Definition of ******


New member
Recently, I have been involved in a 'spat' with what I call some ******s... But this spat stayed with me a few days... and the next day, I was forced to evict one of my tenants due to him not being able to pay the rent. This guy was white, but by ALL definitions of the word, I would classify this man as a ******... I would like to put some clarification on this word, as far as I am concerned, and put to rest the notion that while I am a White Nationalist, I am not a force for or against one race or another...

White Nationalist (N) Person of White heritage that believes that in order to preserve their culture/heritage, Whites must form their own nation separate from that of other cultures.

This is not a position that is beneficial only to whites... Blacks, Hispanics, Jews (not so much), and Muslims have all been remarking for years that their culture and heritage are being diluted once firmly embedded in so called 'White' countries. Further, racial tensions, riots, accusations of preferential treatment, brutality etc... will only get worse as time goes on and ALL involved races (Cultures really) feel more and more that their individual place in this society is more and more at risk...

I, as a white nationalist, believe that the only feasible solution to this mounting problem is NOT racial superiority... That will only serve to further the tensions from the minority races (and justly so), and actually makes us take several steps backward in what little progress we have made trying to solve the problem... I also do NOT occupy the position that tow or more cultures may occupy the same nation (draw from the same well), but remain is separate parts and not have tensions flare up between them given that both will pay taxes but some may need more help than others, leading to a 'host' culture, and a 'beneficiary' culture, which will surely lead to further tensions as the host will pay the brunt of taxes but the benefactor will undoubtedly receive more economic support...

The only reasonable solution, I feel, is to form a white nation based on culture, and send our colored citizens back to their country of family origins with a substantial severance package to enable them to set up and sustain THIER OWN nation with their cultural needs as the central point of focus free from 'white interference' or 'white governing'... Just as our 'white nation' will be free to build upon the unique traits of our people without worrying about whether it will offend other hosted cultures...

Anything less than that will lead to eventual disintegration of the United States, much along the same lines of what happened to the Soviet Union following many long years of repressed cultures... This must be accomplished however, with almost NO bloodshed, and willingly would be best! This should be call for celebration for ALL affected cultures and should NOT be call for arrests, detentions, or any violence at all... Not likely, but hey, I'm an idealist at heart....




New member
Now onto MY definition of ******...

******* are proud, but not proud of anything that 'normal' people are proud of... They are proud to destroy, and kill while we are proud to create and help life prevail.

We are proud to be upstanding citizens and are embarrassed by imprisonment, while they are proud to stand against the nations laws as a whole, and imprisonment is a right of passage for them.

We take pride in being able to conduct our day to day lives with as little conflict as possible, while they revel in not only seeking it, but causing as much of it as they can.

We think of ourselves after we think of our children and the impact of our actions on them, while they they live as though children are nothing but a raise!

We try and repeatedly borrow the best from all cultures that we come into contact with, and it has put us on top of many industries to include manufacturing, music, art, administration and military... While they refuse to accept even the basic core cultural attributes essential to their own survival in the host nation.

We pride ourselves on hard work and earning what you have, while they are disdainful of anyone that has something and even vengeful if they worked hard to achieve it.

We believe in violence as a last resort to conflict while they use violence as a means to achieve status.

We have long term goals like post high school education, careers, retirement, and children... They look for the fast way out of everything... Slang rock for money, not get a job... leave children rather than stay in their lives to enrich them... etc...

We know discipline as a sign of strength, where they know strength as a way to discipline others others and get quick cash...

Our cars are first and foremost a way to get to work and keep our children safe, and their cars are palettes for ego boosting, and complete wastes of money that should be going to school uniforms...

------------ More to come -----------

You will notice that in this, I make NO mention of color of skin or origins of culture, just a blind and faceless poke at the politics of ******s... ******* are White, brown, green, black, and sometimes (*** forbid) POLISH! LOL... I have met 10 year olds that are ******s, and I know personally of a 54 year old that is a ******... It is ageless...

If you produce nothing but misery, are proud of nothing but insolence, thumb your nose at the very government that provides your sustenance, than chances are you are a ******!

If you have more sneakers than you have completed grades, if you dress yourself every morning like the host of BET music awards, and then complain when your passed up for a job when everyone else there is wearing a suit, you're probably a ******...

If you speak the same way in a job interview as you do with your friends, you're probably a ******... If you are constantly blaming others for your mistakes in life... If you complain ad nauseum about how bad your life is, but never do a single thing to fix it....

You know who you are... WE know who you are... and as soon as WE get enough ***** to speak up for ourselves we will hold you accountable for diluting our citizenry, and our diverse and thriving culture, and for forcing us to tolerate the intolerable because when ever WE speak up, we are evil.. Trying to hold you back, when all we really want is to not have to drag you kicking and screaming into the real world...

