. He knew this was going to happen from day one, but he never really faced the fact that it was going to happen and it was only going to be a matter of time that he would actually fall in love with the woman and her adorable child. He was at the stage of telling her every detail about the bet Gradon and him were having, but he knew it within himself he couldn’t tell her right now. It seemed too wrong. Wrong place and wrong time. He told himself that he must do it before it was too late. Then he realised that he knew she was pregnant with his child already. It was already too late to do anything about it.

It seemed too wrong. Wrong place and wrong time. He told himself that he must do it before it was too late. Then he realised that he knew she was pregnant with his child already. It was already too late to do anything about it.
Well said! That was a :eek: moment right there. And so true! Was wondering what those bumbling duo were up to - and how Sarah and family were coping since their escape. Funny to note that Sarah and Matt now get on better in the face of danger than they ever have, and funny that Sarah's now sort of pulled away from Mike now he's finally coming around to her inside of himself. Ava's just sweet. What's not to love about that kid really? And Brad being a pig with his takeaway. Believably I could see Mike's paternal speach to him in the car as almost real life. Funny stuff. Eased the tension just enough. Great job.
“Oh holy mother of God, I think I’m going to…” It was already too late. Marco ran out of the crime scene and vomited on the garden outside the house. What he had just saw with his own eyes, was horrible. It was more horrible that he knew the victim. Ravyn stood in the doorway not knowing what to feel or not knowing what to say. She turned around and walked outside to comfort the man that had just seen about everything under the sun when it came to cruel minds and disgusting ways of torture. She patted him on the back.
“See, I knew taking me along to one of these crime scenes was a bad idea, I was more happy in the autopsy room then more than anything,” Ravyn said smoothly, as she stopped patting Marco on the back and he stood up as he wiped his mouth clean with his scene. “I’m even surprised that they are letting us handle this case, after what I just saw in there.”
“Who would do that to her?” asked Marco, almost at tears. “She’s married and has two kids for God sakes.”
“So does that automatically make the husband a suspect?” asked Ravyn, as Marco shook his head in denial of such a possibility.
“There’s no way he would do this to her, he loved Anette too much to do this to her,” denied Marco. “Who would do that to her?” He kept asking Ravyn and himself that question repetitively. Ravyn shrugged. She didn’t know the answer and she was kinda glad that she didn’t know the answer or she would’ve had her ass under a microscope by the whole FBI squad by now. “I don’t know who the hell this stupid and sick **** is, but I’m going to have her ass pinned down to Satan’s crib, for it big time.” Ravyn had heard various rumours about how Marco lost his temper a couple of times in the interrogation rooms and how he had to be asked to leave by the guards. She didn’t want to be at the wrong end of his wrath when he was pissed. “For ****’s sake, some people are just…cruel.”
“Welcome to reality, I just assumed you learnt this lesson ages ago, based on the fact that you’ve been working here longer than I have,” Ravyn replied, as a number of investigators walked past her and the cops had started to roll out the yellow and black tape that read CRIME SCENE DO NOT CROSS around Anette’s property. “Come back inside. There’s no point lingering outside here and having a bitch about what’s real and what’s not real. I mean, why don’t you just run straight into a brick wall while you’re at level of stupidity?” Marco looked at Ravyn and crossed his arms. He was about to say something but Ravyn cut him off. “I know what you’re going to say and I’m not going to say anything further about it. So you can take your little bitch mode and shove it back into wherever it came from.”
“Not helping with the current crisis we’ve just got on our hands…” Marco muttered. “Shove it back into your ass while you’re at it, Harris. And shove that attitude and any snide remarks you’ve got stockpiled up inside that small body of yours, into something that I have to look at on a daily basis.”
“Why would you be looking at my ass for, Heital?” asked Ravyn, as she hated the fact that people had started calling her by her surname rather than her actual name. Marco smirked at the fact that he thought of a brilliant come back and Ravyn knew what it would be. “In fact, don’t answer that question. I know what the answer is going to be.”
“Time to face the music,” Marco sighed, as Ravyn nodded in agreement. “Damn.” Marco and Ravyn went inside. They opened the door because the whole team didn’t want the surrounding body of people that were slowly crowding their way around the outside perimeters of the crime scene to see what had happened. It wasn’t as simple as get the body and leave, and never come back until you need some sort of evidence to pin someone to it. Marco’s heart dropped a trillion storeys when he saw the hanging corpse from the ceiling and downwards. He had liked her for ages as more than a friend, but he knew she was committed to her family. It was days like these he hated his job.
