Dixie Chicks revenge is sweet. Depression is rampant in the rightard community.

"Daniel" <sabot120mm@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> >

> >
> > > I can still give my opinion, jerk.

> >
> > It's the very fact that the Democrats won that election that insures

that we
> > are ALL still entitled to our own opinions . . . a right that was in
> > jeopardy until the elections removed many of the legislators who

> > Emperor Dumbya, and his "my way or the highway" approach to governing.

> > no longer gets a rubber-stamp from Congress when he tries to play "The
> > Decider". Other opinions and alternate points of view are once again
> > allowed.

> Wow, talk about reading something into nothing.

Hardly "nothing". SyVyN11 stated that he/she was entitled to his/her own
opinion. I simply pointed out that the very right to have an opinion of
ones own had been threatened, but that the election of November of 2006
restored the "checks and balances" in our government, thus removing much of
that threat.

Right-wingers, in general, are adamant about the fact that they have a right
to form their own opinions, and then opine that the world would be better
off if nobody EXCEPT them had that right, often calling or wishing for that
right to be rescinded when it comes to opinions that don't coincide with
theirs. SyVyN11 is a classic example of such a person.
On Tue, 13 Feb 2007 13:28:07 -0500, "SyVyN11"
<syvyn11@peoplepc.com> wrote:

>"Harry Hope" <rivrvu@ix.netcom.com> wrote in message
>> Here's to not just Maines' incredible artistic achievements, but her
>> political prescience as well.
>> ________________________________________________
>> Harry

>Don't know of any Dicksee Chunks fueled depression in the right wing.
>Most of us don't give a ****.

Most who don't feel anything don't have a ****ing brain

Else they wouldn't be ignorant rightwing assholes.
Just "usenet libs"??

And you can't debate or stop us, so you wish death.

Karma's a funny thing.

"SyVyN11" <syvyn11@peoplepc.com> wrote in message
> "fargo116" <fargo116@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:1171394340.560353.318260@p10g2000cwp.googlegroups.com...
> > On Feb 13, 12:09 pm, "SyVyN11" <syvy...@peoplepc.com> wrote:
> >
> >> > LMAO! You post on the subject constantly. Face it, Sylvia, you're

> >> > as furious at this as Pelosi is about the Speaker of the House
> >> > supposedly ordering a bigger plane. You aren't fooling anyone. LMAO!
> >> > And there is NOTHING you can do about it.
> >>
> >> > S. Olson
> >>
> >> cannot be any more wrong. But you libs should be used to being

> >
> >
> > LMAO! This was your fourth post in this thread on the subject,
> > Sylvia...LMAO! Suuuuuuuure,you don't care.
> >
> > S. Olson

> God, I hope all you libs die!
> I really do. America would be so much better if all you usenet libs were
> to die!
> >

On Feb 13, 2:23 pm, Lamont Cranston <lamont.cranston@WhoKnows> wrote:

> Actually, we are used to being correct -- witness the 2006
> election.

Witness the 16 years prior to it.
SyVyN11 wrote:

> "Joseph Welch" <seattledemocracy@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:12t41ee39oh577@corp.supernews.com...
> >
> >"SyVyN11" <syvyn11@peoplepc.com> wrote in message

> news:eqsvvq$6hl$1@news.albasani.net...
> >
> > > Don't know of any Dicksee Chunks fueled depression in the right
> > > wing. Most of us don't give a ****.

> >
> > You care so little, you call them names.
> >
> > How did that election go last November, by the way? I forget.

> you can't argue my point so you dredge up old news.
> I can still give my opinion, jerk.
> >
> > -- ____________________
> >
> >
> > George W. Bush has made the terrorists stronger, their influence
> > wider, their numbers larger, and their motivation to attack the
> > U.S. and other western interests greater. He has repeatedly abused
> > his authority and violated his Oath of Office by turning his back
> > on the United States Constitution; thereby surrendering to the
> > terrorists by undermining American freedoms,values, and the very
> > foundations of our system of government. Supporting Bush is
> > treason. _____________________
> >
> >
> > JW
> >
> > "You've done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long
> > last? Have you left no sense of decency?"
> > http://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/welch-mccarthy.html
> > The New Face of the Republican Party
> > http://tinyurl.com/y2j2yr
> >
> >

you are cracking up neander-freak. You'll never make it to 2008.

so I'll clue you in to 2008/2010 and 2012.

Reicbugs lose, lose and lose more with each election.

expect 40 yrs in the wilderness loser.

had your moron-in-chief not illegally invaded Iraq, it would have been
40 yrs as the Majority Party.

but, greed has a habit of beng its own self-destructor.

byebye ninny.

<kwag7693@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> > Actually, we are used to being correct -- witness the 2006
> > election.

> Witness the 16 years prior to it.

