Hitlary is Past Her Prime; Old, Haggy, Fish-Like, and All She Offers is Lies

On Jan 18, 11:14 am, "Patriot Games" <Patr...@America.com> wrote:
> "DeserTrannyBoB" <dese...@rglobal.net> wrote in message
> news:d8f0p3hsjsc9qh2s8u9sfopqgc860961gk@4ax.com...
> > On Thu, 17 Jan 2008 17:20:29 -0500, "Patriot Games"
> > <Patr...@America.com> wrote:
> >>No, it isn't happenning. The Taliban has ZERO government power anywhere
> >>in
> >>Afghanistan. <snip>

> > Really! Then why are we deploying 3200 Marines, MONTHS after NATO
> > warned that, if they didn't get ground and air support ASAP, the
> > Taliban would be back in power of the whole country by Q1 2008?

> I bet you thought putting "alt.test" in the newsgroup line was clever...
> Because we're finding that the Euro-pussies NATO provided are poorly trained
> in counter-insurgency ops and generally pussified ass-poppers.
> So the Marines are going to demonstrate to the NATO Euro-pussies how to kick
> some ass.

LOL! THe Northern Province of Kandahar, held by Canadian forces, is
the most stable area there is in Afghanistan.

The problem is that Yanks have no clue how to run a peacekeeping
operation, they've learned nothing from Lebanon.

The idiots don't bother to tell the Afghans they're going to be using
a road, so the police stop the APC (which they're supposed to do) and
get machine-gunned for their trouble. Yeah, real smart.

> And in so doing put a death-smackdown on a bunch of straggly Taliban that
> were thinking of a counter-offensive this Spring.
> > They
> > already have retaken control of most of the southern rural areas...or
> > don't you read "news," because reading and gathering information is
> > some sort of "communist plot?"

> The Taliban has ZERO government power anywhere in Afghanistan.

Yeah, right. Not only are they in charge in areas of Afghanistan, but
they're now moving into Pakistan too!
On Jan 21, 12:14 pm, "Patriot Games" <Patr...@America.com> wrote:
> "Governor Swill" <governor.sw...@gmail.com> wrote in message
> news:aut1p31qp7h6a5i8lq10m8f99i1a7vtjsq@4ax.com...
> > "Patriot Games" <Patr...@America.com> used a stick in the sand to
> > babble
> >>> In two of the debates and one other public speaking event. He said
> >>> clearly that he would violate Pakistan's territory if he had
> >>> compelling and actionable intel.
> >>No. He SPECIFICALLY said he'd violate Pakistan's territory if he had
> >>actionable intel IN OSAMA BIN LADEN. Zero mention of "compelling," ZERO
> >>mention of "training camps in Pakistan."

> > Which is a tough position that will attract those who highly prize
> > national security assuming he actually means it.

> And by some special Demmy Magic people who thought invading Iraq was a BAD
> idea will think invading Pakistan is a GOOD idea????

1. They thought invading Afghanistan was a good idea. Too bad Bush
would rather steal oil.

2. Unlike Iraq, Pakistan actually HAS weapons of mass destruction.

3. Chances are, it won't be an invasion. Mushie will probably invite
us in to save his own ass.

4. With what? You're out of troops, idiot.

> Right.....
> >>No, it isn't happenning. The Taliban has ZERO government power anywhere
> >>in
> >>Afghanistan.

> > False. The writ of the Kabul government doesn't run in much of the
> > country just as Mushie doesn't have control of significant areas of
> > HIS country. How many died in the bombing attack in Kabul last week?

> Feel free to cite JUST ONE government position ANYWHERE in Afghanistan held
> by a Taliban.
<sbm2006@shaw.ca> wrote in message
> On Jan 18, 11:14 am, "Patriot Games" <Patr...@America.com> wrote:
>> "DeserTrannyBoB" <dese...@rglobal.net> wrote in message
>> news:d8f0p3hsjsc9qh2s8u9sfopqgc860961gk@4ax.com...
>> > On Thu, 17 Jan 2008 17:20:29 -0500, "Patriot Games"
>> > <Patr...@America.com> wrote:
>> >>No, it isn't happenning. The Taliban has ZERO government power
>> >>anywhere
>> >>in
>> >>Afghanistan. <snip>
>> > Really! Then why are we deploying 3200 Marines, MONTHS after NATO
>> > warned that, if they didn't get ground and air support ASAP, the
>> > Taliban would be back in power of the whole country by Q1 2008?

>> I bet you thought putting "alt.test" in the newsgroup line was clever...
>> Because we're finding that the Euro-pussies NATO provided are poorly
>> trained
>> in counter-insurgency ops and generally pussified ass-poppers.
>> So the Marines are going to demonstrate to the NATO Euro-pussies how to
>> kick
>> some ass.

> LOL! THe Northern Province of Kandahar, held by Canadian forces, is
> the most stable area there is in Afghanistan.
> The problem is that Yanks have no clue how to run a peacekeeping
> operation, they've learned nothing from Lebanon.
> The idiots don't bother to tell the Afghans they're going to be using
> a road, so the police stop the APC (which they're supposed to do) and
> get machine-gunned for their trouble. Yeah, real smart.

