diana's journal


*Freak on a Leash*
Dec 22, 2004
Celje/Maribor - Slovenia - Europe
Well, somehow I too decided that I'm gonna start my own journal...even though I think, for myself, that I'm not really interesting person but anyway... Actually I don't give a ****, if you reply me or not... :rolleyes: Ok, ok...I would be happy, but...I mustn't expect too much, right? :p

Soooo, I'm gonna start somehow... I'm diana. I'm coming from Slovenia and I know that many of you don't know where this is (just look in atlas...it's a small country between Italy, Austria, Croatia and Hungary... ;) ). I'm 17 years old and I'm currently visiting secondary school...I'm in third grade...just one and a half year and I'll go on university... :D Ok, ok...I'll stop now with this stupidity...
In my free time I'm riding horses...actually I'm pretty serious at this sport...I simply love it... :D Heh, and I don't know why I'm tellin' you this...you can read it on my public profile...lol... :eek:

Today was pretty good day...well, nothing special but anyway...nothing bad happened...
Tomorrow I'm taking test from economics...bleeee...I studied for like 8 hours during the weekend... :( I was destroyed...I'm not used to that kind of ****...

Hmmm, anyway, I think it's better for you that I stop writing that...for now...you won't get rid of me so easily... :D
Oh, just one more thing___I wasn't here online for like a half of year so I don't know much 'bout what's goin' on aroud here...and I don't know you people here...I think it would be pretty interesting metting you all - ofcourse, if you'll let me... :p

And this...english is not my "natural" language sooo...sorry, if my english isn't perfect... :thumbsup:

Be good and hope we'll talk soon... Bye-Bye!

Heh, I hope that too... :D

Well, today...nothing intersting...till now... :p Now, I'm going to see how Randi is feeling... :eek: Randi is a horse, btw...and I'll ride her for a bit and I hope she'll be good... :rolleyes: Cjoooooo, I don't know what to write!! :mad: That's not fair!! Anyway, I'll be back in the evening...

And...ooooooh...I can't wait till Friday comes!! My friend ( ex-boyfriend ) had birthday soooo...it's gonna be wild... :thumbsup: It's gonna be even more wild when I'm gonna meet with my boyfriend after birthday...then it's gonna be great!! :D Hey, I really need to freak out a bit...need this...or I'm gonna get insane... :eek:

OK, I better go now...have a great time and take care... Bye!
you did make a journal! :D
you're english is much better now! so dont worry about it at all :thumbsup:
cool b'day parties are always fun! :p
ttyl hon
*hugs and smooches*
Heeey! Hell, yeah, I did made it!! :D And you hold your word...you are reading it!! Thanks!! :D

Soooo, I finally came home...I "tortured" poor Randi for one and a half hour... :p But, don't worry...she's ok... ;) I'm just a little bit worried cuz she lost some weight and I don't know what to do with her so she would gain it back... :( Well, we'll figure up something... Btw, I can't wait summer season to begin so I'll compete again!! In jumping... :D

Hmmm, I haven't have time to do my homework for geography...bleee...I thim+nk I'll do it tomorrow cuz now it's like toooo late...it's 21.30h, btw... Soon I'll go in bed...jeeeeeeej...at last!!! :p

Be good and take care... Bye - Bye! *
Heh, my day was OK, I guess...again, nothing special... Oh, I haven't done my homework...I won't do it today...lol...:p I don't think I have enough energy for that school ****!!! :D Sooo...emmm...thanks for reading my journal...I'm very happy... :D *hugs*

Be good and ttyl... *
Heh, Randi is a horse...acually, she's a mare...lol...I think that I wrote that... :p But anyway...no problem...just ask, if you don't get averything... :D Be good... *hug*

By My-$elf : hmmm, and where are you comin from? Well, I think that there's no big difference in towns...hmmm...but, if I think twice...our town is pretty peacefully (it's small and I think that's the reason)...

Today it was great!! Everything was just like it should be... Maybe that's why I'm writing this at 10:10 pm... :D I don't know...I wake up in the morning and first thing that happened to me was that I got message on my mobile phone...it was from my bf...oh, and it was so sweet...I almost melt when I was reading it... :eek: It really made my morning better...
In school it was boring...like usual... Oh, we got our geography test back... I got grade 3 (from 1-5; 1 is the worst, 5 is the best) and I'm satisfide bout that cuz the last one I wrote it was grade 2 (what a stupid sentence... :mad: )...
Oh, my friend got pierced on the left sideof lower lip...it's pretty ok but...he has to cahnge the earing...and he will after two weeks... Emmm, I too thought bout having a pierce in the centre of lower lip but...I'm to afraid of needles and the pain that is caused by that... :( Yeah, I know...I'm a chicken...but, oh well...maybe I'll beat that fear some day... :rolleyes:

After school I went home and have lunch...and then I went riding...today I rode 2 horses... :D ...I'm a little bit tired but it's ok... After that I came home at 7.15 pm and start to study at 8 pm...bleeee...tomorrow I'm taking the test at slovenian...(our language is, btw, called slovenian or slovene ;) ) I hope it won't be hard cuz I haven't studyied much...
Sammi : Heh, Randi is a horse...acually, she's a mare...lol...I think that I wrote that... :p But anyway...no problem...just ask, if you don't get everything right... :D Be good... *hug*

By My-$elf : hmmm, and where are you comin from? Well, I think that there's no big difference in towns...hmmm...but, if I think twice...our town is pretty peacefully (it's small and I think that's the reason)...