You mean the 16 years of unprecedented greed, corruption and partisanship in
the House of Representatives? Yes, history has witnessed it, which will
hopefully keep future generations of voters from allowing it to be repeated.
WF Peifer wrote:

> "Daniel" <sabot120mm@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:1171400610.465495.294160@h3g2000cwc.googlegroups.com...
> > >
> > >
> > > > I can still give my opinion, jerk.
> > >
> > > It's the very fact that the Democrats won that election that
> > > insures

> that we
> > > are ALL still entitled to our own opinions . . . a right that was
> > > in jeopardy until the elections removed many of the legislators
> > > who

> supported
> > > Emperor Dumbya, and his "my way or the highway" approach to
> > > governing.

> He
> > > no longer gets a rubber-stamp from Congress when he tries to play
> > > "The Decider". Other opinions and alternate points of view are
> > > once again allowed.

> >
> > Wow, talk about reading something into nothing.

> Hardly "nothing". SyVyN11 stated that he/she was entitled to his/her
> own opinion. I simply pointed out that the very right to have an
> opinion of ones own had been threatened, but that the election of
> November of 2006 restored the "checks and balances" in our
> government, thus removing much of that threat.
> Right-wingers, in general, are adamant about the fact that they have
> a right to form their own opinions, and then opine that the world
> would be better off if nobody EXCEPT them had that right, often
> calling or wishing for that right to be rescinded when it comes to
> opinions that don't coincide with theirs. SyVyN11 is a classic
> example of such a person.

I beleive they are called "Hypocrites" whole Nation is made up of them.

"WF Peifer" <WFPeifer@NoSpam.com> wrote in message
> "SyVyN11" <syvyn11@peoplepc.com> wrote in message
> news:eqt2an$aiq$1@news.albasani.net...
>> I can still give my opinion, jerk.

> It's the very fact that the Democrats won that election that insures that
> we
> are ALL still entitled to our own opinions . .

in your world, only libs have a right to opinions. I will give my opinon
and you can't do a thing about it.
"Passerby" <MrE @midnight.net> wrote in message
> "WF Peifer" <WFPeifer@NoSpam.com> wrote in message
> news:r6-dnb24P6bYgk_YnZ2dnUVZ_tunnZ2d@comcast.com...
> "SyVyN11" <syvyn11@peoplepc.com> wrote in message
> news:eqt5t3$gl7$1@news.albasani.net...
>> God, I hope all you libs die!
>> I really do. America would be so much better if all you usenet libs
>> were
>> to die!

> In other words, you actually believe that America would be better off with
> no dissent allowed, equal rights for racial and religious minorities and
> women repealed, no regulations on corporations so we could go back to the
> 72-hour work week for barely subsistence wages and just letting the sick
> die
> if they weren't lucky enough to be rich and educational possibilities
> restricted to the children of the wealthy.
> How very Fascist of you! Mussolini, Hitler and George W. Bush would be so
> proud!
> The perfect repubLIECON patsy...

Point of order.

I said USENET libs! Not the normal run of the mill libs.

They can live, you ****s need to die.

"SyVyN11" <syvyn11@peoplepc.com> wrote:

>"Harry Hope" <rivrvu@ix.netcom.com> wrote in message
>> Here's to not just Maines' incredible artistic achievements, but her
>> political prescience as well.

>Don't know of any Dicksee Chunks fueled depression in the right wing.

<smile> I can see you're badly upset by this, rightard. I'm happy
that you're ginding your teeth and turning red.

President Obama. Get used to it.
"SyVyN11" <syvyn11@peoplepc.com> wrote:

>God, I hope all you libs die!

Well golly, rightard, why don't you just pick up that rifle and
start shooting? I mean baby**** Jesus, pal, you want to.

President Obama. Get used to it.
<President Obama. Get used to it. (President Obama. Get used to it.)> wrote
in message news:12t4v232fuqnp7e@corp.supernews.com...
> "SyVyN11" <syvyn11@peoplepc.com> wrote:
>>"Harry Hope" <rivrvu@ix.netcom.com> wrote in message
>>> Here's to not just Maines' incredible artistic achievements, but her
>>> political prescience as well.

>>Don't know of any Dicksee Chunks fueled depression in the right wing.

> <smile> I can see you're badly upset by this, rightard. I'm happy
> that you're ginding your teeth and turning red.

because this is your top issue right now. you are desperate to use this to
fuel your deluison that all americans side with you.

> ---
> President Obama. Get used to it.
"Joseph Welch" <seattledemocracy@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> "SyVyN11" <syvyn11@peoplepc.com> wrote in message
> news:eqsvvq$6hl$1@news.albasani.net...
>> Don't know of any Dicksee Chunks fueled depression in the right wing.
>> Most of us don't give a ****.

> You care so little, you call them names.