There she was. A noosed body with her eyes open and swinging from side to side. And under her, there was a chair. The rope had cut into her throat because she must’ve done the noose a little bit too tight, a quicker way for her to die, and the rope that was once brown that had strangled her, it was dark red with her own blood around the neck area of the noose.
“Where’s Jukka when he’s needed?” asked Ravyn, who started to look in all of the directions she could possibly move her eyes without actually physically going anywhere.
“Probably stuffing around back in the office and not doing what he’s told to do,” Marco scoffed at such a thought of Jukka being that damn lazy, as he frowned and crossed his arms. “This cannot be real.”
“Do you want to touch the body to make sure it is real?” asked Ravyn, as Marco looked to Ravyn unimpressed. “It is real wither you’re in denial or not.”
“No, that’s not what I meant, I mean by it when I say it cannot be real, is that, it doesn’t fit,” Marco struggled to find the words to explain what he meant. “Her eyes are open. If Anette was suicidal, she would have her eyes closed, so that, death would come easily and she wouldn’t be awake to see it come. She wasn’t suicidal to start with. She was actually quite happy with her life. This is a set up, Harris. Fifty bucks says it’s a set up. There’s no possible or reasonable way that she would kill herself, that’s why I say it.”
“She’s not gutted though,” Ravyn noticed. “There have been two other victims that have not been gutted. This killer is starting to go off track with her killing patterns. Something doesn’t make sense, it’s like she’s hurrying in her kills. But what possible links would Anette have with the killer?” Another investigator came up and interrupted them. Ravyn looked to him. “Ever learnt to wait your turn when wanting to speak to someone?”
“Watch your tongue,” warned the other investigator roughly. “We just got valuable evidence which may take us in another direction in our investigation into this cold-blooded murder.”
“It’s not your theory about how candy-canes are made again?” asked Marco, remembering a stupid argument he had with that investigator ages ago. The investigator shook his head. “Oh well, in that case, shoot for it.”
“We just got male chromosomes, and he’s on our database,” answered the investigator.
“Quite contradictory, because we got female chromosomes the first few times in the other victims,” Ravyn challenged. “And who are you to tell me to watch my tongue to start with?”
“Someone who’s been working here longer and harder than you have missy,” retorted the other investigator, as he walked off to another room, as he gave Ravyn one last nasty glare.
“Stop the attitude Harris, it’s starting to annoy me,” ordered Marco, as Ravyn and Marco caught each other’s eyes.
“I cannot believe this, in fact, I refuse to believe this, this cannot be happening,” said Ravyn, as she stood on the other side of the mirror in the interrogation room and she massaged her head because she was getting a headache from all the bullshit she was being thrown within a couple of hours of each instance. First it was the fact that everyone thought that Anette had committed suicide and that no one would listen to a word Marco said about her not being suicidal, and now this. “Tell me this is a dream and I am going to wake up next to Rob or something.”
“Wait, you know him?” asked Marco, surprised, as he turned to Ravyn. “Wow. You get around.”
“Excuse me, but he’s my ex-fiancé from about two and half days ago,” Ravyn defended such accusations that Marco had just come out with. “**** you Marco.”
“Well excuse me too, but I have to go and do my job now,” retorted Marco, as he left the room through the side door.
“For once,” Ravyn added as she stood in the same room, trying to believe the unbelievable. It was like trying to believe that Joanna actually had the intelligence of someone who had won the National Spelling Bee, despite the fact Joanna was mentally dyslexic on a constant basis and couldn’t even spell the word Sarah, without putting an E somewhere in the middle of the first A and the whatever punctation mark came after the H. Marco entered the hallway outside and shortly appeared in the room where people thought it was an ordinary mirror, but it was just a gateway window to another room. “Let’s see you both work your bullshit magic, assholes. One’s an investigator who cannot hold his temper even if his life depended on it, and the other…well, **** you, thought I said to you that I didn’t want to see you again.”
Marco closed the door and couldn’t even wait to hold the questions until he had both of the party’s attention.
“So, Mr Bourdon, how are you today? Feeling fine that you could get away with the murders for so long?” asked Marco, as Rob turned around confused as ever. Apparently they had found his DNA all over some chick’s body.
“Don’t know what you’re talking about to be honest,” answered Rob, as Marco walked over to the seat in front of Rob and sat down in it. He slumped back into it and crossed his arms, unimpressed as ever.
“Don’t bullshit me man, just don’t, I am the investigator here I do have the power to charge you right here and right now,” warned Marco.
“Well, I’m already ****ing arrested for something that I didn’t do, so you may as well and bring me to my apparent long awaited death sentence that Washington got rid of years ago,” Rob retorted, also folding his arms.
You deserve death because of what you did to me, Ravyn couldn’t help but to think to herself.