Canadians are world pussies.

>> And in so doing put a death-smackdown on a bunch of straggly Taliban that
>> were thinking of a counter-offensive this Spring.
>> > They
>> > already have retaken control of most of the southern rural areas...or
>> > don't you read "news," because reading and gathering information is
>> > some sort of "communist plot?"

>> The Taliban has ZERO government power anywhere in Afghanistan.

> Yeah, right. Not only are they in charge in areas of Afghanistan, but
> they're now moving into Pakistan too!

Canadians are world pussies.

The Taliban never left Pakistan. Get a clue, world *****.

The Taliban has ZERO government power anywhere in Afghanistan.
"Governor Swill" <governor.swill@gmail.com> wrote in message
> "Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> used a stick in the sand to
> babble
>>>>And by some special Demmy Magic people who thought invading Iraq was a
>>>>idea will think invading Pakistan is a GOOD idea????
>>> It's not a good idea and that is most likely why he didn't say he
>>> would.

>>He did say he would.

> No, he didn't. You can spin what he said all you like but that won't
> change the facts.

He said he would.

"If we have actionable intelligence about high-value terrorist targets and
President Musharraf won't act, we will."

What spin?
"Governor Swill" <governor.swill@gmail.com> wrote in message
> Bush just said on TV, "That's the advantage of being President. You
> don't have to fill the potholes or empty the garbage."
> And then proceeded to stammer his way through an announcement that he
> has an economic stimulus package without saying anything about what it
> is.

It doesn't matter what HIS is. It has to get worked out by the House and
Senate, passed, THEN he has something he can sign.

> All three Dem candidates have been far more specific about their
> economic plans that a sitting President.

Which is worthless. Breck Gurl's plan is 100% worthless because he is 100%

Buckwheat's plan and Hitlary's plan are 99% worthless because they have to
get worked out by the House and Senate, passed, THEN Bush has something he
can sign.

> Has any President ever been more out of touch with the American
> People?

Carter, then Clinton.
"Governor Swill" <governor.swill@gmail.com> wrote in message
> "Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> used a stick in the sand to
> babble
>>> Wrong. They control large areas in the east and south and have now
>>> begun to perptrate terror attacks in Kabul.

>>You FAILED to CITE The Taliban having government power anywhere in

> Leave your tube on Fox for the next 24 hours and you'll find those
> cites. In the meantime, how about these.
> Most schools in southern Afghanistan have been closed for security
> reasons. The slack has been taken up by madrassas.
> http://canadianpress.google.com/article/ALeqM5hWd6KVYThbz9hpLKm9J8NYekflYw
> Well isn't that just ducky. The government sponsored secular schools
> are closing, but the religious schools run by muslim fundamentalists
> are taking on students. Another failure in the WoT.

You FAILED to CITE The Taliban having government power anywhere in

> "The extremist Taliban, which was in government between 1996 and 2001,
> is leading an insurgency that was at its deadliest last year."
> http://afp.google.com/article/ALeqM5hca0chjZG2HjqA091dzgjRDVYDCQ

You FAILED to CITE The Taliban having government power anywhere in

> Another story has it that a spring offensive is not expected or is
> expected to be minimal. Seems many Taliban fighters don't want to
> leave Pakistan and go back to Afghanistan to fight. I guess they find
> Pakistan's army much easier pickings.

You FAILED to CITE The Taliban having government power anywhere in

> Which brings us to the next point. The spread of militant Islam into
> Pakistan. Another failure in the WoT

No, militant Islam has NOT spread into Pakistan, it was ALREADY there, it
BEGAN there and has never left there.

>>>>> False. The writ of the Kabul government doesn't run in much of the
>>>>> country just as Mushie doesn't have control of significant areas of
>>>>> HIS country. How many died in the bombing attack in Kabul last week?
>>>>Feel free to cite JUST ONE government position ANYWHERE in Afghanistan
>>>>held by a Taliban.

> How about you answer my question? How many died in a Taliban
> terrorist attack in the CAPITAL last week? That doesn't demonstrate
> control of the country.

It merely demonstrates terrorism. Are you claiming the Taliban control
London, or Madrid, or Bali, or New York City?
<sbm2006@shaw.ca> wrote in message
> On Jan 21, 12:14 pm, "Patriot Games" <Patr...@America.com> wrote:
>> "Governor Swill" <governor.sw...@gmail.com> wrote in message
>> news:aut1p31qp7h6a5i8lq10m8f99i1a7vtjsq@4ax.com...
>> > "Patriot Games" <Patr...@America.com> used a stick in the sand to
>> > babble
>> >>> In two of the debates and one other public speaking event. He said
>> >>> clearly that he would violate Pakistan's territory if he had
>> >>> compelling and actionable intel.
>> >>No. He SPECIFICALLY said he'd violate Pakistan's territory if he had
>> >>actionable intel IN OSAMA BIN LADEN. Zero mention of "compelling,"
>> >>ZERO
>> >>mention of "training camps in Pakistan."
>> > Which is a tough position that will attract those who highly prize
>> > national security assuming he actually means it.