If YOUR world is what you want... YOUR world is what you will get... Free from US, our influence, our tax dollars, our good schools, our many years of scientific dominance, our social systems, our freedoms, the very freedoms that you abuse as a result of your minority status! Separate!


FREE from US, Free from you, once and for all!

The last things ******s want is TRUE equality, as it would strip them of ALL hiding places and force them to integrate or die at the feet of those who will! If You were asked to endure, as a people, what we tolerate on a day to day basis, as in equality, you would pack up and leave before the checks stopped coming! But we don't.... even though we have to pay out the nose to prop up people that hate us, we stay! Because we love this country! as ****** up as it is, it's ours! You rail against it and it's institutions, there is no love for the US from ******s... just hate, disdain, disrespect...

Why then Stay?

Please leave... take the trash with you.... the whites and the blacks who are cultural equals will be better for it... We don't want to prop up your kind anymore.




New member
I have to agree with pretty much everything you wrote here. Although personaly I would use the word 'scumbag' over the word '******'. Only because so many jackasses can't see past the racial impact of the word. I have white ******s or 'wiggers' that work for me all the time. They don't last long.

My only question to you Fullauto is this. Who is this "we" you are speaking of? Smart people? Whites? People that aren't retarded?

We are proud to be upstanding citizens
We take pride
We think of ourselves
We try and repeatedly borrow the best from all cultures
We believe in violence as a last resort
We have long term goals
We know discipline
WE who?



New member
we who are not ******s.. the normal people...
I'm not a ******, but I fail to qualify as normal. I'm really not sure what normal is anymore. But I guess I know what your trying to say.

I've actually been with a few black guys that want me to call them ****** because they get off on "punishing" a "white *****." They start doing me and then tell me to call them ****** and then they start to get really rough with everything. It's the weirdest **** thing.

I hate using the word only because I don't see where it accomplishes anything.



New member
I've actually been with a few black guys that want me to call them ****** because they get off on "punishing" a "white *****." They start doing me and then tell me to call them ****** and then they start to get really rough with everything. It's the weirdest **** thing.
I hate using the word only because I don't see where it accomplishes anything.
I'm confused about a few things...

You state have been with a few black guys who enjoyed this, which would suggest you have been with others who didn't. The way it is written also indicates you have been with white guys, as well. You're 19, but you've been a lesbian since you were 13? What, did you start having *** when you were nine?

I agree with Full. ****** is a state of mind, and the attitude that goes with it.



New member
I've actually been with a few black guys that want me to call them ****** because they get off on "punishing" a "white *****." They start doing me and then tell me to call them ****** and then they start to get really rough with everything. It's the weirdest **** thing.
I hate using the word only because I don't see where it accomplishes anything.
Maybe you shout change to:::**** Since 13

My bad:p

I'm confused about a few things...You state have been with a few black guys who enjoyed this, which would suggest you have been with others who didn't. The way it is written also indicates you have been with white guys, as well. You're 19, but you've been a lesbian since you were 13? What, did you start having *** when you were nine?

I agree with Full. ****** is a state of mind, and the attitude that goes with it.
Maybe I do need to change my nick to "Bi Since 13" since people seem to be unable to read the other post I made explaining I use the term "lesbian" because most stupid people don't understand "bi" right away but hear "lesbian" and their homophobia starts rolling right away.

And as for ***, you can know your preference without having ***, sparky. I'm sure you were spanking your mini monkey since your early teens without actually involving anything but a sock or the sleeve of a jacket.

And it is a state of mind. Hence why some like it and some don't.



New member
A *** is a ***. If you have *** with your same gender even only once, then your gay even if you never do it again. So drop the ******* "Bi" label that your so freaking proud of. Don't confuse the issue. It doesn't mean your a bad person, but it does mean your a gay. I know your brain will translate this post into homophobia but to me there is no such thing as I am not "afraid" of gay people.


New member
That doesn't explain why ******s get ****** when non-******s call them a ******.
They get ****** because they know it's true (in most cases), sometimes a black person gets accused of being a ****** by someone without any sort of evidence to support it.. In that case, the accuser is the ******...



New member
They get ****** because they know it's true (in most cases), sometimes a black person gets accused of being a ****** by someone without any sort of evidence to support it.. In that case, the accuser is the ******...
Not always. The ****** accuser could be correct about the ****** accusee.



New member
Not always. The ****** accuser could be correct about the ****** accusee.
yes... but when the ****** accuser is dead wrong, and is only accusing them because they are black... That is ignorant, and thus the accuser is the ******... at least by my rules

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