“Well in that case, we’ll send you to Texas and see if you get the chair, that’s if you really want to face death because you can’t stand being in jail for a lifetime,” retorted Marco. “Cut to the crap man, and just save yourself and myself a lot of time and effort, and just ****ing confess what you did to Anette and the rest of those other souls.”
“Like I’ve been saying all along, I don’t know Anette, well, I do actually but only by memory, she’s my ex-fiancée’s boss, that’s how I only know her, I swear,” defended Rob, getting impatient at the fact that no one would believe him. Even Ravyn couldn’t believe him about anything that he said nowadays. “Yes I know two of the other victims. Reznor and Filth, I swear that’s all. I just know them through my café’s business. I swear I am being set up or something, because I wouldn’t even do weed let alone harm someone to the point of death.”
“You might want to call a lawyer and get some coffee into you, it’s going to be a very long night for you Mr Bourdon,” Marco bluntly warned, handing Rob his cell phone and placing it in the centre of the table.
I know I am a heartless cow in many respects but wow, there was one part in this (where Marco was losing his breakfast out front of Anette's place) that I wanted him to turn around and bowl her flat for her insensitivity. I mean wtf? Has she no heart at all?! No wonder Rob left, I actually empathise with him to some degree now. But only a little. Funny that after the last update I was almost convinced Rob was part of this whole murder spree and now he ends up in custody - and I was thinkin, okay... this should make for fireworks at least! haha
Poor Robbie, really. Poor big dumb idiot. Gorgeous, giving, thoughtful, but oh so stupid - he walked into that really didn't he? I know that malicious ex of his is up to no good - just hope he doesn't go from suspect to victim number...? I forget, but anyway, yeah, I damnwell hope not!
And amusing to read the usual dose of sarcasm in there. Keeps it amusing enough to be entertaining but not detract from the... well, sheer horror I suppose.
Good work as always.
Look forward to seeing where this one goes ^^

Sarah sat there, staring at the lights that were flying past them outside in the darkness. People were giving her weird glances because she had tangerine orange hair and had a kid in her lap that was eventually falling asleep. They had packed their bags and they were moving cities, without telling any of their friends from Sacred Heart. Sarah had told Allie and her family like ten minutes right before the train came. She knew her mother would be in tears and tried to convince her mother that she ought to come to her daughter’s new home and visit her daughter and her granddaughter. Sarah felt like there was no way that she was going to raise her coming child in Chicago as well.
The train felt like a subway. Because it tended to go underground rather than going above ground. Sarah felt lonely, despite the fact that Mike was right next to her, leaning his head against Sarah’s shoulder and Matt was doing the same but on the opposite side of her.
What next? Sarah thought to herself as she looked to the two men in her life. Just one of them had to be her life right now, because of the fact that Sarah was too afraid to say no to Matt anymore. She wasn’t afraid, she just feared that Ava might grow up to be rebellious and Sarah had the feeling that Mike wasn’t going to stick around for much longer.
She looked over to Mel, who was fast asleep on Mike’s shoulder. It was like a game of dominoes. Brad was asleep on Mel’s shoulder, Mel was asleep on Mike’s shoulder, Mike was asleep on Sarah’s shoulder, Sarah wasn’t asleep on anybody’s shoulder, Ava was slowly falling asleep but was clearly trying to avoid it as Sarah had saw on many occasions that she had started to doze off and then she would wake herself up. And of course, to finish the whole domino theory off, Matt was asleep on Sarah’s free shoulder. Sarah smirked as she realised what she could do. She could stand up, the whole domino theory would be put into place, and everyone would just collapse on each other. Sarah concluded she would only do this if she really wanted to encounter Mike’s grumpiness, when he was woken up suddenly.
Sarah could feel a cold coming on. She hated these winter colds. Sarah shifted her child’s weight onto the other leg, as Ava was giving her mother a dead leg and Sarah knew within herself, she wasn’t a light child. Even since birth she was heavy.
The lights outside the train had stopped flying past and they came out of the tunnel, Sarah squinted as she readjusted her eyes to the brightness and the contrast of the world outside the black tunnel. She knew she was going to end up come crawling back to that woman, but she didn’t even know where Ravyn and Rob lived. She didn’t even know if they were together anymore. Sarah just based her assumption on the fact that they…well, the kinda got on better with each other than her, and Ravyn did. Rob only got attitude, Sarah got attitude, snide remarks, and weird nicknames.
