Did you find love or did love find you?


New member
For some reason I always seem to just get used for my greek *** legs, flowing blonde locks, and rock hard ***.. Woe = wez..



And after

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New member
I was ten years old. I put my left hand in my pocket. There was a hole in the pocket. Hand and ***** met. They have had a strong loving relationship ever since.


New member
I was ten years old. I put my left hand in my pocket. There was a hole in the pocket. Hand and ***** met. They have had a strong loving relationship ever since.
That is the most romantic thing I have ever read.



New member
I was ten years old. I put my left hand in my pocket. There was a hole in the pocket. Hand and ***** met. They have had a strong loving relationship ever since.
Yes, it is quite touching, isn't it?



New member
I fall in love with every guy who makes me laugh.
Note: my online crushes on Hugo and Eddo ( not to mention the lesbian crush I am developing on Ali )

I believe when it coms to affairs of the heart a woman should make an informed decision:

Segments from:

The Arizona Journal of Medicine

Fall 2007

pgs 43-46

Eddo; The human stink bomb: A case study.

(First sentence)

The subject of this study has rare forms of untreatable halitosis, body odor and flatulance that has never before been encountered, to this degree of severity, in the history of medicine.
(Final sentences)

There are several theories as to the cause of the obnoxious odors emanating from all of eddo's orifices. These include a possible relation to his chronic lice infestation; sadly no one is able to stay in his presence long enough to do an effective study. He remains a medical mystery.
I think the title tells it all here.


The North Dakota Journal of Medicine

September 2006

Ali; the Leper: A case study.

These are hard to find on line if you wish to verify my information. The best way to confirm the veracity of the articles is to confer with our resident medical practitioner in training, wez. I am sure he has come across these cases in his studies.



New member
LOL! hugo, you rat.

Anna - be fairly warned that hugo will drink all your beer, never take out the trash and he enjoys killing baby polar bears for sport.

He's also been reported to have wooly genitals (REAL wool) so if you have any sort of allergies....



New member
**** you journal of medicine!!

**** you straight to ****!

what the ****, this thing won't let you type in all caps???



New member
I am currently in a love pentagon with myself, my TV, my XBOX 360, my laptop, and my car. Love at first sight for those babies.


I fall in love with every guy who makes me laugh.
Some of my exes have been completely evil but because they cracked me up I couldn't resist them.
I've noticed this too. Women like men who can make them laugh. They also prize confidence in men. Looks also are important. The order of importance varies from woman to woman

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