Dilemma-Getting a Car

GF said:
I recently replaced my Caddy Escalade, which I used as my work vehicle driving over 100 miles a day, and bought a Chevy HHR. I saved over $100 a week at the pump. Escalade got 10 MPG city and 15 MPG highway compared to HHR getting 25 City and 32 highway. I sacrificed the luxury for economy. My HHR has leather and just about everything else the Escalade had. It is much smaller, but, when transporting a laptop to do your job the space I lost was unneeded anyway.
The HHR is rather stylish. I see people staring at it when I'm stopped and I have had a few ask me about it while stopped at a light. It is a head turner.
Yeah, hubby liked the look of the Escalade but the gas mileage is a real turn off. That will probably be one of the desciding factors in what I get.
The HHR is pretty stylish and has a much better price tag than the Escalade.
No problemo, Tori!

The NSX will surley be a premium choice! Not only does it save you time travelling, but you can have more time to sleep before you get to work! Hehe. Umm, I would definitley recommend it. And wow you have A LOT of cars! Great family cars in there too so the NSX wouldn't hurt you if you bought one! Unless it did to your wallet, but other than that, the rest of your vehicles make you virtually versatille under any transportation circumstance, unless it's flying lol.
GF YOU HAD AN ESCALADE?! How much was it if you don't mind me asking. I know an 18 year old in my high school who's dad lets him drive one to school! LUCKY BAST!
Hamza123 said:
...unless it's flying lol.
LOL My husband wants to eventually build an untralite as a long term project, so I guess we'll have that one covered in a few years.
ToriAllen said:
??Why would you take your foot off the brake at a stop unless you are about to go? I love the fact that at a stop or a light I have a faster take off than most. The only thing dangerous about using both feet is that most people don
Hamza123 said:
GF YOU HAD AN ESCALADE?! How much was it if you don't mind me asking. I know an 18 year old in my high school who's dad lets him drive one to school! LUCKY BAST!

My Escalade was 75,000 fully loaded and with options only I would want. I had the seats resized to fit my height, I'm 5'3. I love my Escalade. I have a Mazda Miata for when I need to go somewhere and not use up gas. Although I will be trading that in because my baby doesn't fit in it. I've been looking at the VW. They look nice. It's a tough call.
snafu said:
Why would you take your foot off at a stop light? because you have to go some time.

ToriAllen said:
??Why would you take your foot off the brake at a stop unless you are about to go?
snafu said:
Do you just take off as soon as the light turns green? You're gonna get hit by the nucklehead that runs thier red light. Use the 3 second rule before you take off. You will have plenty of time to take your foot off the break and put it on the gas.
No wonder you drive with two feet! What'd I say? race car drivers and Sammy Hagar(I can't drive 55) are the only ones that should use two feet :D
We see who taught you how to drive.
manicmonday said:
My Escalade was 75,000 fully loaded and with options only I would want. I had the seats resized to fit my height, I'm 5'3. I love my Escalade. I have a Mazda Miata for when I need to go somewhere and not use up gas. Although I will be trading that in because my baby doesn't fit in it. I've been looking at the VW. They look nice. It's a tough call.
Audi's are nice. They are a division of VW. I'm starting to look at them as well.
ToriAllen said:
If there is one thing I am when I drive it is vigilant. If there is a car that is not slowing down then I certainly am not going to go. You forget that I learned to drive in Atlanta, where five cars go on through once the light has turned red. I know how to watch for idiots. I also know how to look and see that there are none. I would never reduce my driving to a
I can't wear bulky shoes when I drive. Makes me crazy. Hell, from April until October, you're lucky if I actually WEAR shoes while I drive. I hate my feet being constrained so I usually wear slip on shoes. I get in the car, they come off. When I have to wear shoes because it's bitchin' cold outside, I wear sneakers while I'm driving. Boots make me batty.
My parents let my drive their Dodge Ram before in the outskirts of town (the country side), and damn is it ever pepi! If I wanted to drive it properly, I was forced to stay in my socks. I just barley tapped the gas and it went flying. Bad idea in the snow too.
angie said:
I have to agree here. I don't use a 3 second rule. I know which interesections I have to watch out for, and which I can just start to go on. The light for my road, I wait and then proceed VERY slowly. There is zero visibility depending on which direction you are coming from, and I have seen quite a few people blow through the light.
I agree to a point. However, if it is a blind intersection it would seem that lingering in the intersection by pulling out slow would increase your chances of getting hit. I say be careful and look for cars, but if you don
Angie, I'm the same way with shoes in general. I love Florida because I can get away with sandals all the time. I take them off the minute I get where I'm going, either work or home. I NEVER drive with shoes on. I am so bad that I will slip my shoes off without thinking of it and then can't find them when I need them. If it were up to me I would go everywhere barefoot. I feel actually insecure if I have to drive with shoes on, I feel like I need to really feel the pedal beneath my foot.
I love shoes that are slip on, hate hate hate to wear anything that laces up or confines me.
I wore Ralph Lauren loafers the other night when we went to the theatre and I wore a blister on my heel, it had been more then a year since I have worn enclosed shoes with a back on them like that. I learned my lesson. The callous is gone from the back of my foot.
I like the '97-99 model Ram. I hated when they went back to the more square body style. Why screw with a good thing?

I agree! Instead of squaring it off, I would have just made it even bigger, and with a bigger cab to make it look mean, yet modern. I hate it when auto-makers screw around with cars for the worse... Like taking away the SUPRA!

My poor baby.


I once wore slip ons to park the car while my parents were fixing the backyard and I almost hit a stop sign... The reason being is because the slip ons had THICK soles, I didn't realise it though. Now If I drive I will take with me my basketball shoes, extremely light, thin soles, and tight on my foot so I know where the actual shoe is going. A good thing I saw on TV on time is this little light on the dash board, that lit up every time the person just touched the gas.
Tori-just got my new car yesterday- 97 Jetta. Manual. LOVE IT. Lots and lots of fun to drive. Give VW a try, everyone I have ever known who has owned one loves them.
I had my NSX for 6 years. It was a good car for weekend drives, but it was not a daily driver or a trip car.