
LOL,i deja'vu all the time! It just happened to me yesterday. Im like..woah..i swear this happened to me before. It was funny.
I get it lots of times too. I'm familiar with places I've never seen, situations I've never been through, and even with conversations I never had... lol it's freaky. I haven't had dejá vu in a while though.
Deja'vu is french for already seen.Deja'vu is uncanny feeling of having seen or experienced something that is being experienced for the first time.if we assume that the experince is actually of a remembered event,then deja vu probally occurs because an original experience was neither fully attended to nor ellaborately encoded in memory.if so,then it would seem most likely that the present situation triggers the recollection of a fragment from one's past.the experince may seem uncanny if the memory is so fragment that no strong connectionscan be made between the fragment and other memories.Thus,the feeling that one has been there before is often due to the fact that has been there has simply forgotten most of the original close attention the first time.the original experience may even have occured only second or minutes earlier.

ok that for today now......
i have to make a little reasearch..ok.....(chapter one)
yeah people...that is deja'vu.Deja'vu is divide into many categories.there is u have been see the place before,or u have heard the story that ur friends gonna tell it to you .i forgot all the categories.this june i'm not coming here because i have some trip.bye
Annabelle_Georgina89 said:
:p :: hey people,have u experience the ''Deja'vu''

i don't understand with it,i have it. i comes where ever i be........confused... :) :eek: :D

ALL THE TIME! It's freaky! Sometimes it's like I've seen the future, and then it happens. I believe in that. (my mom has ESP) It's kinda like your trippin'. Cool, freaky, but cool.
it happens a lot to me... i don't like cuz it's like "wow... how boring i know what's gonna happen now" and most of the times i'm right. It makes me soooo mad!
whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!what n interesting experience....i use my deja'vu to know the future......example maybe my friends is bully by other or something else...i can handle it....ok for chapter two...may b i write it on friday...
deja vu thing, really weird....! especially when its in a new environment and new people so u couldnt have possible dont it before...