Then she started to think about the possibility that what if Rob and her had split up by now? How was she coping with being a single mother and trying to work a tiring job at the same time? Had she found someone else? Sarah thought to herself how much that woman needed to experience the aspect of life of being a single mother and the challenges that came with it. It was a harsh thought, and Sarah quite well knew that, but Sarah felt like she was in every position to think such a comment. Even though she felt like Mike wasn’t going to be around for very much longer, the thought of her going back to being a single mother, with two kids by that stage, it didn’t sit well. Any sane woman would think so.
She tilted her head back against the top of the seat and closed her eyes, disturbed by such thoughts like Mike leaving her or her going back to Matt. The second thought disturbed her the most. Given by their history together. But in the long run, she knew she would be happier in Washington D.C., despite the fact they had no accommodation to start with and clue whatsoever where they were going, she felt a bit relieved. She knew within herself that one day that she would settle al of her dramas in her life and settle down. She was just hoping it would be Mike to be the man that she would settle down with. She had felt separation anxiety to him to its full extreme and she didn’t like it one bit. She didn’t even know right now how she would cope with their break up, if it were to occur in the future. She was even surprised that they hadn’t broken up, because of the several arguments that they’ve gone through already and only a month or so had gone past since they got together. Things moved too quickly for her and it was one thing that she didn’t like. She was still searching for the pause button in her life.
She could just picture it. She was going to have a boy. She knew it. No make it twins. Twin boys. She knew from day one that her first chid was going to be a girl, it was called girly teenage thoughts, and every girl went through them at one stage of their life. Sarah just consistently went through the thought and when she actually did fall pregnant, she wanted to run to the hills and have her mother disown her for such actions. Allie had never treated her badly, sure she was disappointed, but she was never angry at her daughter. Sarah thought that’s why she loved Ava so much, minus the fact that Allie was Ava’s grandmother and it was a natural thing, but if it were to be Dominique or one out of many sisters that Sarah had, Sarah suspected her mother would go on a murder rampage and someone would end up with an arrest warrant pinned to their name. The reason why Sarah’s maternal instincts had kicked in so suddenly, despite the fact that she knew that she was pregnant, and the reason why she wanted boys is because, she never had a brother, and she didn’t know such a feeling of being related to a boy who wasn’t a cousin or some strange relative that looked like they had just been picked up from the sidewalk. Twin boys, she told herself from day one, yes, twin boys, hopefully. She wasn’t very particular in general about things, she just wanted a son, or sons. She already had a small family of her own, and she was happy about that. Most women would have begged to have a child by now, well, women who didn’t know about Sarah’s, tragic past and how Ava was brought into the world. She knew it within herself she wasn’t proud of her past, but she was proud that she had such an energetic child.
She opened her eyes, to see the child that she was just ranting on about in her own head about, was looking up at her, as she realised that the two oafs were still asleep on her shoulders.
“Are we there?” asked Ava.
“No, I don’t think so,” answered Sarah, looking outside to only see the greenery of the hills that she had dearly missed seeing. She had been seeing nothing but grey clouds which resulted in grey days, snow, ice, black outs and several car accidents. “Go back to sleep why don’t you?” Ava shook her head. “Not in the mood for your defiance. I’m tired.” Ava didn’t say anything, as she looked to her mother innocently. “You know if I hadn’t had anything else stupider to do, I wouldn’t have brought you into this world. In fact, take the stupid part back, if I hadn’t had anything else better to do, I wouldn’t have brought you into this world you take for granted sometimes. It’s okay, I’m not blaming you for anything, and you are only a child.” Ava looked to her mother, mainly confused by the fact that Sarah was rambling on about bullshit. “I know you don’t understand me. You think of why I am telling you these things.”
“Huh?” asked Ava.
“Go back to sleep,” repeated Sarah, as she tilted her head backwards and leant against the seat and closed her eyes, as she felt the child’s head press against her child. “Oh ****. Can you not? Not there.” Sarah moved the child that had caused her more than enough physical pain already. “That’s better.”
“Daddy gone to sleep?” asked Ava, as Sarah didn’t open her eyes. She knew tilting her head this way so back would probably end up in a trip to the chiropractors. But Sarah ignored such warnings. Sarah nodded as Sarah went back to thinking. Ava closed her small child eyes and within a couple of minutes of that question about her father, she was dead to the world.
Not even Mike could find the energy to do anything. He was hungry. But not hungry enough to get up and rummage through their bags to get something. He knew they had packed a heap of food, and was convinced by this stage that they probably had more food and various piece of ****, like people’s laptops and modems, than they did with their clothes. Mike was dead to the world on Sarah’s shoulder and gave no shits about the fact that he knew he was giving Sarah a dead shoulder.
