diana's journal

Thanks, Jos...^^


Okay, the week of part-exams is finally over...was pretty hard...especially from the beginning...but yeah, we managed...:)
I already got some results:
Operating systems:
- theory: 60/140 points (was a hard exam)
- questions from practical work (linux): 119/140 points
Algorithms in the Real World: 70%
Computer Architecture: 25% (bitches apparently only give points if you got everything right...>.>)
Network centric computing: 82%
Now I'm only waiting for the Math II results...hope I did it for the >50%...*shrugs*

I'm at home (Celje) right now...and it's ****ing raining...:( So I'm stuck at house...maybe we're gonna go out a bit in the eve...after some long time (in Celje)...

Oh, and for the past three night me and Jure slept together...the longest period till now...:) It's always nice...and it/he makes me happy...^^

Blah, that's it...I'm gonna watch the newest episode of House MD now...
Yeah, I did well with those I passed...those I didn't, I failed badly...heh...**** it...=)

Well, I'm only going on a drink and cheeseburger with Nina, lol...it's all good, though...as long as I get to drive...^^
Okay...it's been awhile...>.<


So, what's been happening in my life?
Not that much of excitement, I guess...
Just being with my Jure as much as I can...going to some local concerts...getting drunk here and there...going to school, of course, trying to make it...etc...no use of bringing back the long past past...;)

So, yesterday...
Jure and me went shopping...he bought me some underwear and a "sleeping-shirt"...he got himself similar stuff...also we bought a christmas present for my mum...^^ We again haven't managed to find me shoes (skater ones) I'd love...and if there is a pair I like, they don't have the right size...I mean, come on, I'm loosing faith here, lol...I'm gonna have to check out the web...*shrugs*

Oh, and what I got for Jure for Christmas?
Black sheet, a small-medium size wooden elephant and a little box of chocolates...and I got it all sweetly wrapped up...so I can't wait for tomorrow to give it to him...I hope he's gonna be happy about it...^^
Lol, he just texted me that his mum gave him a present for me...haha...I'm so interested in seeing that...x)

Anyway, I don't think I got much more to say at this point...so...bye for now! :)
nice to hear of u again! :)

aaww sweet you and Jure spending so much together ^^

so I guess you had a great christmas and I wish u a great start into year 2009! ^___^
Awww, thank you...you're so sweet...I wish you the same, really! ^-^

Oh, that thing with Jure and my present to him...well...didn't quite turn out that way...we haven't seen eachother from Tuesday on...he went to Maribor on Wednesday...and I'm going there on Tuesday eve...we're going to spend the new year there (a small group of people)...should be fun...:)