Devilsnight2003's Journal thingy


New member
I think Rihanna was touring the UK around the same time and Mike was parodying the song and Chester was like "Give a hand for Rihanna on stage" and i was like no, please *** don't let her come out, lol.

It was just before they played My December, the pyro they had didn't go off so they asked for a lighter and Chester got bombarded by them thrown on stage. After a little chat about the lighters he throw it back and was like "I stole this one from My Chemical Romance", half the crowd cheered and the other half booed, then of course Mike was like "Hey, there nice guys" and Chester was like "They're my friends". Its really funny in the audio i have cause Chester says his bit and you can hear some guy in the crowd scream "Chester, We love you" :lol:

It was just an amazing experiance and i'd so do it again



New member
So New Journal entry for lets see, ermm the 21st March. wait ill actually date this one

Saturaday 21st March 2009 16.40

So this is the first Journal entry that is dated, yay me!! so sad i know but watcha' gonna do about it. Anyway, i finally made it into town today. Went to the Opticians to see about getting my glasses fixed, they are 3 years old and the left arm did just fall off in my hand. Was told it would cost a bit to have them repaired and that it was probably better to have an eye test since it had been 3 years since the last one. Had a good chat with both the women that registered me and the guy that did the eye test, very nice people. I must admit that its the first time that ive had an eye test in awhile and the first time ive used that particulair branch of Specsavers but it was good.

Anyway i turned up at 1 and they got me in for the test by 3 which was pretty cool to have it done the same day but do you realise how hard it is to kill time in town when you cant see a ****** thing. I did pop into the travel agent to see how much flights to Australia are, seems its a fortune to fly out before christmas since the airlines hike the prices up to about £1,500 but if i was to fly out in september then it would only be around £800. How rediculas is that.

Right, anyhow back to the opticians. I got new glasses managed to talk my way into getting these ones repaired for free but then i'd expect so for £95. I now have to consider contact lenses which does scare me a little, the thought of having to put them into my eye. So i have to go back on wednesday to pick the new glasses up. Also happened to bump into my flatmate, his grilfriend and met his parents as well which was a little weird cause i couldnt see them and i look like ****, lol. o well my first impression still seemed to be ok.

I did pop into the travel agent to see how much flights to Australia are, seems its a fortune to fly out before christmas since the airlines hike the prices up to about £1,500 but if i was to fly out in september then it would only be around £800. How rediculas is that.
It's redicioulus enough to hate airlines ^^

I hope you can still make it tho :)



New member
Monday 23rd March 14:51

My life has just taken an unexpected but unsuprising turn. I really need a friend, in fact i think i really need Sarah. About a week ago a recieved an anonamous text message saying my step-dad was having an affair with someone called Claire Tarr who i don't know. Of course being curious i phoned my brother who still lives at home to get an idea of what was going on there. After a few phone calls to both my brother and my step-dad i was told it was only a rumor and there was no truth in it. During this converstation i also discovered that the text message had been sent by a friend of mine Helen Davey. That of course got me thinking about her motives in the whole situation, of course i questioned my friendship with her.

About an hour ago i recieved another text message from my step-dad himself, to my suprise admitting everything. Saying that he was sorry for his lies and that he had been having an affair with this Claire Tarr who it turns out i do kind of know as a friends ex, the reason i didnt know who she was, was that her surname is different. Of course since she's on facebook im not going to say who but this suprised me.

So now the current situation is that my mum is sat with this Claire, my step-dad and his sister Trudi in an attempt to sort out this situation. My brothers & sisters are due back from school anytime soon. It looks like my parents are going to split up, the worst part about it is that my mum new it was possible that he might go astray due to her being married when they got together but even when my step-dad had been caught he still did fess up. So any chance of him rescuing the situation he blew right out of the water.

I'm worried that i'm not going to be able to cope with another messy divorce. I'm scared that my step-dad will actually hit my mum when he loses his temper since he has a short fuse and hes punch me infront of a bunch of people before. I'm worried that it will effect my brothers simon's university application, my brother stephen's GCSE's but most of all i'm worried that my younger brother and sister Kaley and Joseph our going to get pushed and pulled about by this all.

I really, really don't know what to do. I have so much uni work to do, money worries and now this but my mum really doesn't have anybody else to turn too. I'm lost.....



New member
Dude!!! I'm sorry man!!! I haven't experienced any of that but I hope it goes well man. really I do!


New member
Oh sweetheart, I don't know what to say really. I don't know these people myself but my ***, you're family is putting a lot of pressure on you emotionally and financially. All I can say to you is that, everything will be ok in the end and now I'm starting to really worry for you sweetie. You know I am always here if you want to vent or just to plain old rant to. *hugs and kisses*


New member
@Sarah: I know your always there for me, my first port of call except for 2 in the morning. *hugs* its appreciated

@Sponge: Thanks man, i hope it all gets sorted soon

@MrsBennington-Delson: Anyone who sat and read that but still decided to comment has made an apperance on my friend radar :lol: but thank you, i hope things work themselves out quickly

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