Serves her right, she’s done it to me, he thought to himself as he smirked in his own sleep at his own thought. Dude, did I just smile when I’m asleep? He couldn’t help but to think to himself again. He really gave no shits about anything right now. He was exhausted. The jetlag was setting in and Mel was getting to be a heavy bitch. He tried shifting his shoulder to get her off him, but Mel regained her spot on his shoulder. Mike groaned, as he tried shoving her off his shoulder. It was only okay when he did to people and the only person that was allowed to it was Sarah. Primarily due to the fact if one was to push her away from their shoulder, she would automatically move and most cases, fall on the floor. Mel resisted.
“Get off me you fat bitch,” Mike groaned, as he woke up, and looked to Mel.
“Bite me,” Mel mumbled. “I can’t move. Got Neanderthal on me.”
“Whatever,” Mike replied, unimpressed but really could not give two hoots other than sleep right now.
Even Mel had things running through her head. The capture and the bullshit she was played around with. Tarja, dead? How is this possible? Is it still true that Chester killed Mike? Oh wait, he was there next to her, he’s the fat piece of junk she was leaning on. Mel chucked at her own stupidity, in her sleep, as she tried to do the same what Mike did to her and tried to push Brad off her. He didn’t move at all, nor did he speak. He looked almost too dead to be true, as Mel opened her eyes to see why Brad wasn’t getting off her. Mel groaned as Mike moved his shoulder. Mel didn’t see because she was busy trying to make sense of what was happening around her and fell straight into his lap. Mel couldn’t care where her head was. She just thought of it as another good form of a pillow.
Mike was really tempted to push her off with all the strength he could gather up, but he knew if she fell, Delson would fall, and then it would be Mike’s fall at the train station because Delson would have him in a headlock for half an hour or until someone could get Brad off him.
Brad, well, he was too busy in his land of nod thinking about football and beer, and how he missed such a good combination of good things, which he wished they would be coming soon because he hadn’t touched beer for a while now, let alone having control over the remote control nowadays. Meg was controlling him and the remote to the television. He didn’t know which one was worse, her controlling him or controlling the box.
Matt sat up straight as Sarah felt like someone had just opened the gates of heaven her way and relieved of her one big oaf leaning one of her shoulders. Still had this one, as she remembered that she could still feel Mike’s over-gelled hair on her shoulder. Matt stretched as he realised where he was. He had been in the town that they were moving to before. He hated it in that time that he had paid a visit to a couple of…just say they were friends who provided him with some illegal services. That was some time ago.
“Attention,” spoke the train driver from the first carriage, his voice projected over everyone, and it was so loud that it woke everyone in the domino line up. Of course, there was an exception, Brad, who was still at the point of smiling in his own dreams of beer and football. “Welcome to Washington D.C. We’ll be at the station in a couple of minutes.”
“You hear that?” asked Mel, as she smiled and threw Brad off her back that he was now using as a pillow, since she had fallen into Mike’s lap. “Brand new life and a brand new starter, I’m so ****ing relieved.”
Everyone was amazed how green and how there was such a lack of grey cover and the lack of ice and snow amazed everyone.
“That stupid bitch gets to live in a city where it looks and feels ten times better than Chicago,” Mike couldn’t help but to comment on about how he thought that Ravyn that rich bitch, living it up in a better city. “She doesn’t deserve it with that kind of attitude.”
“Get over it,” Sarah mumbled, as she saw the scenery change from a hilly one to the outskirts of a city that looked already too rich to be true. “Oh wait. No. I thought for a second you were being serious for once. Look, I’m just going to ignore such comments. I’m not making sense, again.”
“Not new, duh,” replied Mike, rolling his head. Sarah shot him a sharp look. “Just kidding, you know if I were to insult you I would go for the throat.”
Five minutes later, after everyone had established whose bag was what and what smelt like something had just leaked or someone had just vomited, (all of Mike’s crazy theories in which Sarah rolled her eyes at, so did Mel) and what was the best way to wake up Brad, the train had pulled into Washington D.C.
Brad wasn’t happy. He had just gotten woken up by Mike splashing half a bottle of coke over his face. He was more pissed about the fact that his clothes were now sticky more than anything and that it had to be the one person that Brad was able to headlock and paralyse for about half an hour. Everyone gave up in the end trying to figure whose bag was whose, so they just grabbed three bags to a person. Sarah was lucky she only got one, and one heavy child. The males got the heaviest ones. First thing, as Mike had expected, as he got off the train with Brad trailing him too close to be considered safe, Brad dropped his bags on the station that he was carrying and ran up to Mike. He grabbed Mike’s neck with his inner arm and got him into a headlock.
“How do you like that now huh bitch?” asked Brad, still annoyed that out of all the things to wake him up with it had to be coke in the face and all over his clothes.
