Did you ever feel life isn't worth living?


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2004
Hell, cause there`s no chance for heaven.
ok..I wanted to ask you ppl if you have ever felt life is meaningless..

My reason: I have a friend (I met him 2 weeks ago..so I don't know him that well..) who said he wants to end it all...he's 3 years younger than me and just broke up with his girlfriend. I know he is capable of getting past this problem, but I guess there are too many things that put togheter made him decide this..
I talked to him..convinced him not to do foolish things, but I want to see if you felt like him too..
I did .. but I don't know how to help him.It's hard for me to talk to him because i'm still dealing with my sadness ..
I know that feeling very well...I'm trying to not feel like that right now.And i know exactly how your friend feels...You are already helping him showing that you care,but i think the only one whjo can really help him is himself
Amy Shinoda said:
yes... all the time... i don't know why i haven't ended it all yet... sometimes i think that it be so much easier to run (no LP pun entended)... life sux... and is totally meaningless...

Please don't think like that!!!
Life isn't peachy so I guess we should accept that.
I'm sorry I'm not strong enough to help my friend..

Thinking about it, I feel his problem should be a motivation for me to "get better"..
I really need to get things straight in my life..because now I'm not the perfect person to give him advice..
SparkleDeveel said:
I know that feeling very well...I'm trying to not feel like that right now.And i know exactly how your friend feels...You are already helping him showing that you care,but i think the only one whjo can really help him is himself

You may be right, but I'm still afraid he'll do something..wrong...
I would like to do something more for him..
*runs hand through hair* Yes, I have thought that. *sigh* But you know, If you let those thoughts eat you, it only destroys your insides. I realize that the things that make me happy are fighting my dark intentions so that I constantly say to myself that life IS worth worth living. But there are times where I've wanted to end it all, but I'm just too scared. Too scared I'll be missing out on all the joys in life, and If I have to suffer to find my happiness, I will gladly survive the torture.
Well I don't think I ever wanted to end my life... I've had alot of **** happen, but i just ell myself its other people stupid **** doing this to me, so why killmyself, kill them!(Jk lol) I ain't good at advice so i don't know what to say, i've allways dealt with stuff different the people, so all I can tell you, is tell you friend, **** happens..... Can't really do much about it. The more you go through the smarter you get, so think of it has a learning experience.... I probly didnt help at all but hey i tried ><
So many times. Always after I got in a fight with a sister or my mom. I felt that I had put to much stress on them, myself. School always brings me down. Felt ignored. But I just push that aside. Now I don't.

Sometimes life does seem like crap, but is there a point to end it?
I've felt like this many times, everytime everybody's involved in something it seems i'm always the odd man out, & half the ppl in my skewl like annoying the **** outta me other than that home fights are very bad too
i have been feeling like that for two years. haven't been happy. i even try to end my life. everybody around is always so ****in happy and evrything so annoying i juss feel like i don't wanna be here.
! Al ! said:
I've felt like this many times, everytime everybody's involved in something it seems i'm always the odd man out, & half the ppl in my skewl like annoying the **** outta me other than that home fights are very bad too

i got into alot of fights with my best friends at skool
n' like at home every **** happens here they involved me in it...
anyway but i can still live with that n' i wont stop having fun lol
i'll do whatever it takes to not make me feel misrable
Minzara said:
Well I don't think I ever wanted to end my life... I've had alot of **** happen, but i just ell myself its other people stupid **** doing this to me, so why killmyself, kill them!(Jk lol) I ain't good at advice so i don't know what to say, i've allways dealt with stuff different the people, so all I can tell you, is tell you friend, **** happens..... Can't really do much about it. The more you go through the smarter you get, so think of it has a learning experience.... I probly didnt help at all but hey i tried ><

Done the '**** happens' already... One step ahead of you... :rolleyes:
i did last yer when these boy at skool tease me ever day.. but this yer im always happy.. **** happens and u have to get over it.. dont kill ur self.. tha doesnt do any think a part from make ur family and friend misrable becuz ur gone..