Today it was great!! Everything was just like it should be... Maybe that's why I'm writing this at 10:10 pm... :D I don't know...I wake up in the morning and first thing that happened to me was that I got message on my mobile phone...it was from my bf...oh, and it was so sweet...I almost melt when I was reading it... :eek: It really made my morning better...
In school it was boring...like usual... Oh, we got our geography test back... I got grade 3 (from 1-5; 1 is the worst, 5 is the best) and I'm satisfide bout that cuz the last one I wrote it was grade 2 (what a stupid sentence... :mad: )...
Oh, my friend got pierced on the left sideof lower lip...it's pretty ok but...he has to cahnge the earing...and he will after two weeks... Emmm, I too thought bout having a pierce in the centre of lower lip but...I'm to afraid of needles and the pain that is caused by that... :( Yeah, I know...I'm a chicken...but, oh well...maybe I'll beat that fear some day... :rolleyes:

After school I went home and have lunch...and then I went riding...today I rode 2 horses... :D ...I'm a little bit tired but it's ok... After that I came home at 7.15 pm and start to study at 8 pm...bleeee...tomorrow I'm taking the test at slovenian...(our language is, btw, called slovenian or slovene ;) ) I hope it won't be hard cuz I haven't studyied much...

Now it's like 10.30 pm, I'm tired and sleepy...so I'm going to bed...
I'll be back tomorrow, though... :p

Take care and be good... *
um just ome little isolated town and well it's better than our next door town it's so small their and okay I'm just nice but mean to ppl here but they find it funny
By_My-$elf : Of course, towns and people vary so...it's just like that and it always will be...I'm just saying - **** THE SYSTEM!!! :D

Today was...hmmm...ok, I guess...
In school it was like usual...test at slovenian went ok, I think...and hope... On riding was excellent...I again rode 2 horses and it was really great! I'm exhausted but happy... :p
I don't have much to say... Oh, tomorrow is Friday!! Yeah, at last!! But I still don't have birthday present for Blaž... :confused: Well, I'll get it tomorrow after school, I guess... :rolleyes: Oh, oh...And I'll see my bf after one week... :D Can't wait! :p

OK, I got to go...to sleep...I have to wake up in the morning at 5.45 am! And now it's 9.50 pm....yeah, I'm going...

So, have a nice time and talk to you all tomorrow... Good Night! *
yeah no **** man i don't listen i cause alot of trouble but know when i should leave I'm slick when it comes to talking to cops and persuade them to go somewhere else
and look for some ppl that don't even exist and slide away silently when their near me lookin for me I love trouble I love to creep around when they chase me XD
By-My-$elf : ooooh, then you must have pretty interesting life... :p I mean, if you love doin that, why shouldn't you...It's somehow ql cuz you have guts for doin that...lol... :D Great thing! :thumbsup:

Soooo, I'm goin on riding (again) and then I'll go in town on birthday...Oh, I got present for him!! :thumbsup: I bought a ring that's pretty nice and a chainlet with an eagle that has leg on skull...I love it!! Well, I hope he's gonna like it...
School was ok, I guess...nothing special...oh, our timetable changed completely!! It's worse than before! We start school at 7.10 o'clock like 4 days a week and that's not good...it's so hard for me to get up at 5.45... :( bleeeee...hate it!! I mean, come on...they can't be serious...we supposed to start classes at 8!!! grrrrrrrr... :mad:

Hmmm...hja...what could I tell you? Meh, nothing...anyway, I'll go now...
Have a great time and enjoy Friday!!! :D

Btw, maybe I'll come back later, before going on bd... Bye! *
hmm sounds like a cool present ^^
woah 7:10?! :eek: that's bizarre! schools are supposed to start on 8 and not a min earlier than that!
I understand why you hate it..
well hopefully, it wont be as bad as it sounds
take care hon
have fun at the partaay ;)
*hugs and smooches*
yeah it is fun my friends try to act all cool and stay around but i know I should leave and i do at the right time and then they end up regreting it when i try to
tell them to leave to the just say i shoulda went with you but i just say oh well
your fault for trying to be all cool and you must've had a good tuime