Do atheists know more about Christianity than Christians?

Wow, I would miss all the fun in this topic wouldn't I? LOL

As far as the title, it doesn't surprise me. It seems that a lot (not all) of "religious" folks are bandwagoners. They just do it because they are sheep and see everyone else doing it. Or they were raised to be something instead of having a choice. It seems that when a question is asked about certain aspects of a religion, you get multiple answers. I think that alone throws a lot of people off.

I can only speak from my own experience. I wasn't raised in a religion or denomination. I grew to embrace the Idea of the Catholic Church as the one true Church of Christ, that continued in his word through St. Peter.

I do not however believe or condone much of the Dogma as it applies to the world today. I was given and let to have my own choice and don't push it on anyone.

I agree with the following...

“Question with boldness even the existence of God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason than that of blindfolded fear” ~ Thomas Jefferson

I chose to believe.
Great quote.

And I think those who were raised of a certain religion tend to be those who are "God-fearing", because they were raised on such. The Bible is some scary sh t if you actually take the time to read it, and depending on who your pastor was, it was either "God's a cool guy" or "God will soul-rape you if you make even the tiniest of sins." So that probably had something to do with it.

Those who grew up THEN became religious had more life experience and more reasoning skills, and concluded that a God existed, etc, etc. They have more well-thought out reasoning behind what they worship. Also, they are less likely to take things at face value because they aren't afraid of God, and can go in with a "Well, God was kind of a dick in the beginning of the Bible, but is kind of a cool dude now" attitude. They don't need to operate on preconceptions because they've thought about it and decided what was right, vs having it ingrained via parents.

That's how it's seemed to me, anyway.
Wow, I would miss all the fun in this topic wouldn't I? LOL

As far as the title, it doesn't surprise me. It seems that a lot (not all) of "religious" folks are bandwagoners. They just do it because they are sheep and see everyone else doing it. Or they were raised to be something instead of having a choice. It seems that when a question is asked about certain aspects of a religion, you get multiple answers. I think that alone throws a lot of people off.

As I pointed out earlier, maybe the reason people don't know all the ins and outs of various religious points is "because their faith does not come from a book"?

An Atheist in many cases is very curious, and many are highly educated and love to disect every aspect of something to try and understand what they don't understand. It stands to reason that someone like that would know a great deal about various religious practices because the only way the Atheist knows about religion is from those written works.

But, the Christian does not get his understanding of faith from a book. The Christian already feels his faith inside him and while some try to further define and explain their faith through religion, other people do not get into structured religion. Faith does not reqire a specific religion. There is no command from God for humans to join a specific religion, in fact there are many people who believe joining a specific religion is not wanted by God because in a certain way of looking at it, that is man worshiping man's creation of a specific religion instead of worshiping God himself without anything else getting in the way.

People with faith are not sheep or stupid, that is a common protection measure used by Atheists to support their own disbelief. I always wondered why Atheists were so determined to try and pull down those with faith until I came to understand they do it out of fear. Fear they are wrong and their fear forces them to strike out at those who believe what they can't believe. I have nothing against an Atheist except for their need to attack me and my beliefs. If they don't have faith, then fine, don't believe, no big deal, simply live your life and let me live mine, why go out of your way to try and make those of faith seem brainwashed or stupid just because you don't understand why they believe what they believe?