Dick Morris: Hitlary is Just a Boring Talking Dog, with Fleas


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Dick Morris: Hillary's 'Talking Dog' Wearing Off

NewsMax columnist and political strategist Dick Morris, in a review of
Monday's Democratic Party presidential debate, says Hillary Clinton's
"talking dog syndrome" is wearing thin on the electorate, which may hamper
her efforts in future contests.

Morris, a former political adviser to President Bill Clinton, thinks
Hillary - the only woman among the candidates - has scored points with
viewers in earlier debates because they were unfamiliar with seeing her in
such a setting. Now, several debates later, this no longer works to the New
York senator's advantage.

"The effect of seeing a woman holding her own, addressing issues, being
articulate, what Hillary calls in her memoir 'the talking dog syndrome,'
which isn't that the dog talks well, it's that the dog talks at all, that is
now wearing off," Morris said.

Morris, appearing on Fox News Channel's "Hannity & Colmes" immediately
following Monday's CNN/YouTube debate, thinks Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois
got the best of the Democratic field during the debate, which featured
questions submitted in video form via YouTube.

"I think Obama really got his act together," Morris said. "[He] is finally
learning how to use a debate to project issues."

Morris believes Obama scored particularly well against Hillary when he
challenged her directly on issues such as special interests and healthcare.

"When he turned to her [Hillary] and said, 'I'm the only candidate not
taking special interest money,' or when he was aggressive with her in
confronting her on the special interests in the healthcare industry, when
you have Michael Moore's movie on that, I thought that that was excellent. I
think he's finally learning to get his act together."

As for another top-tier Democrat in the race, former Sen. John Edwards of
North Carolina, Morris was not so kind.

"I think Edwards - people are just seeing the snake oil salesman," Morris

Morris has co-authored "Outrage: How Illegal Immigration, the United
Nations, Congressional Ripoffs, Student Loan Overcharges, Tobacco Companies,
Trade Protection, and Drug Companies Are Ripping Us Off . . . and What to Do
About It," with his wife Eileen McGann. The book, which remains on the New
York Times best seller list, hits a raw nerve with "both Democrats and
Republicans [who] are disgusted with Congress and with their own party."

Some of that voter outrage may be vented during the primary season, which
may surprise some of the leading candidates for 2008.