“Stop it please guys,” begged Mel, as everyone turned around to see the pair of teenagers at their games again. “We’ve got places to go and people to see. And no, that does not include fast food outlets.” Brad let go of Mike and walked back to pick up the bags that he had previously dropped to give Mike a taste of his own medicine. “Wow. Do I really have that power and influence over people?”
“No,” answered Mike, who had regained his spot walking between her and Sarah, with Matt at the opposite end. “I wanted no one to steal my spot.” Brad caught up to the rest of his friends who were slowly slipping away from him slowly. “Don’t want no one to take my woman.” Sarah smiled and went pink in the ears, as Mike leant over and gave her a small kiss on the cheek.
“Get a room seriously,” muttered Mel, as Matt started to feel uncomfortable as well.
“Nah, last time they did that, she ended up pregnant, like she is now, you think of why she's pregnant? asked Brad, as Mike freed up a hand by putting one bag in the hand which use to contain only two bags but now three, and smacked him over the head. Brad laughed, as Sarah and Mike rolled their eyes and started to walk up the train station’s steps.

Good. Have to admit in this update it's hard to know what to make of most characters motives, I mean, one update I pity Mike, the next I don't like him. Same with Matt. Same with Mel. Hell, all of them really. His dialog to Mel was harsh. I'm surprised she even took it from him as she had. And Brad's 'get a room,' *lol* Yeah, apt come back Mike - last time he did that... well, we all know where they ended up ;)


“I don’t even know why you’re even bothering to do it Harris, the man is guilty as charged, and I thought you would’ve seen his guilty face when he sat down in that interrogation room,” Marco bitched, as he leant against his car which was the end result of people paying their taxes and avoiding tax fraud. Ravyn stood opposite him as they stood in the parking lot of the jail that Rob was being held for the time being. She wasn’t too impressed by the barb wired fence and the various watch towers with guards and shotguns in their hands. “You’re not going to prove anything. His DNA was found all over Anette’s body and I’m sorry if you still have feelings for that oaf, but DNA does not lie.” Ravyn crossed her arms, as she looked to the sky. The sunshine was slowly going to be vanished away by oncoming storm clouds. She looked back to Marco, as she realised his judgement was clouded by the death of a close friend of his.
“I beg to differ, this is coming from someone who just wants to get this investigation over and done with…it’s more complicated than just any ordinary feelings towards, his name is Rob by the way, Marco!” snapped Ravyn. “Not oaf. The only person that is allowed to call him a big oaf is me and that’s because I know he’s a big oaf. You don’t know anything about Rob other than what his profile says about him.”
“You’re only clouded by your judgement and your feelings towards Mr Treebeard,” Marco commented, as Ravyn shot him a nasty look. “Alright, I’ll call the fella Rob. How’s that for you, I’ll call him Rob or Mr Bourdon how’s that for you?” If Ravyn could get a clear shot of his eyes, she would’ve given him a black eye by now, but because the sun was reflecting off his aviator sunglasses that she couldn’t get a direct shot. She didn’t know why she felt so angry today, mainly because Leo had annoyed the hell out of her this morning by messing with her lack of patience trait. “Jesus, you’re an impatient little bitch sometimes Harris.”
“Like you’re not on both remarks?” asked Ravyn, sceptically. “It’s pretty obvious that there was more than just a friendship going on between you and Anette, because of how you’ve reacted to her death and how badly it’s been.”
“You have no emotions whatsoever Harris, you weren’t the least bit upset when you saw Anette’s body hanging up and swinging side to side,” remarked Marco. “Do what you need to do and do it out of my face. I’m not coming in there to try and make out that Bourdon is only a victim of this system that we’ve got going in this country. He’s at the opposite end of it if you ask me.”
“Okay whatever Marco, shove it up your ass, and let it come out some place where I am not present,” Ravyn retorted, as she automatically dismissed Marco and Marco opened his car door in a huff, sat down in it, and slammed the door shut.
He followed Ravyn walking away with his eyes carefully. He saw how she showed her identification tag to the guard and he saw the way that she smiled at the guard as he pulled the gate open for her. Ever since Anette’s death, Marco hadn’t slept. Sleep deprivation amongst investigators who were thrown at their job like a ball to a brick wall were going to burst eventually if they were thrown against the wall long enough and hard enough. He was getting paranoid, very.
The guard let Ravyn through another door, which lead to the room where the visitors were allowed to speak to their loved ones through a telephone and to look to their loved ones through a pane of glass. She was torn between thinking of Rob as a loved one, an asshole, and a victim of Marco’s rage. She was confused, still, and Marco was not helping her one bit.
