Derailing threads.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2005
I've noticed alot of thread derailing going on. Its ****ing irritating. People are commenting on other threads inside of a thread. ie. commenting on religion inside of political topics. It buries the OP under off-topic conversasion and makes the original topic disappear. Knock it off ****-nuts! If you think i'm a dick for bitching about this then, you're right. I am a dick, a big dick that is.
I wasn't aware there was a set protocol for posting here, except MAKE SENSE... I'll keep that in mind..


Hey Jhony let's not get too ahead of ourselves.
Microscopic,then semi microscopic...get the drift,boy :D :D

Just my two cents.

We aren't dragging up this penis-envy thing again are we?
phreakwars said:
I wasn't aware there was a set protocol for posting here, except MAKE SENSE... I'll keep that in mind..


Oh i'm not trying to cite protocol. Just mentioning it. Its god damn irritating when a thread gets lost to chat-room conversation. I thought that is why forums were seperated into different subject matter. Just hoped some would keep that in mind before turning a good debate into an off-topic conversation between two people.
phreakwars said:
AIG turns me on... Somalian women are hot.

Oops, did I just change the topic again... MY BAD...

What topic? I already forgot it. Is this the flirting with somalian chicks thread? :D Just kiddin'. I can tell your getting a bunk ready for me in the idiot box, aren't 'cha?
phreakwars said:
naahhh, Ain't up to me, its up to a premium, I just do there bidding.


Insert evil maniacle laugh here

Jhonny5 said:
....commenting on religion inside of political topics

Well thanks to our good Czar...err President the two are becomming fused as one...And with christians thinking the government has to make laws that suit their needs and those that follow them...but be damned if they are different from them...

The longer a topic goes the more it is going to go astray....

But i have an idea for ya....Post a reply to bring it back on course....I know the idea is a bit radical and new...but it just might work!

ps...Jhonny5..shouldnt this be your avatar?
hey topics change and grow as a discussion goes on and then there is when the original topic is but a dead duck anyhow LOL
We could probably categorize quite a few back posts into current posts, but its when the topic strays a bit, that it gets a bit interesting

I can probably count at least a dozen topics of the same ****, just in different perspectives.
Makes it more fun!!! The same topic gets old quick and more often than not picks up all new things of it's own. You can always quote the original post and respond to get it back on track. I do it all the time. I am way too lazy to read more than 5 pages of posts
JIZZ said:
Makes it more fun!!! The same topic gets old quick and more often than not picks up all new things of it's own. You can always quote the original post and respond to get it back on track. I do it all the time. I am way too lazy to read more than 5 pages of posts
Jhony5 said:
I've noticed alot of thread derailing going on. Its ****ing irritating. People are commenting on other threads inside of a thread. ie. commenting on religion inside of political topics. It buries the OP under off-topic conversasion and makes the original topic disappear. Knock it off ****-nuts! If you think i'm a dick for bitching about this then, you're right. I am a dick, a big dick that is.

I've noticed a lot of post editing going on, personally ;)