He cared so little about them, he posted about 30 times in a thread about
the Dixie Chicks when the Grammy Awards were on. If you really want to get
him going, tell him you think Jethro Tull was the greatest metal band ever

> How did that election go last November, by the way? I forget.
> --
> ____________________
> George W. Bush has made the terrorists stronger, their influence wider,
> their numbers larger, and their motivation to attack the U.S. and other
> western interests greater. He has repeatedly abused his authority and
> violated his Oath of Office by turning his back on the United States
> Constitution; thereby surrendering to the terrorists by undermining
> American
> freedoms,values, and the very foundations of our system of government.
> Supporting Bush is treason.
> _____________________
> JW
> "You've done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last?
> Have
> you left no sense of decency?"
> http://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/welch-mccarthy.html
> The New Face of the Republican Party
> http://tinyurl.com/y2j2yr
"SyVyN11" <syvyn11@peoplepc.com> wrote in message
> in your world, only libs have a right to opinions. I will give my

> and you can't do a thing about it.

Many who you would call "libs" have fought and died to protect your right to
have your own opinion, while those that I would call "chickenhawks" were
happy to send them, but unwilling to go themselves. I'd be willing to bet
that the only fighting you've ever done has been with your big mouth, and
you wouldn't even use that to protect a liberal's rights.
"SyVyN11" <syvyn11@peoplepc.com> wrote in message
> Point of order.
> I said USENET libs! Not the normal run of the mill libs.
> They can live, you ****s need to die.

Big threats so often come from small minds.
Monica Lewinski was the original DickSee Chick.

"SyVyN11" <syvyn11@peoplepc.com> wrote in message
> "WF Peifer" <WFPeifer@NoSpam.com> wrote in message
> news:_IydndK4_tT-uU_YnZ2dnUVZ_qunnZ2d@comcast.com...
>> "SyVyN11" <syvyn11@peoplepc.com> wrote in message
>> news:eqt2an$aiq$1@news.albasani.net...
>>> I can still give my opinion, jerk.

>> It's the very fact that the Democrats won that election that insures that
>> we
>> are ALL still entitled to our own opinions . .

> in your world, only libs have a right to opinions. I will give my
> opinon and you can't do a thing about it.
"SyVyN11" <syvyn11@peoplepc.com> wrote in message
> "WF Peifer" <WFPeifer@NoSpam.com> wrote in message
> news:_IydndK4_tT-uU_YnZ2dnUVZ_qunnZ2d@comcast.com...
>> "SyVyN11" <syvyn11@peoplepc.com> wrote in message
>> news:eqt2an$aiq$1@news.albasani.net...
>>> I can still give my opinion, jerk.

>> It's the very fact that the Democrats won that election that insures that
>> we
>> are ALL still entitled to our own opinions . .

> in your world, only libs have a right to opinions. I will give my
> opinon and you can't do a thing about it.

Nor care.
"SyVyN11" <syvyn11@peoplepc.com> wrote:

><President Obama. Get used to it. (President Obama. Get used to it.)> wrote
>in message news:12t4v232fuqnp7e@corp.supernews.com...
>> "SyVyN11" <syvyn11@peoplepc.com> wrote:
>>>"Harry Hope" <rivrvu@ix.netcom.com> wrote in message
>>>> Here's to not just Maines' incredible artistic achievements, but her
>>>> political prescience as well.
>>>Don't know of any Dicksee Chunks fueled depression in the right wing.

>> <smile> I can see you're badly upset by this, rightard. I'm happy
>> that you're ginding your teeth and turning red.

>because this is your top issue right now.

LOL! The "top issue" to executing your Fuhrer and his fellow Christian
terrorists, but for now it's enough seeing you steam at the Dixie Chicks.

President Obama. Get used to it.
Joseph Welch wrote:
> "SyVyN11" <syvyn11@peoplepc.com> wrote in message
> news:eqsvvq$6hl$1@news.albasani.net...
>>Don't know of any Dicksee Chunks fueled depression in the right wing. Most
>>of us don't give a ****.

> You care so little, you call them names.
> How did that election go last November, by the way? I forget.

A bunch of corrupt, incompetent, partisan fools were replaced by a bunch
of corrupt, incompetent, partisan fools.
Meanwhile, life for the average American remains unchanged.
"Vandar" <vandar69@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> > How did that election go last November, by the way? I forget.

> A bunch of corrupt, incompetent, partisan fools were replaced by a bunch
> of corrupt, incompetent, partisan fools.
> Meanwhile, life for the average American remains unchanged.

Actually, not quite a complete analysis. In reality, a bunch of corrupt,
incompetent, partisan fools who were quite willing to let Dumbya do whatever
he wanted, whenever he wanted, regardless of the cost to the American people
were replaced by a bunch of corrupt, incompetent, partisan fools who were
determined to impede Dumbya's plans at almost every turn. In terms of the
ultimate cost to Americans, this represents a government that can accomplish
little, which is usually a good thing.