She saw Rob sitting at the opposite end of a window pane, in the prisoner’s bright orange uniform, with his glasses one and looking down at the table, as though there was nothing to live for anymore. She could tell that he was depressed just by the way he slumped over the table. She had always hated seeing him like this, but she was confused now. One side of her told her that he got what he came for, the other side, told her to run back into his arms and plead for forgiveness, and she knew that side wouldn’t be too logical enough for her to like it.
She sat down and put the stuff that she had in her hands on the table in front of her. Rob looked up and smiled at her blankly. He picked up the phone and pressed it against his ear. Ravyn did the same but she did not smile. She was emotionless and confused.
“How come you’re here? I thought you said you hated me and never wanted to see me again?” asked Rob, frowning a bit but decided the wrinkles weren’t worth such a question.
“I didn’t, it just happened to be that you’re now the prime suspect of this federal investigation, and I have to work on it, in and outside the autopsy room,” answered Ravyn, looking into his deep eyes and then she saw the sorrow and the pity that Rob was feeling. “How long have you been in here for?”
“A day or two,” answered Rob. “And I already hate it. It’s a hellhole. I don’t deserve this Ravyn, I didn’t do anything wrong. I don’t know if you were there behind the mirror, but what have I always said about Anette? Sure I didn’t like the fact that she was making you work your ass off all the time at ridiculous hours of the evening and morning, but really, does that give me enough of a motive, to deserve end up being here?”
“I don’t know, I am not the investigator with the anger management problem here,” answered Ravyn, knowing that Rob was feeling helpless because she didn’t know the solutions to his problems and she was the one that had all the contacts, and yet, she knew within herself she couldn’t do really much anything. “I don’t know what to believe. If you were someone that I didn’t personally understand, mind me, I still don’t understand you completely, you know what I mean, Rob. And if I didn’t know that you would rather kill yourself rather than to kill another, I would have pitied you so bad. In fact, I still pity you in a way, but not to the point where you’re completely pitied. I know it’s not in your nature to kill someone. Remember that one time where there was that huge ass spider in the bathroom and I begged you to kill it or to get rid of it? You got rid of it, but you didn’t kill it.”
“What about the Chester incident?” asked Rob. “Don’t you remember that one? Where I knocked him out stone cold in the front of your place thinking it was Azem…?”
“Yeah but that’s Azem for you, he’ll drive anybody mad,” answered Ravyn. “It’s different this time, because the difference is between the Chester incident and this time, you’ve just forged a suicide. That pays up to a minimum of ten years in this state. And on top of that, you’re already linked to the other gutted corpses lying in the freezer opposite my office and their murders. It’s life automatically with two straight murders in this state. Whoever this is who’s doing this, they’ll be getting a lot of birthday cards while locked away. I need to know how your DNA got on Anette’s body. She worked for the government and she was a federal agent, Rob, it’s worse than killing a on or off duty cop.”
“Like I’ve been telling everybody else who’s been asking me the same question, I don’t know,” replied Rob, getting sick of repeating himself, as he rubbed his eyes behind his glasses and then looked back up to Ravyn. “I’m not lying.”
“I know you’re not, but, I hate to sound cliché and all CSI bullshit-like, but evidence doesn’t lie, and nor does your DNA, you think of why fathers get DNA test to prove that the kid is theirs?” asked Ravyn. She looked away from Rob and to her folder that she had shoved various papers into Rob was curious of what she was doing. She opened the folder and pulled out all of the photos that belonged to the dead corpses taken in the happy land of her autopsy room. She spun them around and placed them side to side. “Do you have connections to any of the others?”
“Molko…” whispered Rob to himself, forgetting that Ravyn could still hear him through the orange phone.
“You know Mr Molko?” asked Ravyn, as Rob looked back to her. “How? You never said anything to me about.”
“Reznor and Molko worked together at the restaurant that supplied us with our salads, they were always at each others throats whenever Michelle and I came around to pick up our orders for the next few days,” answered Rob, trying to recall some moments when him and his manager Michelle had walked in various times on a fight between the pair. “But they are both dead, how does that make sense?”
“They were killed by the same person, but Reznor was drowned not gutted,” answered Ravyn. “What about him? Mr Draiman?” She pointed to one of the pictures and Rob looked at the picture. “Found yesterday, coincidentally, in Anette’s house. Crime scene cleaners up found him upstairs with a bullet in his head and a gun in one hand.”
“Suicide murder?” asked Rob, as Ravyn shook his head.