>> And by some special Demmy Magic people who thought invading Iraq was a
>> BAD
>> idea will think invading Pakistan is a GOOD idea????

> 1. They thought invading Afghanistan was a good idea. Too bad Bush
> would rather steal oil.
> 2. Unlike Iraq, Pakistan actually HAS weapons of mass destruction.
> 3. Chances are, it won't be an invasion. Mushie will probably invite
> us in to save his own ass.
> 4. With what? You're out of troops, idiot.
>> Right.....
>> >>No, it isn't happenning. The Taliban has ZERO government power
>> >>anywhere
>> >>in
>> >>Afghanistan.
>> > False. The writ of the Kabul government doesn't run in much of the
>> > country just as Mushie doesn't have control of significant areas of
>> > HIS country. How many died in the bombing attack in Kabul last week?

>> Feel free to cite JUST ONE government position ANYWHERE in Afghanistan
>> held
>> by a Taliban.

Nobody cares what a ***** Canadian thinks.
"Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> used a stick in the sand to
>>>> It's not a good idea and that is most likely why he didn't say he
>>>> would.
>>>He did say he would.

>> No, he didn't. You can spin what he said all you like but that won't
>> change the facts.

>He said he would.
>"If we have actionable intelligence about high-value terrorist targets and
>President Musharraf won't act, we will."
>What spin?

I watched the debate when he said it. He was talking about an air
strike for the purpose of assassination, NOT an invasion of the

"Governor Swill" <governor.swill@gmail.com> wrote in message
> "Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> used a stick in the sand to
> babble
>>>>> It's not a good idea and that is most likely why he didn't say he
>>>>> would.
>>>>He did say he would.
>>> No, he didn't. You can spin what he said all you like but that won't
>>> change the facts.

>>He said he would.
>>"If we have actionable intelligence about high-value terrorist targets and
>>President Musharraf won't act, we will."
>>What spin?

> I watched the debate when he said it. He was talking about an air
> strike for the purpose of assassination, NOT an invasion of the
> country.

"Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> used a stick in the sand to
>> I watched the debate when he said it. He was talking about an air
>> strike for the purpose of assassination, NOT an invasion of the
>> country.


I just gave it to you. I saw him say it in the SC debate. You want a
link? Find it here: www.youtube.com

The National Socialists made a movie called "The Eternal Jew". Anyone
can see their movie and see that one of the main reasons they were
against the Jews was because the Jews were promoting homosexual
perversion in the media. Here is an article they made about the movie:

"The self-portrait Jewry offered the world was disgusting from the
beginning. All that is overshadowed by the powerful examples in this
new and most valuable film, The Eternal Jew. This film with its
persuasive power must be shown everywhere where anti-Semitism is still
questioned. No one will will fail to shudder at the sneaking servility
and dirty bartering of the Jews when they start out, at the perfidy,
insidiousness and vulgarity of their methods, at the brutality and
all-devouring hatred they exhibit when they reach their goal and
control finance.
The most revolting scenes show Jewish slaughtering methods. These
customs, which cast a particularly vivid spotlight on the so-called
Jewish religion, are so terrible that it is hard to watch the film as
the grinning Jewish butchers carry out their work. It is illuminating
to see how stubbornly Jewry holds to its method of slaughter and with
which casuistry it defends it against the horror of the civilized
world. Rarely will people feel more horror than which watching the
desperate and horrible death struggle of the slaughtered animals. Long
before the seizure of power, the NSDAP fought against Jewish
slaughter. National Socialist representatives in parliament repeatedly
introduced legislation to abolish this form of animal torture through
a ban on Jewish slaughter. Such proposals were always rejected, since
the entire Jewish and Jewish-influenced press ran long articles
against them and the so-called German parties refused to support
National Socialism in its battle against this evil.
Not only in this regard, but in other areas too we are reminded with a
shudder of what once was reality in Germany: the power of the Jews in
the economy, finance, culture, theater, film, publishing, press,
radio, education and politics. All these Jewish leaders of the Weimar
era had their home or their origin in the filthy ghettos of the East.
One has a deep sense of salvation after seeing this film. We have
broken their power over us. We are the initiators of the fight against
world Jewry, which now directs its hate, its brutal greed and
destructive will toward us. We must win this battle for ourselves, for
Europe, for the world. This film will be a valuable tool in that

http://www.ihr.org/ http://www.natvan.com

http://www.thebirdman.org http://www.nsm88.com/

"Governor Swill" <governor.swill@gmail.com> wrote in message
> "Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> used a stick in the sand to
> babble
>>> I watched the debate when he said it. He was talking about an air
>>> strike for the purpose of assassination, NOT an invasion of the
>>> country.


> I just gave it to you. I saw him say it in the SC debate. You want a
> link? Find it here: www.youtube.com

Let me know when you hear something about an "air strike for the purpose of


Here is the debate in which what you claim you heard was NEVER said. Let me
know when you hear something about an "air strike for the purpose of

Video: CNN Democratic Debate From Myrtle Beach, South Carolina 1/21/08:

1/21/08 Democratic Presidential Debate (big screen version)