“We ran checks, both had defence wounds, there wasn’t any gunpowder residue on his hands or his body, these guys were killed before, they were planted,” answered Ravyn, as Rob looked to her as though he had just been whacked across the head several times. She pointed to Anette’s dead portrait. “Anette hadn’t committed suicide. She was still alive when she was hung, she was unconscious and from what I remember…” The tears had started. This job was now taking its toll on Ravyn as tried to remember what her findings were. “From what I remember, she was sick that day, and she went home early because everyone said to her that she looked as pale as a ghost. She was running a fever. Someone had knocked her out, thought they had killed her, and then hung her to make her look like she had killed herself. I’m sorry.” Ravyn wiped her eyes with her sleeve.
“That’s okay, this job was bound to take its toll on you sometime sooner or later,” smiled Rob, softly. “Time of death?”
“Hard to tell and I haven’t even found it out for myself,” answered Ravyn. “That’s why I haven’t asked you the cliché question of where were you at the time of her death.” There was a small silence. The question was coming, more like the verbal vomit was coming. “How’s Vanessa?”
“Don’t know, haven’t seen her or heard from her since coming into this hellhole,” answered Rob. “It’s like she had just abandoned me like that, you know. Totally unfair on me right now, I guess life’s being a bitch in particular to me.”
“Time’s up,” said the guard behind Ravyn, as Ravyn turned around in confusion.
“What?” asked Ravyn, as she realised that the tears had dried up. “Didn’t you read my identification tag? I’m from the FBI.”
“Yeah, but you’re not an investigator, you work with the coroner, even I know the difference,” answered the guard, folding his bulky arms and looking impressed. “There’s only a no-limit policy on FBI investigators.”
“But, this is about a FBI agent who just got slaughtered in an official investigation,” retorted Ravyn, annoyed. “And this is a federal investigation and this is my role in it, which is broad one right now.”
“And I’m the Queen of England, now pack up your things and go, time’s up,” replied the guard.
“I have to go now,” said Ravyn, looking back to Rob. “I’m sorry. I was hoping to end this conversation properly. But thanks for the help. I know you didn’t do it and I’ll get you out of here, with whatever little power I have.” Ravyn just convinced herself that was starting to act like she did when the pair was going out. Ravyn had just bullshitted herself again.
“I figured,” replied Rob, giving her a small smile, as Ravyn started to pack up the photos and the profiles.
“For the record Rob, you didn’t just see classified documents,” Ravyn set straight with Rob as Rob nodded, as she tucked the full folder underneath her arm. “Bye.”
“Rave, wait,” begged Rob, as Ravyn was about to hang up her phone on her side of the glass pane. She looked to Rob confused. “I love you still…..a lot”
“Rave, wait,” begged Rob, as Ravyn was about to hang up her phone on her side of the glass pane. She looked to Rob confused. “I love you still…..a lot”
Awww! :'( That was like a tearjerker moment... mind you I had to grimace and shake my head. My automatic response, despite my love for the guy, would be 'Sorry. Been screwed over too many times. You know it. I'll do what I can but that's it. Take care.'
Poor guy.
But playing between two women like that doesn't excuse his actions of earlier. He said some pretty mean things that I wouldn't be able to forgive in any hurry, unless he was willing to prove he was a 'changed man' *scoff* And you know what, I can't help but think he's only sayng that because A) Vanessa's disappeared and he wouldn't be distracted if she was still in his life, and B) he thinks I am his only way out from behind bars. Either way reeks of desperation and after Azem and Chester damnit I think Ravyn my character deserves something way more. Sorry, bit harsh, I know it's just a story but seriously, you painted me as a severe almost heartless bitch, then she wouldn't be backing down now with Rob no matter how much he was looking forlorn. In fact that would be 'go in for the proverbial jugular' time at him because he's vulnerable. Hurts doesn't it asshole?
Mean? Yeah, hahaha :spiteful:
This thing about the way they found David (Draiman) upstairs in Anette's place suggests to me that the killer is getting sloppy. The knew enough at the start to gut clean like a medical practitioner and now they are setting up apparent suicides with the absence of basic tell tale residue etc. Surely any self respecting killer even without official training but just a crime buff from the TV would know about things like that - which also begs the question, with such a severe swing between Modus Opperandi that this is NOT the same killer, but maybe a copy cat or a sympathiser with our first. Maybe even a close friend who was privy to information or was like a protege like the Amanda character to Jigsaw in the Saw movies. See, I watch too much of these programs myself it has the cogs in MY head turning... and this is only fiction!
All in all adoring it. I really have to praise you that part near the start this exchange between Rav and Marco and the detail of the sky and wire. That just made the update, something so simple but hauntingly beautiful it really set the scene. Damn well done. Thought I'd point that out ^^